Assignment: Myth Name:

Each of the following three images portrays elements of the story of Narcissus. They were painted at different points in history and in different parts of the world, but they all share traits in common. The artists are showing a story that is normally told aloud or read.

Carefully examine each painting.

·  Look at the elements of each painting.

·  Look at the colors.

·  Look at the composition and how things are placed by the artist.

·  How successfully are the artists at showing the story?

·  Look at the dates the paintings were done and think about the time the artists lived in.

When you are done, answer the questions at the end.

Narcissus by Caravaggio (Michelangelo) 1599

Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse 1903

The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali 1937

Questions to answer:

1.  From your reading, describe what elements of the myth of Narcissus appear in all three paintings?

2.  Explain what you think is the most important element that appears?

3.  Why do you think modern artists still create an image of this ancient myth? Explain.

4.  Find copies of 2 other artistic interpretations of a myth by searching the internet

a.  Paste a copy of each piece into this document.

b.  Be sure to include the links where each piece came from.

c. Label each piece with the names, dates and artists of each piece (unless they’re from antiquity and unknown, in which case label them that way.) The links below are good sources but do some additional searching of your own:

5.  Of the 5 paintings you examined (the three here and the two you found), which is your favorite? (Keep in mind that you’re only viewing a small, grainy version of the originals.) Explain why. Think in terms of the choices the artist made in color, design and feeling in the piece compared to the story.

6.  Rewrite the story of Narcissus in your own words. Include all the characters and events but give them a modern twist.