Name / Teacher / Hand-out Date

Assignment 3 - Project Effectiveness

Scenario: In your role as Assistant Sports Development Officer in a County Sports Partnership (CSP) you have been asked to assist the Senior Sports Development Officer in preparing and presenting an update at the CSP’s annual club development conference. The update should provide local sports clubs with information as to the structure and role of key sports development providers.

Grading Criteria / Attempt 1 / Referral
P3describe the structures and roles of three sports development providers in the UK
P4 explain two methods of measuring quality in sports development
M3 evaluate two methods of measuring quality in sports development


Notice to Candidate

The work you submit for assessment must be your own. If you copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject concerned. Declaration by candidate: I have read and understood the Notice to Candidate (above). I have produced the attached work without any help apart from that which has been stated on this sheet.


Feedback 1 / Date:
Feedback 2 / Date:
Feedback 3 / Date:

Notice to Candidate

The work you submit for assessment must be your own. If you copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject concerned.

Declaration by candidate: I have read and understood the Notice to Candidate (above). I have produced the attached work without any help apart from that which has been stated on this sheet.




  1. Work in a small group to prepare a ten minute presentation that describes the structure and role of three key sports development providers in the UK.

They may be national, regional or local and could include any 3 of the following:

  • Sport England
  • UK Sport
  • Sports Coach UK
  • Youth Sport Trust
  • A National Governing Body (i.e. Amateur Swimming Association)
  • Sports equity organisation (i.e. English Federation of Disability Sport)
  • Local Authority
  • CountySports Partnership
  • School Sports Partnership
  • Local Sports Alliance

Identify the following for each provider:

  • National, regional or local provider
  • Sport specific, non sport specific or community development
  • Sports Development Continuum contribution (foundation, participation,

performance or excellence)

  • Development focus (e.g. cross cutting agendas, improving performance,

increasing participation/opportunities, healthy lifestyles etc)

  • Provision (enabling, facilitation, consultative/advisory or direct delivery)
  • Staffing (professionals and volunteers)
  • Governance (e.g. executive/management boards, committees, working groups


  • Funding (how is the provider’s development work funded?)




  1. Describe the purpose of measuring quality in sports development.


  1. Describe two methods of measuring quality in sports development.

Examples of methods used include:

  • Quest
  • Chartermark
  • Clubmark
  • Sportsmark
  • National Governing Body schemes (e.g. Swim 21)
  • Internal/self assessment
  • External audits

Give a description of two of the above that identifies the purpose (e.g. measure improvement, continuous improvement, standardisation etc) and the relevant features of both methods.



In order to achieve a MERIT grade, in addition to the requirements for a Pass you need to:

1. Evaluate two methods of measuring quality in sports development.

Review both methods, bringing it together to form a conclusion. In drawing conclusions give reasons for each of your views or statements

Factors you should consider when reviewing both methods may include:

  • Advantages (e.g. benchmarking, accessing funds, quality delivery, recognition)
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Expertise
