CSC 110 Section 01 & 02Page 1
FALL-2002Date 5/14/19
Mrs. BeckerAssignment # 1
Due Date 09/04/02
Assignment Very Very Boards
Program definition:
Create a form that will display label controls that contain the Company Name, Company Slogan, and Programmer Name. Use an Image control to display the company Logo to the Screen. (The logo Image is located in the class Website, or you may get an image from the Internet to display in the object). The information should be displayed if a Checkbox control is checked and should disappear if the checkbox control is unchecked. When the program runs for the first time set all the labels and the logo to display on the screen. Use assign-statements to change the information displayed. Use the default events for the objects on user interface form to activate your changes at run time. Use option buttons to change the Company slogan and Programmer name labels to either; red, green, black, or blue. When the user selects a color option button the Company slogan and Programmer Name should be redisplayed in that color. Look at the slides for 3.1 and 3.2 to get some hints on how to change the color of a label object. Be sure to place your checkboxes and option buttons in frames.
Remember to create your frame on the form before you draw your checkboxes and option button in the frame.
Use the correct prefixes for your object names.
Change the title bar on the form to “Very Very Boards”.
Must use four check boxes to display the following information
Company NameVery Very Boards
Company Slogan(You Pick One)
Company LogoProvided in Class Folder
Programmer Name(Your Name)
Must use four option buttons to display the Company slogan and Programmer’s name in four different colors when selected.
Must have an Exit command button to exit the program, be sure to turn the control menu off. You must also have a Print command button to print the results of the Form to the printer.
Use the PrintForm command.
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
‘print the form on the printer at run time
End Sub
Use event procedures and not IF Then statements even if you think you know how to use them. We have not covered that material in class and this is an exercise in how to use objects and default events.