English 9R

Mrs. Casement(10-11)

Assignment: A Person Who Changed His/Her World

“…some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some

have greatness thrust upon them.”


Choose A, B, OR C

A. Read an autobiography or a biography of a person who changed his or her world, country or state.

Think: Artist, Writer, Scientist (Medical Researcher), Musician

(pre 1940), Politician, Ruler/Leader, Naturalist, etc.

(Special Note: NO people who changed world by inappropriate drug use or other activities considered inappropriate in schools).

Your selection and person must be pre-approved. Each student will do a different person.

Make a bibliography card for your selection. Use EasyBib ( to create the card. Any member of the library staff can help you create your EasyBib account.

B. Make a folder of 6 articles on a person who changed his or her world, country or state. *No encyclopedia or on-line encyclopedia articles allowed. Use EasyBib ( to create a Works Cited page of all articles. Highlight important primary and secondary information.

C.From a collection of biographies, read about one person who changed the world. Then locate an article on the same person. Print a copy of the article. Highlight important primary and secondary information. Use EasyBib ( to create a Works Cited page of all articles.

*Your person and book/or articles must be pre-approved.

* If you switch your choice, you must have it approved by Mrs. Casement or Ms.O’Brien.

DUE DATE: ______


Using the knowledge you learned in your book or articles give the following information.Please keyboard. (See me if computer access is a problem).

Put the number at the margin. Indent five spaces and answer the question.

1.Name the Person Who Changed The World.

2.Give the dates of his/her life. State in a sentence the way the person changed theworld, country, state.

*ANSWER 3, 4 OR 5 below

3. Write a paragraph (8 sentences minimum) on the important aspects of

the person’s childhood and teen years. Use parenthetical documentation.*

4.Did the person ever live in isolation due to illness, imprisonment, orphaned,abandonment,etc. Explain (8 sentences). Use parenthetical documentation.*

5. Write a paragraph (8 sentences minimum) on the important aspects of the person’s adulthood. Use parenthetical documentation.*

* ANSWER 6 OR 7 below

6. Explain twochallenges the person met and explainthreequalitieshe/she used to meet the challenges (8 sentences minimum).Use parenthetical documentation.*

7.Examine three accomplishments the person achieved (8 sentences minimum).

Shareyour research on his/her accomplishments. Use parenthetical


* Answer ALL of the following:

8.State two important quotes said by or written by the person. Analyzeeachquote’s importance.What do you think about the person’s thinking when he/she created this quote? Use parenthetical documentation.* If a quote is not in your book, add the citation to your Works Cited.

9.Compile two adjectives other than brave (or any of its synonyms) and apply each to the person(3 sentences minimum).

10. Evaluate how the world/country or stateis different because the person lived.

Evaluate how the person thought about his/her achievement (6 sentences


11. Create a Works Cited page for source material page using EasyBib ( Login to EasyBib, if you are already registered. If not registered, use your fairport.org e-mail address and your school login password, to create an account. Title the page: Works Cited. Center the title.

12.Provide an 8x10 picture of the person as a cover. Put the person’s name in all caps. Center your name, English 9R and the date at the bottom (three lines).

13.Generate a symbol given to or used by the person or create a symbol you would give the person. Try to make this 8x10. Use the symbol as your back cover.

14.All writing must follow the conventions of standard written English. No text abbreviations.

*Links available at