Associated Student Government of Rogue Community College
Executive Session, Friday, 13March 2017 Redwood Campus
Building L-2, 7:30-9:30am
- Call to Order (Action): Mike Spark calls the executive session to order at 7:35am.
- Silent Roll Call (Information): Jenny Jackson, Mike Spark, Nik Grimsby, Kodie Gallegos, Anthony Boyd, Haley George, David Haas, John Hoel, and Derek Boyd.
- Approval of Agenda (Action):Nik motioned to approve the agenda as amended, Anthonyseconded the motion. The motion passed by consensus.
- Approval of Minutes for March 6, 2017(Action):Nik motioned to approve the minutes for March 6, 2017 as submitted. David seconded the motion. Motion passed by consensus.
- Guests and Public Speakers (Information):
- Derek Boyd- Derek returned to further discuss the library funding campaign. He brought supplies; a call script, bumper stickers, fliers, pins, pamphlets, etc. Derek also mentioned that Dean Wendle, board of education member, endorses ASG supporting the library campaign. “We are working to keep libraries open.” A student volunteer opportunity is presented to encourage anyone interested to join the campaign.
- Advisor’s Report (Information):Thank you all for your hard work. We have a lot on our plates, and each ASG member works hard to achieve our goals. The trip this weekend was great. Extra kudos to Mike Spark for his work on the OCCSA board. One of the greatest things we have accomplished this year is working hard to rebuild OCCSA as an organization, and we should take pride in all we have accomplished. Well done, Mike. Well done, team. District Student Council went very well on Friday evening. Time change is rough. Hang in there.
- Officer’s Reports (Information): (Two weeks reported this week)
Mike Spark- 15 Total: 122/110
Nik Grimsby-10.5Total: 116/110
Anthony Boyd7Total: 99/110
Haley George4Total: 75/110 half time: 75/55
Kodie Gallegos4Total: 115/110
David Haas5Total: 113/110
John Hoel20Total: 102/110
- Committee Reports (Information):
- Office Beautification: Need to remove broken microwave. Jenny will submit a work order to facilities for microwave removal. ASG members also need to remember to empty recycle bins and empty trash cans.
- District Student Council Committee (DSCC)- No new updates. Meeting was held this past weekend in Portland. The committee is communicating via email.
- Unfinished Business (Information):
- Library Social Nights- Math and science club is hosting this Friday from 5-7pm. There will be a variety of science stuff. Kodie may bring a horse fetus. “I don’t know if we need a horse fetus.” (David)
- Rogue Comedy Festival- Mike has a calendar listing each week’s activities to prepare for the event. He has emailed it to the team. Currently we are contacting comedy clubs to recruit comedians. The recruitment flier went out to clubs. A packet for seeking sponsorships will be completed by Mike and sent to the team by Tuesday morning. RVC will be helping with seeking sponsorships from Medford businesses.
- Drag Show- the drag show is still Broadway themed. The date of the event has been changed from March 24th to April 28th. No new updates.
- Invisible Disabilities Awareness Event-The event was changed from March 8th to April 17th. We are coordinating with RVC and disability services. We are still waiting to hear back for Andrew Childress about whether or not the date of April 17th will work. We are also waiting to hear back from RVC.
- Open Position- Executive Secretary- Have several interested parties who intend on submitting their applications this week. We will host interviews next Monday.
- RCC showcase- RCC showcase event is today in student center.
- Pizza and survey- The event happened last week. Many surveys were filled out and a lot of pizza as well. There was some concern expressed about how long it takes to talk with individuals about the content of the survey. An average of five minutes per person to explain the current budget situation. Anthony is still working with Rene and Kori to come up with a survey that provides more information on the survey itself. Anthony mentioned that he was at the RVC event for the duration and ran the event.
- New Business (Information):
- Allocations-No allocations this week.
- Executive Session day and time- Executive session will be on Tuesdays from 4-6pm. ED122 will be from 6-6:50pm. (Spring term).
- Upcoming Events (Information):
- Library Social Nights, March 17th, 6-8pm, Library (hosted by math and science club)
- St. Patty’s Day Rave, March 17th, 6-10pm, Student Center and Café, (Event pending)
- Drag Show, April 28th, 6-10pm, Rogue Building
- Comedy Event, May 12th, 6-10pm, Rogue Building
- Library Social Nights, April 21, 6-8pm, Library (hosted by Green Campus Initiative)
- Library Social Nights, May 26th, 6-8pm, Library (hosted by Paper Meets Jam club)
- Invisible Disabilities Awareness Event, April 17th
- Presidential Wrap-up (Information):Mike appreciates everyone and the work they do. Great job team. You are all awesome.
- Public Comments (Information):Thank yous all around.
- Adjournment (Information):Kodie motioned to adjourn executive session at 8:50am. Nik seconded the motion. Motion passed by consensus.
ASG MinutesMarch 13, 2017, 2017