M. Gunby
English 51
Assignments: Ender’s Game
Each week, you will be assigned a chapter(s) of Ender’s Game to read for homework. You will be doing two weekly assignments (that is, two assignments every week along with the reading), as well as one group project and one essay about the novel.
Reading Journal
Each week, you will be required to complete a reading journal on the chapters assigned from the novel, Ender’s Game. You will be doing a dialogic response. This means that on one-half of a sheet of paper, you will copy down a phrase, sentence, or passage that was particularly interesting to you, or that you had questions about. On the other side of the page, you would explain why you found it interesting or list your questions for group discussion. These will be due every Monday at the beginning of class.
Every week I will give you a handout of assigned vocabulary words that you will be responsible for looking up and defining. As part of the process, you will first try to give your own definition of the words, then present me with the dictionary definition. An example will be provided to you.
Group Project
In all things, we are forced to work with others. In this class, you will complete one group project related to the novel.
The class will be divided into groups, each of which will be assigned specific chapters of the novel to present to the rest of the class. Each group will summarize and analyze their assigned section.
In addition, each group will also create an activity for their classmates, which is relevant to the section the group was assigned. Activities can include crossword puzzles, art projects, word searches, questionnaires, etc.
Finally, each group will “test” their classmates either by asking specific oral questions about the reading or by giving an actual quiz. These quizzes will not be grades as quizzes, but will be graded for participation points.
Toward the end of the semester, each student will complete an analysis of the novel through a short (3-5 page) essay.
It is more than likely that there will be occasional reading quizzes along with vocabulary tests on the assigned words.
Melissa Gunby Spring 2013 Woodland Community College