Senior Block Portfolio Notebook
Elementary 4310
P. O. Box 1892
Tigerville, SC29688-1892
FALL 2015
Together We Can Make A Difference
I dreamt I stood in a studio
and watched two sculptors there.
The clay they used was a young child’s mind
and they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher --- the tools he used
Were books, music and art.
The other, a parent, worked with a guiding hand
and a gentle loving heart.
Day after day, the teacher toiled with touch
That was deft and sure
While the parent labored by his side
and polished and smoothed it o’er.
And when at last, their task was done
They were proud of what they had wrought.
For the things they had molded into the child
Could neither be sold nor bought.
And each agreed they would have failed
If each had worked alone.
For behind the teacher stood the school
And behind the parent, the home.
Assignments for the Field Experience…………………………………………………. / p. 7Field Experience Attendance Log……………………………………………………... / p. 9
Daily Log of Teaching Experiences…………………………………………………… / p. 11
Documentation of Assessment Strategies……………………………………………… / p. 8
Rubric for Assessment…………………………………………………………………. / p. 10
Documentation of Classroom Management Strategies………………………………... / p. 11
Rubric for Classroom Management……………………………………………………. / p. 13
Documentation of Professional Development Opportunities………………………….. / p. 14
Rubric for Professional Development…………………………………………………. / p. 16
Documentation of Teaching Strategies………………………………………………… / p.17
Rubric for Teaching Strategies………………………………………………………… / p. 19
Documentation of Technology Uses…………………………………………………... / p. 20
Rubric for Technology…………………………………………………………………. / p. 23
Scoring Rubrics / p. 25
APSs explained
Scoring Rubrics
Student Impact Project/Unit Plan...... / p.27
Rubrics and Addendums......
For Seniors to Insert during Fall Semester / p. 31
p. 35
For ADEPT notebook: Philosophy of Education, Resume, Cover letter, Business Card, photo, Organizational Plan, Classroom Management Plan, first day school schedule, Professional Development Plan, Parental Communication Plan.
Assignments for Senior Block Teacher Candidates
Teacher Candidate is to:
- Document a variety of teaching strategies utilized while teaching.
- Document a variety of technology strategies utilized while teaching.
- Document a variety of assessment strategies utilized while teaching.
- Document in a variety of professional development activities participated in during the semester.
- Document a variety of classroom management strategies utilized in the classroom.
- Create the ADEPT notebook and Teacher Work Sample Notebook
- Student impact project / unit plan
- Classroom Teaching
- After the first two weeks the teacher candidate should teach a minimum of one lesson per day in a variety of classroom settings that would include but not be limited to individual, small and whole group instruction, activities, mini lesson, etc.
- By the end of the semester the teacher candidate should have taught a minimum of two lessons in each of the four content areas (math, science, social studies, and language arts) over the course of the semester.
- Cooperating teachers provide written feedback about the teacher’s candidate’s lesson and teaching at least once a week through provided form. These eight lessons should include at least one observation of each of the following classes: math, social studies, science, language arts, integration of the arts, and integration of physical education. The teacher candidate is responsible for collecting these forms and turning them into the professor of record.
- Mentors will complete a formal evaluation on two lessons. The teacher candidate is responsible for collecting these forms and turning them into the professor of record.
Weeks 1 and 2: Observe and assist teacher with classroom activities
Weeks 3 to 10: Teach minimum of two lessons each week (Total 16)
Cooperating teacher provides written feedback at least once a week (Total 8)Mentor provides feedback twice using the appropriate FEE.
North Greenville University
Division of Education
Senior – Elementary
Name Semester: ______
School Grade ______
Cooperating Teacher ______
Week No. / TuesdayIn Out / Thursday
In Out / Teacher's Initials
Total Number of Hours______Total Number of Weeks ______
Cooperating Teacher’s Signature Student Signature
Daily Log of Senior Block Teaching Experiences
Date / Subject / Number of Students / Description of LessonDate / Subject / Number of Students / Description of Lesson
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
Cooperating Teacher Signature:______
Date: ______
Assessment Strategies Used By
During the ______School Year
Whole Group Responses (flippers, white boards, etc)
Anecdotal Records, Event Sampling, Time Sampling, Checklist, etc
Graphic Organizers Used as an Assessment
Other Informal Assessments Utilized
Teacher Made Test Given and Graded
Published Test Given and Graded
Standardized Test Administered
Portfolio Assessments
Rubrics or Scoring Guides Developed
Interviews with Students
Assessments Designed to Demonstrate Growth Over Time
Other Formative Assessments
Other Summative Assessments
Signature: ______Date:______Grade: ______
Rubric for Documentation of Assessment Strategies
Reminder: All documented instances must have occurred during the present semester and must have been planned and taught by the student.
ACEI Standard / Distinguished / Accomplished / Developing / Beginning4.0 Assessment for instruction—
Candidates know, understand, and use formal
and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction
that will promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical
development of each elementary student. / Fifteen assessment strategies are documented. Each strategy is an authentic assessment. Documentation includes whole class, small groups, and individual assessments that are developmentally appropriate. Assessments are used to enhance learning not just for the sake of grades. / Ten examples of assessment are documented. A variety of different types of assessment is utilized as well as being developmentally appropriate. / Five examples of assessment are documented. / Fewer than three examples documented or strategies are documented that are inappropriate for the students being taught
Classroom Management Strategies Used By
During the ______School Year
Preventive Discipline Techniques Implemented
Techniques for Making Students Accountable For Their Own Behavior
Changes Made in Room Arrange to Enhance Learning
New Procedures Developed for Non-Instructional Task
Techniques Implemented to Enhance Smooth Transitions
Techniques Implemented for Management of Teaching Materials
Classroom Rules
Classroom Consequences and Rewards
School Emergency Procedures
Fire ______
Intruder ______
Signature: ______Date:______Grade: ______
Rubric for Documentation of Classroom Management Strategies
4 / 3 / 2 / 120 or more examples of classroom management strategies designed to enhance learning are documented. A variety of different types of strategies is utilized to demonstrate creativity and flexibility in thinking. / 15 or more examples of classroom management strategies designed to enhance learning are documented. A variety of different types of strategies is utilized. / 10 or more examples of classroom management strategies are documented. / Fewer than ten examples of classroom management strategies are documented or the ones documented are inappropriate for the students being taught
Professional Development Opportunities for
During the ______School Year
PTA or PTO Meetings Attended
Special Nights or School Functions Attended
Planning or Class Level Meetings Attended
In-Service Experiences
Workshops Attended
Organizational or Association Meetings Attended
Classes You have Observed
Professionals You Have Interviewed
Community Volunteer Work Related to Teaching
Other Professional Opportunities
Signature: ______Date:______Grade: ______
Rubric for Documentation of Professional Development
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Ten or more different professional development activities are documented including at least one planning time with other teachers, one planning time with related arts or media specialist, one service learning activity, and one evening event involving parents. / Seven or more different examples of professional development are documented. / Three or more examples of professional development are documented. / Fewer than three examples documented or strategies are documented that are inappropriate for the students being taught
Teaching Strategies Used By
During the ______School Year
Children’s Literature Integrated into Core Curriculum (book and strategy)
Music Integrated into Core Curriculum
Art (Fine Arts) Integrated into Core Curriculum
Art Activities Integrated into Core Curriculum
Drama Integrated into Core Curriculum
Dance/Movement Integrated into Core Curriculum
Field Trips
Team Teaching
Inquiry Learning
Cooperative Learning Groups
Project Approach
Reciprocal Learning
Service Learning
Reading/Literature Circles
Writer’s Workshop
Creative Thinking Activities Integrated into Core Curriculum
Problem Solving Techniques Integrated into Core Curriculum
Signature: ______Date:______Grade: ______
Rubric for Documentation of Teaching Strategies
ACEI Standard / Distinguished / Accomplished / Developing / BeginningACEI 3.1Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction—Candidates plan and
implement instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory,
connections across the curriculum, curricular goals, and community; / Fifteendifferent examples of teaching strategies are documented which demonstrate best teaching practices, developmental appropriateness, and knowledge of students. / Ten examples of teaching strategies are documented which demonstrate best teaching practices, developmental appropriateness, and knowledge of students. / Five examples of teaching strategies are documented which demonstrate best teaching practices, developmental appropriateness, and knowledge of students. / Fewer than five examples or strategies are documented.
ACEI 3.3 Development of critical thinking and problem solving—Candidates
understand and use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary
students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving; / At least two examples of critical thinking and creative problem solving are documented. / At least one example of critical thinking and creative problem solving is documented. / At least one example of either critical thinking or creative problem solving is documented. / No examples of critical thinking or creative problem solving are documented.
ACEI 2.5
Candidates know, understand, and use—as appropriate to their
own understanding and skills—the content, functions, and achievements of the
performing arts (dance, music, theater) and the visual arts as primary media for
communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students / At least one example of art integration, music integration, dance or movement integration, drama, and integration of literature is documented. / At least three examples of either art integration, music integration, drama, dance or movement integration is documented. / Less than three examples of either art integration, music integration, drama, dance or movement integration is documented. / No examples of arts integration are documented
Technology Strategies Used By
During the ______School Year
Teacher Made Materials Designed Using Microsoft Office
Teacher Made Materials Designed Using Active Inspire
Teacher Made Materials Designed Using Prezi, Kidspiration, or Other Software
Audio Tapes (Subject or Book Title) (Whole Group, Small Group or Individual)
Videos/Movies (You Tube, Teacher Tube, United Streaming etc.)
Computer Test
Email Utilizations
Internet Sites Visited or Used with Students
Postings on NGU Student’s Website
Computer Games Used with Students
Use of Blogging
Use of iPads
Use of iTunes
Use of Computers in a Mobile Lab or Stationary Lab
Use of Classroom Computer(s)
Use of Digital Camera or Video in the Classroom (Teacher or Student Assignment)
Technology Integrated into Core Curriculum
Other Technology Uses
Signature: ______Date:______Grade: ______
Rubric for Documentation of Technology Strategies
ACEI Standard / Distinguished / Accomplished / Developing / BeginningACEI 3.5 Communication to foster collaboration—Candidates use their knowledge and understanding of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom. / Ten or more examples of integrating technology into the curriculum are documented. A variety of different types of technology is utilizedto enhance learning and collaboration. / Seven or more examples of integrating technology into the curriculum are documented. A variety of different types of technology is utilized to enhance learning and collaboration. / Four or more examples of technology are documented. / Fewer than four examples of technology are documented.
Teacher Work Sample Notebook
(Five Dividers for the 6 Elements (Elements 2 and 3 together))
Element One
- Demographic Information
- Student Information consolidated and in charts or graphs
APS Notebook
(Four Sections and Ten Dividers for the 10 APS)
- Each APS described (Demonstrates creativity and knowledge)
- Provide a summary for each standard of teaching. (1 - 2 pages for each standard.)
- One page description of yourself with professional photograph
- Resume
- Philosophy (1 to 3 pages)
- Code of Ethics
Domain 1: Planning
- APS 1 Long-Range Planning
Student Information consolidated and in charts or graphs
School Information
Community Information
- APS 2 Short-Range Planning of Instruction
- APS 3 Planning Assessments and Using Data
Domain 2: Instruction
- APS 4 Establishing and Maintaining High Expectations for Learners
- APS 5 Using Instructional Strategies to Facilitate Learning
- APS 6 Providing Content for Learners
- APS 7 Monitoring, Assessing, and Enhancing Learning
Domain 3: Classroom Environment
- APS 8 Maintaining an Environment That Promotes Learning
- APS 9 Managing the Classroom
Domain 4: Professionalism
- APS 10 Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities
Student Name: ______Semester: ______
Teacher Work Sample Notebook
_____ Five Dividers for the 6 Elements (Elements 2 and 3 together)
_____ Element One
_____ Demographic Information
Student Information consolidated and in charts or graphs
APS Notebook
_____ Four Domains--Ten Dividers for the 10 APS
_____ Each APS described
_____ Resume
_____ Philosophy
_____ Student Information consolidated and in charts or graphs in APS 1
_____ Community and School information included in APS 1
On a scale of 1 to 5
_____ Creativity
_____ Over all appearance
_____ Evidence of thought and effort
_____ All parts present
Total Score: ______
6 to 14=C
15 to 18=B
19 to 20=A
Rubric for ADEPT notebook Evaluation and Presentation
Student Teacher:______Overall Rating Level: ______
Date: ______
01 2 3 4
Not YetDevelopingDeveloped
Level 0
___Standards were represented inadequately or not at all
___Overall presentation totally unorganized, numerous errors in grammar
___Very little or poor evidence of reflection and self-evaluation
___Items not included for all standards
___Student did not make a ADEPT notebook presentation/no attempt at oral communication of experience
Level 1
___All standards were not represented
___Overall presentation of material poorly organized, frequent errors in grammar
___Evidence of reflection and evaluation was superficial on more than 4 standards
___Items chosen to support standards were one dimensional
___Inadequate attempt made to present ADEPT notebook/inadequate oral communication of experience
Level 2
___All standards were not adequately represented
___Overall presentation of material not consistent in organization, coherence or grammar
___Evidence of reflection and assessment was superficial on more than 2 standards
___Items chosen to support standards were one dimensional
___Minimal attempt made to present ADEPT notebook/minimal oral communication of experience
Level 3
___All standards were adequately represented
___Presentation showed continuity and organization but some mechanical errors were observed
___Evidence of reflection and self-evaluation was at a meaningful level but did not indicate needs for future growth and development
___Items chosen to support standards reflected marginal uniqueness
___Presentation is satisfactory; oral communication indicates a general knowledge of teaching.
Level 4
___Each standard was thoroughly represented
___Presentation showed continuity, organization, exactness, and clarity of thought
___Evidence of reflection and self-evaluation showed integration or interconnection between standards, present development as a professional and needs for future growth and adjustment
___Items chosen to support standards exhibited uniqueness of sources and evidence of originality
___Presentation shows degree of excellence in student teaching experience/oral communication indicates knowledge and positive attitude about profession.
_____Overall Level of Performance (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Specific comments on Standards of Teaching:
Signature of Evaluator______
Student Teaching ADEPT Notebook Check-List
______2” 3 ring binder – larger for dual placement using one notebook or
electronically using E-Portfolio (Some of the information required may
need to be put in hard copy for evaluation when using E-Portfolio)
______Cover sleeve information – title/author/school/grade level/semester
______Title page – title/author/school/cooperating teacher/grade level
______Theme (if used) should be carried throughout to provide cohesiveness
______Introduction/Philosophy of Education (1 – 3 pages)
______Copy of your resume
______Summary of each ADEPT Performance Standard (1 pg @ APS preferred)
______One artifact @ standard / Dual placements will have artifacts in both placements. Artifacts can include short range lesson plan with activity from plan, test project, student writing, photos w/caption
______Reflection statement to accompany each artifact;
- Evaluation of the artifact and the experience it documents
- Show integration of APSs
- Present yourself as a developing professional teacher. Tell how the APSs will impact you as a future educator
______Long Range Plans – YOUR plans for the two weeks as developed from your cooperating teacher’s LRPs
(If you have two placements you need 2 LRPs)
College of Education
Rubric for Teacher Work Sample during Student Teaching
Element / Target5 / Acceptable
3 / Developing
Element 1 – Description of the classroom context and the students taught (including individual differences)
10% of TWS grade / Description of context and student characteristics contains rich, in-depth information from a variety of authoritative, documented sources, enabling the teacher to plan, implement and assess instructional activities that promote optimal learning for all students. / Description of context and student characteristics includes enough information to allow the candidates to individualize planning for instruction and assessment to a limitedextent. Sources are limited in number and may not be documented. / Description of context and student characteristics is minimal. Few or nosources of information are documented.
Element 2 – Description of the desired learning outcomes for this unit of instruction and
Element 3 – Instructional plans (unit plan and daily lesson plans)
20% of TWS grade / Objective(s) are clearly stated, aligned with curriculum standards, and appropriate for needs, interests, and abilities of all students. / Objective(s) may be clearly stated and aligned with curriculum standards, but students’ needs, interests and abilities are reflected only to a limited extent or only for some students. / Objective(s) are somewhat clear, but reflect only either curriculum standards or students’ characteristics but not both.
Element 4 – Assessment plan, including pre-and post-assessment outcomes, showing alignment with objectives and instruction
20% of TWS grade / Assessment plan indicates clear alignment with objectives and instructional activities. Student characteristics, including prior learning and development, are taken into account for all students. Expectations for performance are appropriately high for all students. / Assessment plan indicates clear alignment with objectives and instructional activities, but student characteristics, including prior learning and development are taken into account only to a limited extent. Expectations for performance are appropriately high for some, but not all, students. / Assessment plan lacks clear alignment with objectives and/or instructional activities. Student characteristics are taken into account in a very limited way. Expectations for students’ performance are mostly inappropriate.
Element 5 – Evidence of student achievement (student gains, accomplishment of outcomes) acquired from analysis of pre- and post-assessments of all students in the class
20% of TWS grade / Use of appropriate technology moves analysis beyond reporting of results to in-depth analysis of individual students’ strengths and weaknesses and item analysis of assessment instruments; use of technology enables candidate to clearly interpret and communicate student performance data to all stakeholders, especially students. / Candidate uses appropriate technology in appropriate but limited ways; fails to use available tools that would have enhanced the processing and presentation of data. / Use of technology tools is very limited, i.e., does not take advantage of available technology, and tools are used inappropriately or incorrectly.
Element 6 – Reflections on student achievement, results, unit content, instructional process, assessments
30% of TWS grade / Candidate’s reflection indicates awareness of the variety of factors affecting student learning and of possible ways to modify such influences in ways that will enhance student learning. Reflection shows that candidate takes responsibility for finding ways to help all students learn, and that candidate identifies appropriate resources and techniques for doing so. / Candidate’s reflection indicates some awareness of the variety of factors affecting student learning, including factors at the community, school, classroom and individual levels. Reflection shows that candidate takes responsibility for finding ways to help all students learn. / Candidate’s reflection shows minimal consideration of varied aspects of the classroom situation. Candidate takes little responsibility for enhancing student learning.