Assisted Acquisition Services Business Systems (AASBS)

Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)

April 2015 Release

Commodities Contract Management (CCM)

Release Notes for GSA Users

Software Version 16.5.0

Prepared for AASBS by TechFlow, Inc.

Version 1.5

April 14, 2015

Assisted Acquisition Service Release Notes v.16.5.0

Table of Contents

1.0Task Information

1.1Task Client

2.0Task Requirements


3.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import – B-02784

3.1User Impact

3.2Impact to Workflow

3.3Change Description

3.4Interface Impact

4.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – B-02887

4.1User Impact

4.2Impact to Workflow

4.3Change Description

4.4Interface Impact

5.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import UI Enhancements – B-03075

5.1User Impact

5.2Impact to Workflow

5.3Change Description

5.4Interface Impact

6.0CHG89988 – Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – B-02200

6.1User Impact

6.2Impact to Workflow

6.3Change Description

6.4Interface Impact

7.0CHG89988 – Current Price Band Calculation – B-02199

7.1User Impact

7.2Impact to Workflow

7.3Change Description

7.4Interface Impact

8.0CHG89988 – Product Synonyms – B-02365

8.1User Impact

8.2Impact to Workflow

8.3Change Description

8.4Interface Impact

9.0CHG89988 – Catalog Import Template Revisions – B-03074

9.1User Impact

9.2Impact to Workflow

9.3Change Description

9.4Interface Impact

10.0Follow-On Support

List of Figures

Figure 1: Sales Management Page

Figure 2: Sales Spreadsheet Import Page

Figure 3: Sales Spreadsheet Review Import File Page

Figure 4: Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – Upload Error Data Grid

Figure 5: Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – Upload Error Export

Figure 6: Sales Spreadsheet Import Page UI Enhancements

Figure 7: Sales Management Page UI Enhancements

Figure 8: Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – Methodology

Figure 9: Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – Product Search

Figure 10: Current Price Band Calculation – Methodology

Figure 11: Current Price Band Calculation – Product Search

Figure 12: Product Synonyms – Methodology

Figure 13: Product Synonyms – Management Page, Add Functionality

Figure 14: Product Synonyms – Management Page, Delete Functionality

Figure 15: Product Synonyms – Product Search

Figure 16: Catalog Import Template Revisions – Attachment K

Figure 17: Catalog Import Template Revisions – Product Search

Figure 18: Catalog Import Template Revisions – Catalog Import File Review page

List of Tables

No table of figures entries found.

Revision History

Date / Author / Version / Description
2015-03-09 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.0 / Initial Version
2015-03-10 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.1 / Revisions based upon initial peer review – Cindy Van Mouwerik
2015-03-12 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.2 / Revised images – synonym management page, sales import validations and catalog import file review page
2015-03-26 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.3 / Revised delivery date to April
2015-03-27 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.4 / Revisions based upon team peer review
2015-04-14 / Anthony Kimpo / 1.5 / Removed traceability matrix | added release version


Assisted Acquisition Service Release Notes v.16.5.0

1.0Task Information

Task Title: General Services Administration (GSA) AASBS

Document Title: AASBS – Commodities Contract Management (CCM) March 2015 Release –Release Notes

1.1Task Client

General Services Administration (GSA)

Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)

Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

2100 Crystal Drive, Rm. 11052

Arlington, VA 22202

2.0Task Requirements


The purpose of this release is to add the new functionality of sales data integration intoCommodities Contract Management (CCM) by implementing seven user stories identified during the PMO prioritization sessions.

The following enhancements are included in the release:

  • CHG89988 – CCM Sales Integration
  • Sales Spreadsheet Import – B-02784
  • Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – B-02887
  • Sales Spreadsheet Import UI Enhancements – B-03075
  • Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – B-02200
  • Current Price Band Calculation – B-02199
  • Product Synonyms – B-02365
  • Catalog Import Template Revisions – B-03074

3.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import – B-02784

3.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

3.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog import and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

StoryB-02784 specificallyimpacts the CCM workflow by providingthe user interface pages for sales data management, import and import file review. The Sales Management page provides direct access to the Sales Import and Sales Import Review pages.

3.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by adding functionality for users to import and manage sales data within the system.

A new page has been provided that allows users to manage imported sales data. This management page allows users to view a list of existing imported sales files, initiate new sales files imports, delete existing sales files and view file contents within existing sales files.

A new page has been provided that allows users to import new sales files into the system. This import page allows users to browse and import new sales files.

A new page has been provided that allows users to review contents of individual sales files imported into the system. This review page allows users to review all rows imported.

Figure 1: Sales Management Page

Figure 2: Sales Spreadsheet Import Page

Figure 3: Sales Spreadsheet Review Import File Page

3.4Interface Impact

The Manage menu selection has been modified with options to sales, catalog or product synonym management pages. Three new sales pages were added to provide the necessary functionality for this story.

The Sales Management page launches upon Manage, Sales menu selection. This page contains a display grid listing all imported sales files, an import button that launches the import page, an inline link within the display grid that launches the file review page and an inline link within the display grid that launches the delete sales file confirmation message.

The Sales Import page launches upon Import Sales Spreadsheet button selection from within the management page. This page contains a button that allows the user to browse file directories and specify files to import. This page also contains a button that initiates the import process; upon successful import the file review page launches. Unsuccessful imports launch validation messages.

The Sales Import File Review page launches upon successful sales file import or upon clicking the inline link within the Sales File Descriptioncolumn in the display grid in the management page. This page contains a display grid listing all rows within successfully imported sales files.

A delete confirmation page launches upon clicking the inline link within the Action column in the display grid in the management page. This page contains a button that asks for confirmation of deletion of the selected sales file. Clicking the confirmation launches the management page.

4.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – B-02887

4.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

4.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog importing and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

Story B-02887 specifically impacts the CCM workflow by restricting the user from uploading invalid sales data.

4.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by adding import validations and error messages to the sales import page. Error messages display within a data grid when sales files in error are attempted to be imported. An export button facilitates download of an error report containing the import rows in error. The import also was enhanced to accept quantity values formatted as currency ($ #,###.## format).

Import validations include:

  • Invalid file format file must in .xlsx format
  • Missing quantity quantity field cannot be blank
  • Missing contract contract field cannot be blank
  • Invalid quantity value  quantity field must be a number
  • Part not in catalog  parts in sales files must be present in at least one published catalog

Figure 4: Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations – Upload Error Data Grid

Figure 5: Sales Spreadsheet Import Validations –Upload Error Export

4.4Interface Impact

The Sales Import page contains several validations that are displayed when an import file contains an error condition. A data grid appears that displays the rows in the import file that are in an error state. Error validations launch upon clicking Import from within the import page. Error messages are displayed in red font and contain references to the rows in error. An export button launches a dialogue box to facilitate saving the error report to a local machine.

Additionally, the import has been configured to accept files where the quantity is formatted as currency (contains dollar signs, commas and/or decimals).

5.0CHG89988 – Sales Spreadsheet Import UI Enhancements – B-03075

5.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

5.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog importing and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

Story B-03075 impacts the CCM workflow by adding a required field to the Sales Import page and by adding display fields to the Sales Management page grid.

5.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by adding a required text field to the Sales Import page, persisting two values to the database and displaying those persisted fields within the Sales Management page. The required field prompts an error validation if the import is initiated while blank.

The persisted database values are viewable within the display grid in the Sales Management page. These additional fields are viewable for all imported sales files and display the Sales File Description and actual Imported File Name of the imported files. Values within the description field are also inline links to the Sales File Review page.

Figure 6: Sales Spreadsheet Import Page UI Enhancements

Figure 7: Sales Management Page UI Enhancements

5.4Interface Impact

The Sales Import page was modified to include a required text field that assigns a description for the sales files that are imported. If the import is initiated without a value specified in this field, an error validation displays.

The Sales Management page was modified to include two additional columns to the display grid. Sales File Description and Import File Name columns were added; the description field text is also an inline link that launches the file import review page.

6.0CHG89988 – Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – B-02200

6.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

6.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog importing and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

Story B-02200 impacts the CCM workflow by performing the calculation and display of a new product search display field for sales quantity.

6.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by calculating and displaying cumulative quantity sold values derived from individual sales reported within imported sales files. Sales data is first grouped by distinct GSA Schedule Part Number and GSA Schedule Contract Number. These distinct combinations are then matched with existing combinations in published catalog data.

When a product search is executed, the cumulative total quantity for each combination appears in a new column in the search display grid for all BPA Holder rows that appear in the search. For example, if three BPA Holders appear in the same search and all have the same combination, then the same quantity value will appear for all three BPA Holder rows in the search results.

Figure 8: Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – Methodology

Figure 9: Cumulative Quantity Sold Calculation – Product Search

6.4Interface Impact

The Product Search page display grid was modified to include an additional column, Quantity Sold, which displays the calculated quantity sold for each distinct GSA Schedule Part Number / GSA Schedule Contract Number combination appearing in the search results. Values displayed are a cumulative quantity amount that dynamically recalculate as new sales data is imported or deleted.

7.0CHG89988 – Current Price Band Calculation – B-02199

7.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

7.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog importing and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

Story B-02199 specifically impacts the CCM workflow by performing the calculation and display of a new product search display field for price bands.

7.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by looking up and then displaying price band values based upon cumulative quantity sold calculations for each distinct GSA Schedule Part Number and GSA Schedule Contract Number combination. Price band levels are set based upon cumulative quantity levels for each combination; all BPA Holders and the parts they sell and the contracts they sell them on are subject to the same band levels.

Once band levels are set for each distinct combination, then another look up to individual BPA Holder catalogs sets pricing and percentage discount for each combination, specific to each BPA Holder catalog. When a product search is executed, the price band level, price and discount percentage for each combination appears in a new column in the search display grid for all BPA Holder rows that appear in the search.

For example, if three BPA Holders appear in the same search and all have the same combination, then the same quantity value will appear for all three BPA Holder rows in the search results. These three rows will also have the same price band level set as they all have the same quantity sold. Pricing and discount percentages for each row can differ as each BPA Holder can have different prices and discounts within their respective catalogs.

Figure 10: Current Price Band Calculation – Methodology

Figure 11: Current Price Band Calculation – Product Search

7.4Interface Impact

The Product Search page display grid was modified to include an additional column, Current Price Band, which displays the price band level, price amount and discount percentage based upon the calculated quantity sold for each distinct GSA Schedule Part Number / GSA Schedule Contract Number combination appearing in the search results. Values displayed dynamically recalculate as new sales data is imported or deleted.

8.0CHG89988 – Product Synonyms – B-02365

8.1User Impact

  • GSA Users with permission to CCM
  • TechFlow Support Users with permission to CCM

8.2Impact to Workflow

The overall CCM workflow has been enhanced to accommodate CHG89988. Upon successful catalog importing and publishing, users are now enabled to upload, view and manage sales data.

Story B-02365 specifically impacts the CCM workflow by providing the user interface page for product synonym management and by integrating synonym groups into existing quantity sold and price band calculations.

8.3Change Description

This change enhances CCM by adding the functionality to manage product synonyms. A product synonym group is a collection of parts that are aggregated together for quantity sold and price band calculations.

A new management page was created that enables users to view existing groups, create new groups, add parts to existing groups, delete parts from existing groups and delete groups entirely. Quantity sold and price band calculations utilize and display aggregated values from all parts within synonym groups that have the same GSA Schedule Contract Numbers within the product search display grid.

Figure 12: Product Synonyms – Methodology

Figure 13: Product Synonyms – Management Page, Add Functionality

Figure 14: Product Synonyms – Management Page, Delete Functionality

Figure 15: Product Synonyms – Product Search

8.4Interface Impact

The Manage menu selection has been modified with options to sales, catalog or product synonym management pages. One new page was added to provide the necessary functionality for this story.

The Product Synonym page launches upon Manage, Product Synonym menu selection. This page contains a display grid listing all product synonym groups and synonym components, a button that launches the create new synonym group pop-up, an inline link within the display grid that launches the add new synonym component to an existing group pop-up, an inline link within the display grid that launches the delete individual components from an existing synonym group confirmation message and an inline link within the display grid that launches the delete synonym group confirmation message.

The Create New Synonym Group pop-up launches upon Add Product Synonym button selection. This pop-up contains two text boxes to associate the first two products within a synonym group, a button for saving the group and a button to cancel the action. An error validation message will launch if a product already belonging to an existing group is attempted to be added to a new group.

The Add Component to Existing Group pop-up launches upon clicking the Add inline link within the Action column in the display grid. This pop-up contains a single text box to associate a single part, a button for saving the part to the group and a button to cancel the action. An error validation message will launch if a product belonging to an existing group is attempted to be added to another existing group.

The Delete Synonym Group confirmation pop-up launches upon clicking the Delete inline link within the Action column in the display grid. This pop-up contains a button to confirm the action and a button to cancel the action.

The Delete Single Synonym Component pop-up launches upon clicking the Red X inline link within the Product Synonym column in the display grid. This pop-up contain a button to confirm the action and a button to cancel the action.

The new fields in the Product Search page, Quantity Sold and Current Price Band, integrate product synonym groups into their calculation logic based upon distinct GSA Schedule Part Number and GSA Schedule Contract Number combinations.