Assignment 6 - Quality and Credibility of Websites

Johnny W. Silcox


Criteria for evaluating information found on the Internet

Things to look for when evaluating information found on websites you visit, a simple way to remember the criteria is the 5 W’s of evaluating Web Sites they are:


Who wrote the pages and are they an expert?

Is a biography of the author Included ?

Can you find out more about the Author?


What does the author say is the purpose of the site?

Is the siteBias?

Are sources cited?

What makes the site easy to use?

Is the site searchable (Internal search engine?)

Are buttons or menu Items clearly labeled in a useful manner?


When was the site created?

When was the site last updated?

Is currency a top priority?


Where does the information come from?

Where can I look to find out more about the sponsor?


Why is this information useful for my purpose?

Why should I use this information?

Why is this page better than another?

Assignment 6 - Quality and Credibility of Websites

Johnny W. Silcox


Brief statement why each criterion is important.

Who: Authorship who wrote this,what is the basis of the authority with which the author speaks.

What: Publishing Body, point of view, or bias, Referral to other sources.

When: Currency, when was the site created or last updated.

Where: What is the origin of the information Who is the sponsor.

Why: Should I use this information, is this information better than another.

Assignment 6 - Quality and Credibility of Websites

Johnny W. Silcox


I tried to evaluate this web site The ComputerTechnology Documentation Projectand found it not to be credible,The criteria I used was the 5w’s. I could not find an author for the articles or biography and did not find any sources cited or references. In most of the articles I seen, some links didn’t work and some stopped the connection. There was nothing on when the web site was created or last updated.

The credible web site that I evaluated was ComputerTechnology Review Magazine. The criteria I used was the 5 w’s.

This site gives articles on different technology needs, also the authors name and credentials you can find more on the author by following the link at the bottom of the article. There is no bias on this page and the site is easy to use. Sources are cited in a resource center and there is also a Internal search engine. Buttons and menu Items are clearly labeled in a useful manner. The site is current and the information is useful to me as a Instructor to keep myself and students up to date on the new technology

