Stamford Park Junior School

Assessment Policy

Assessment is a process of gathering information. It enables us to ascertain children’s understanding and plan for their future needs. During this process of data gathering, an attempt is made to apply some standard of criteria to the information. The common criteria (i.e. expectations) for assessment of the core and foundation subjects have been established through the National Curriculum and it is against these that children’s understanding is measured. For PSHE and citizenship, the development is measured against the QCA KS2 End of Key Stage Statements. The process of assessment therefore enables us, through a well planned programme, to facilitate positive development to the benefit of all.

Policy Development

At Stamford Park Junior School we are continually evaluating our assessment procedures and plans to provide an effective method of assessing the learners’ progress in skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to planned learning objectives of the whole curriculum. Assessment is an integral part of our teaching and learning, developing accuracy, consistency and comparability. The views of Parents are sought, discussed and acted upon where necessary.


  • to improve the quality of teaching and learning
  • to monitor progress and identify targets for next steps in learning
  • to clarify the links between curriculum planning and assessment
  • to ensure consistency of, and develop manageable approaches in assessment and record keeping procedures.

The audience will be Staff, Parents, Pupils and Governors


  • to plan the assessment of learning outcomes that informs future teaching,
  • to diagnose difficulties in learning in order to provide intervention strategies,
  • to identify gifted and talented or able children who require extension activities
  • to give positive feedback to the learner with clear ways forward,
  • to encourage increasing skills of self assessment,
  • to keep records of attainment that will inform the reporting process.
  • to use validated assessment data to inform target setting and to raise expectations and standards.
  • to ensure consistency and the standardised agreement of levels of work collated by teachers.
  • to make predictions and set targets to work towards.
  • to analyse performance of all pupils


Assessment Organisation

Assessment is closely linked to the school’s curriculum policies and schemes of work. Children’s learning outcomes are monitored to inform future planning and teaching, and attainment is recorded to inform reports to parents.

Assessment Approach

We recognise that assessment falls into four main categories:

  • Formative – ongoing teacher assessment so that next steps may be planned
  • Diagnostic – ongoing / specific where difficulties are clarified so that help can be provided.
  • Summative – can be end of unit, half term, term, year, Key Stage where the overall achievements of the pupils are recorded.
  • Evaluative – when the work of the teacher, the school, and the LEA is judged by the achievements of the pupils in their charge.

Formative / Diagnostic Assessment

At Stamford Park Junior School we assess children’s every day learning outcomes within the planned curriculum. We teach learning objectives through a range of activities to enable children to acquire skills, knowledge and understanding. It is the outcome of these activities that supports teachers’ understanding of what learning children have acquired therefore assessment, such as through the marking of work, is continuous and ongoing.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) approaches are used by all teachers in all subjects, to ensure that pupils are progressing within each lesson and from one lesson to the next in any particular subject.

Teachers use a variety of approaches to facilitate their understanding of a learners’ progress. They make observations, listen formally and informally and use a child’s recording of their task as evidence.

Children’s progress will be assessed termly in maths and English using Assessig Pupil Progress (APP) criteria.

Summative Assessment

Data from the following tests are recorded and used to profile childrens’ progress over time and inform Annual Record of Achievement:

  • Optional Year 3, 4, 5 SATs
  • End of KS2 SATs
  • Hodder Reading
  • Spelling age
  • G.L.Assessment (previously N.F.E.R.) VR and NVR
  • Baseline Asessment (Year 3 / on entry)
  • Termly Key Learning Point (KLP) to further develop assessment for Foundation subjects.

Target Setting

Pupil Target setting

We are committed to giving our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. Target setting is the means by which we identify specific and measurable goals that help to improve standards achieved by our children. Targets may relate to individual children, groups of children within classes or whole cohorts of children.

School Target Setting

The school uses the Government generated reports, Raise online, Local Authority Comparative and Standards Report to provide comparative data that informs assessment and target setting. Baseline Assessment will also be used to provide evidence of value added scores to aid comparison of our school’s data internally and with other comparable schools.

The school is involved in target setting at the following levels:

PUPIL TARGETS - individual learning intentions negotiated one to one or group.

CLASS TARGETS- attendance, punctuality and behaviour

SCHOOL TARGETS - legal requirement for school governors to set and publish the predicted attainment in KS2 SATS.

LOCAL AUTHORITY TARGETS - The LA is required to reach targets and these are negotiated with the school over these expectations.

NATIONAL TARGETS - the Government proposals for levels of attainment by a set date.

Approaches to Recording

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Subject Managers plan and monitor curriculum areas for the whole school.

Children are involved in their own assessment through target setting, reviewing learning of their peers and in learning logs. During selected activities children also self evaluate their work. We provide opportunities for children to discuss the outcome of their tasks in pairs, groups, class presentations or to the teacher. Data tracking information is used to identify those pupils who require additional support in a number of curriculum areas – particularly numeracy and literacy.

Maintaining Consistency

Year group teachers meet regularly to discuss evidence and moderate children’s work. They also consider their short term planning in the light of these learning outcomes. Subject Managers regularly scrutinse children’s work. This also ensures consistency of assessment and adherence to the school Marking Policy.

Parent interviews

Teachers will be available to report and discuss their child’s learning and progress when necessary if appointments are made through the office. Additionally there are formal parent consultation evenings held in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms.

Summative reports are sent to parents in the summer term.

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Head Teacher

The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for monitoring Assessment to ensure that progress is tracked and necessary interventions are made to ensure that each pupil reaches his/her academic potential.

Assessment Co-ordinator

The Head Teacher and Assessment Co-ordinator discuss the progress of assessment, recording, reporting and achievement of children’s work and together analyse the progress of cohorts, classes, groups and individuals. The Assessment Co-ordinator will monitor staff collation of assessment data and ensure that it is current, up to date and relevant.

The Assessment co-ordinator will order relevant publications from QCA, Optional tests to be administered by year groups 3, 4 & 5 and SATs papers for Year 6. They will also ensure that the school has submitted data required from teacher Assessment for the annual SATS.

Senior Management Team

Senior Management Team will meet with the Assessment Co-ordinator and Head Teacher and discuss any issues that arise from SATS or Raise online.

Class teacher

Individual class teachers are responsible for the implementation of assessment for learning, APP and other summative assessment procedures. Teachers should ensure that any assessment informs future planning and is relevant to the learning objectives covered.

Monitoring and Evaluating

The curriculum committee of the governing body will monitor and review the Assessment policy, on a regular basis. This committee will report their findings and recommendations to the full governing body as necessary. The curriculum committee takes into serious consideration any representation from parents about the Assessment Policy and comments will be recorded.

AD 2010