Public Schools of Robeson County

K-5 ELA Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name:Amy Cook / Date: 7-10-12 / Grade Level:First
ELA CCSS –SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly / ELA CCSS –SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly / ELA CCSS – SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly / ELA CCSS – SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly
Technology Standards –
21st Century Themes- Civic Literacy
Whole-Group Instruction (20-25 min)
Text Focus:Books about school rules / Strategy/Skill Focus:
(M) Essential Question:
What do you want the class and teacher to know about you? / (T) Essential Question:
? / (W) Essential Question: / (Th) Essential Question: / (F) Essential Question:
Checking for understanding:
Class discussion
Focus on one detail
All about me book-Meet Me
Card stock head cut out / Checking for understanding:
Class discussion
Focus on one detail
All about me book-The Perfect puzzel
Card stock head cut out / Checking for understanding:
Class discussion
Focus on one detail
All about me book-Super Skilled
Card stock head cut out / Checking for understanding:
Class discussion
AAM-Future Fun, Grade school Gardner
Personal experiences
Compare and contrast / Checking for understanding:
AAM-Grade School Gardner
Develop a classroom rule poster
Teacher tells a story about her, students answer questions with drawings and simple words / Strategies:
Review rules in Gordon Finds his way.
Compare and contrast rules at home vs. school / Strategies:
Small groups –Jigsaw
Venn Diagram or t-chart / Strategies:Read- Kevin Knows the rules. By Molly Dowd
Venn Diagram
Picture walk through both books / Strategies:
Model the correct way to follow rules. Assessment on safety rules
Small groups could model a classroom rule
21st Century Skills - Dropdown / 21st Century Skills – Dropdown / 21st Century Skills – Dropdown / 21st Century Skills – Dropdown / 21st Century Skills - Dropdown
Me, / Vocabulary: listening, voice, inside, outside, walking, running / Vocabulary: rules, compare, contrast, realistic fiction, genre / Vocabulary:setting, character, events, quietly, practice, model / Vocabulary: Check for understanding the review vocabulary words from the week!
Small-Group Reading Instruction (20 min per group and rotate) / Student Activities
Most Independent / Independent / Least Independent / 1. Phonemic awareness
2. Phonics
4. Vocabulary
5. Comprehension
Leveled Text: Playing it safe
MTitle, author, illustrator, picture, walk
T Choral read-fluency
W Round robin-vocabulary
ThSentence structure, key details
F Retelling/summarizing writing / Leveled Text:Getting Ready for school
M Title, author, illustrator, picture walk
T Phonemic awareness
W Echo reading-vocabulary
Th Choral reading-non-sense word
Independent reading / Leveled Text: It is school time
M Title, author, illustrator, picture walk
TTracking Pictures, clues
W Echo reading-vocabulary
Th Blending
F Make words- non-sense words