Associated Student Body Constitution
The Constitution
Of the Associated Student Body
Of William Jessup University
(Amended February 2011)
Article I –Name
The name of this body is the Associated Student Body (ASB) of William Jessup University.
Article II –Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote, develop and further the spirit of Christian unity among the students of William Jessup University and to support the purpose and goals of the institution for future generations. In addition this body is to facilitate understanding between students and administration by representing the perceived needs of the student body of William Jessup University
Article III –Associated Student body
Section A–Membership
Clause I –Students paying the registration fee may be considered a member of the Associated Student Body.
Clause II –Any student enrolled in six (6) or more units may be considered a member of the Associated Student Body.
Clause III –Every member of the Associated Student Body shall abide by the University rules in order to enjoy all the privileges and rights of membership.
Section B –Student Body Meetings
Clause I –The President of the Associated Student Body has the authority to call emergency meetings of the student body as necessary, providing at least one day of notice.
Clause II –The quorum for a student body meeting shall consist of at least a quarter of the members of the association.
Clause III –A majority of those present shall be sufficient to make any decision brought before the meetings, except as otherwise stated in the constitution.
Section C –Governing Body
The governing body of the association is the Student Government.
Article IV –Student Government
Section A–Student Government Membership
Clause I –The student Government shall consist of these positions:
Vice President
Business Manager
Judicial Officer
Senior Class Representative
Junior Class Representative
Sophomore Class Representative
Freshman Class Representative
Off-campus Representative
On-campus Representative
Clause II –The current Student Government has the ability to determine the number of representatives needed to adequately represent the each constituency, which will be no less than one.
Clause III –All Student Government Representatives shall have a minimum enrollment of twelve (12) units per semester during their term of office and must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0.
Clause IV –The Officers of Student Government shall have a minimum enrollment of twelve (12) units per semester during their term of office and must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.5.
Clause V –Educational Status Classification
A Freshman is any student with less than 32 semester units.
A Sophomore is any student with 32-63 semester units.
A Junior is any student with 64-95 semester units.
A Senior is any student with 96 or more semester units.
An off-campus student is any student not living in any university facility.
An on-campus student is any student living in any university facility.
Section B –Student Body Elections
Clause I –Student Body elections shall be conducted for open Student Council positions in the fall and all Student Council positions in the spring.
Clause II –The elections for the Student Body Officers and Representatives shall be conducted by the election Committee, headed and appointed by the current Vice President.
Clause III –Student Body elections shall follow the elections guidelines found in the William Jessup University ASB Elections By-laws, to be approved and administered by the Student Council.
Section C –Student Officer Duties
Clause I –Duties of the Elected Student Body President
The President acts as the head of the Student Government and should consequently be present at all Student Government meetings. Furthermore, the President is the voice of the Associated Student Body and shall therefore represent the Associated Student Body to the University and to the public, as they are called upon.
Clause II –Duties of the Elected Student Body Vice President
The Vice President acts in the capacity of the President when the President is absent and assist in the planning and organization of Associated Student Body meetings and Student Government events. He/She shall work along with Student Leadership and other organizations in the planning and execution of student activities and will specifically provide oversight of clubs and organizations.
Clause III –Duties of the Elected Student Body Business Manager
The Business Manager keeps accurate records of all Student Government meetings, finances, and correspondence. The Business Manager will produce all necessary materials for elections, Student Government meeting agendas and minutes, and will assist in the upkeep of all publications related to the Associated Student Body, including webpage maintenance.
Clause IV –Duties of all Elected Student Body Officers
Following the spring election in the academic year of service current Officers of the Student Government will train the subsequent and corresponding Officers of their position and will also facilitate the training of incoming Representatives.
Clause V –Duties of the Elected Student Body Judicial Officer
The Judicial Officer shall be the chief representative of the students of William Jessup and of the Associated Student Body in all appeals related to Student Life. The Judicial Officer shall be responsible for working directly with the Assistant Director of Co-curricular Education and other members of the Student Life staff in any manner for the benefit of those in the appeals process. He/She shall report directly to the Associated Student Body President with consistent updates of their work.
Section D –Duties of Elected Student Body Representatives
Clause I –Representatives are to be present at meetings called by the President to represent their constituency’s needs and address any issues of the constituency before the Student Government.
Clause II –Representatives are further encouraged to organize activities to build relationships and unity within their constituency.
Clause III –Following the spring election in the academic year in which the Representative serves the Representative will train the subsequent and corresponding Representative of their position.
Section E –Term of Office
Clause I –Officers and Representatives elected by the Associated Student Body shall enter into office immediately after election and serve until the end of the following academic year.
Clause II –The new Student Government can legislate Associated Student Body business only for the academic year in which they are elected to serve.
Clause III –Newly elected Officials will immediately enter into training with the current official of their position and assume the duties of their office as directed by the current official in preparation for the following year.
Section F –Resignation of Student Government Officials
Clause I –Any Student Government Official may resign during their term if they cannot fulfill the requirements of their position.
Clause II –The resigning Official must submit a formal letter of resignation to the Student Government unless prohibited by medical reasons or extenuating circumstances.
Clause III –In the event of a resignation the Election Committee will conduct a special election to fill the office of the resigned Official, except in the case of a Presidential election, as soon as the need is apparent.
Clause IV –In the event of a Presidential resignation the Vice President shall assume the office of President.
Clause V –In the event the Vice President assumes the office of President a special election will be conducted by the Election Committee, which will be headed by the President, to fill the Vice President’s office as soon as the need is apparent.
Clause VI –If the Student Government determines that a special election will not be appropriate to replace the open office a new official may be appointed by majority vote of the Student Government, except in the case of President unless both the President and Vice President resign.
Section G –Recall of Student Body Officers
Clause I –In the event any Student Government Officer does not fulfill the expectations of their office a vote will be held within the Student Government to place the recall to the Associated Student Body.
Clause II –Before the recall is brought to Student Government vote the Officer must be informed of the impending recall and given opportunity to argue against a recall.
Clause III –A majority vote in the Student Government for the recall of an Officer will bring the recall to the vote of the Associated Student Body in a special election.
Clause IV –In the event of a recalled Officer the Student Government reserves the right to hold a special election or appoint a new Officer by majority vote.
Section H –Recall of Student Body Representatives
Clause I –In the event any Student Body Representative does not fulfill the expectations of their office a vote can be held to remove them from office by the other voting members of the Student Government.
Clause II –Before the recall is brought to vote the Representative must be informed of the impending recall vote and given opportunity to argue against a recall.
Clause III –Any Student Body Representative may be recalled by a majority vote of the Student Government quorum.
Clause IV –In the event of a recalled Student Body Representative the Student Government reserves the right to hold a special election or appoint a new Representative by majority vote.
Section I –Meetings and Functions of the Student Government
Clause I –A quorum shall be 2/3 of the total membership of the Student Government. A simple majority the quorum shall be sufficient to pass or decline any motion brought to the floor.
Clause II –Functions of the Student Government
The Student Government shall be responsible to approve all activities of recognized clubs and organizations and involving the Associated Student Body.
The Student Government shall vote on the disbursement of funds to clubs and organizations for the purpose of activities.
Student Government Officials should be present at the majority of on-campus Associated Student Body activities.
Clause III –All meetings shall follow Roberts Rules of Order unless the Student Government determines to adopt another system of order.
Section J –Student Government Committees
Clause I –The Student Government reserves the right to appoint a committee or chairman to fulfill any special need the Government deems necessary.
Clause II –Any special committee shall function no more than one year.
Clause III –If necessary, a special committee shall be re-appointed by the Student Government of the subsequent year.
Clause IV –No special committee representative will have voting privileges.
Article V –Constitutional Amendments and Revisions
Section A–Amendments
Clause I –Any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the Associated Student Body of William Jessup University shall be brought before the Student Government to be discussed.
Clause II –The proposed amendment must pass by a 2/3 majority of all Student Government Officials.
Clause III –In the event a proposed amendment passes in Student Government it will then be posted for a minimum of one (1) week for the Associated Student Body to review.
Clause IV –After the reviewing period the Student Government will convene a Student Body meeting to discuss the proposed amendment. The amendment will then be placed to a vote of the Associated Student Body.
Clause V –A 2/3 majority vote of all present Associated Student Body members is required to pass the amendment. If passed, the amendment immediately becomes part of the Constitution.
Section B –Revisions
Clause I –Any proposed revision to the Constitution of the Associated Student Body of William Jessup University shall be brought before the Student Government to be discussed.
Clause II –The proposed revision must pass by a 2/3 majority vote of all Student Government Officials.
Clause III –In the event a proposed revision passes in Student Government it will then be posted for a minimum of one (1) week for the Associated Student Body to review.
Clause IV –After the reviewing period the Student Government will convene a Student Body meeting to discuss the proposed revision. The revision will then be placed to a vote of the Associated Student Body.
Clause V –A 2/3 majority vote of all present Associated Student Body members is required to pass the revision. If passed, the revision immediately becomes part of the Constitution.