ASSIGNMENT 1: Biology Term Scavenger Hunt



Select and “collect” 25 words/terms from the list below. When we say “collect”, we mean you should collect that item by finding it and taking a photograph (digital or paper printed) or making a sketch of that item. You will post your photographs (or scanned sketches) with corresponding explanations in a bound Composition book.

You do not need to find the exact item on the list, say for example, if it is an internal part to an organism, but you must apply the term to the specimen you find and explain how this specimen represents the term.


If you choose the term “phloem”, you could submit a photograph you have taken of a plant leaf or a plant stem and then explain what phloem is and specifically where phloem is in your specimen.


You cannot use an image from any publication or the Web. You must have taken the photograph (or made the sketch) yourself. To authenticate that you took the picture, find some small item to place in each photo to identify it as yours (your lucky penny, a rock, marble, keychain, etc.).


Some specimens may be used for more than one item, but all must be from something that you have found in nature. Take a walk around your yard, neighborhood, and town. DON’T SPEND ANY MONEY! Research what the term means and in what organisms it can be found... and then go out and find one.



1. Example of an animal adaptation24. Invasive species

2. Example of a plant adaptation 25. Keystone species

3. Two different aquatic biomes 26. Vestigial structure

4. Two different terrestrial biomes 27. Unicellular organism

5. Two analogous structures28. An invertebrate

6. Two homologous structures 29. Niche

7. Two different types of proteins 30. Mycelium

8. Two different types of carbohydrates31. Mycorrhizae

9. Two different types of lipids 32. Seed dispersal

10. Organisms in different plant divisions 33. Succession

11. Organisms in different kingdoms 34. A population

12. Organisms in different animal phyla 35. Genetically modified organism

13. Animals in the same genus but different species 36. Dominant versus recessive phenotype

14. Bilateral symmetry in an animal 37. Sporophyte

15. Radial symmetry in an animal 38. Gametophyte

16. A C3 plant 39. Genetic variation within a population

17. A C4 plant 40. Epithelial tissue

18. A CAM plant 41. Connective tissue

19. Animal with segmented body 42. Cuticle layer on a plant

20. Amniotic egg 43. Long day plant

21. Autotroph 44. Short day plant

22. Heterotroph 45. Endotherm

23. Detritovore46. Ectotherm

47. Batesian mimicry

48. Mullerian mimicry57. Flower ovary

49. R-strategist 58. Part of plant that produces auxin

50. K-strategist 59. Mutualism

51. Enzyme 60. Commensalism

52. Eukaryote 61. Modified plant stem

53. Prokaryote 62. Modified plant root

54. Exoskeleton 63. Modified plant leaf

55. Lichen 64. Xylem

56. Parasitism 65. Phloem


Complete all calculations in the Formula Packet. Don’t forget to show your work! On the AP Exam you will be bubbling in your final answers onto a scantron sheet. Practice this by “gridding-in” your answers.


Plan ahead, so that if you need to order a book online, you have time to order it, receive it, and read it; completing the assignment by the due date. Failure on your part to plan ahead will not get you an extension of the due date. You will type a 5 page paper (Times New Roman font, 12 font size, and double line spacing) incorporating quotes from the book. This is an independent project, meant to be done independently. Refer to Hauppauge’s Academic Integrity Policy (attached). You must gather your own research, write your own ideas, and correctly credit authors’ ideas according to the APA format for writing. Your essay should include four major sections: the Title Page, Introduction, Main Body, and References. An Abstract is not required. We are including the rubric which we will use to grade your essay in order for you to have a better idea on how to address the required areas/questions. You do NOTneed to use ADDITIONAL RESOURCES to write your paper (assigned textbook only). You will find examples of how to cite using APA format at the following website:

The following areas must be addressed in your paper:

1.Summarize the main points of the book in your own words.Who did what with Henrietta Lack’s tissue cells, when, where and for what purpose? Who benefited, scientifically, medically, and monetarily?

2.What is your impression of the medical understanding and treatment of cervical cancer in 1951 (Chapter 3)?

3.Why was Henrietta surprised to learn that she could not have children? Do you think that she was not told, that she didn’t understand what she had been told, or that she had forgotten (Chapter 5)?

4.Why was the development of an “immortal” cell line like HeLa potentially so important to medical research (Chapter 7)?

5.How did the elevated status of doctors in the 1950s affect the quality of the medical care they gave their patients, both positively and negatively (Chapter 8)?

6.The author notes that Tuskegee Institute, site of the first HeLa production factory, was also home to the notorious Tuskegee Syphilis Study. How are these two projects similar? How are they different (Chapter13)?

7.Why were scientists working to fuse animal and human cells (Chapter 18)?

8.What did you learn from reading The Immortal Life? What surprised you the most? What disturbed you the most?

Email questions you may have regarding these assignments to your prospective teacher at the following address: or