Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge

Developed by the Environmental & Social Sustainability Lab in the School of Environment and Natural Resources –

The Ohio State University

Adam Zwickle

Tomas Koontz

Andy Bodine (Department of Psychology)

Kristina Slagle

Jeremy Bruskotter

In conjunction with the Office of Sustainability –

University of Maryland

Mark Stewart

Nicole Horvath

  1. What is the most common cause of pollution of streams and rivers?
  2. Dumpingofgarbagebycities
  3. Surfacewaterrunningoffyards,citystreets,pavedlots,andfarmfields
  4. Litternearstreamsandrivers
  5. Wastedumpedbyfactories
  6. Don'tknow
  1. Ozone forms a protective layer in the earth's upper atmosphere. What does ozone protect us from?
  2. Acidrain
  3. Climatechange
  4. Suddenchangesintemperature
  5. HarmfulUVrays
  6. Don'tknow
  1. What is the name of the primary federal agency that oversees environmental regulation?
  2. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(theEPA)
  3. DepartmentofHealth,Environment,andSafety(theDHES)
  4. NationalEnvironmentalAgency(theNEA)
  5. FederalPollutionControlAgency(theFPCA)
  6. Don'tknow
  1. What is the primary benefit of wetlands?
  2. Promoteflooding
  3. Cleanthewaterbeforeitenterslakes,streams,rivers,oroceans
  4. Keepthenumberofundesirableplantsandanimalslow
  5. Providegoodsitesforlandfills
  6. Don'tknow
  1. Which of the following is an example of sustainable forest management?
  2. Settingasideforeststobeofflimitstothepublic
  3. Neverharvestingmorethanwhattheforestproducesinnewgrowth
  4. Producinglumberfornearbycommunitiestobuildaffordable housing
  5. Puttingthelocalcommunitiesinchargeofforestresources
  6. Don’tknow

6.In the U.S., what do we currently do with the nuclear waste generated by nuclear power plants?

  1. Useitasnuclearfuel
  2. Sellittoothercountries
  3. Dumpitinlandfills
  4. Storeandmonitorthewaste
  5. Don'tknow
  1. Which of the following is the most commonly used definition of sustainable development?
  2. Creatingagovernmentwelfaresystemthatensuresuniversalaccesstoeducation,


  1. Meetingtheneedsofthepresentwithoutcompromisingtheabilityoffuturegenerationstomeettheirownneeds
  2. Settingasideresourcesforpreservation,nevertobeused
  3. Buildinganeighborhoodthatisbothsocio-demographicallyandeconomicallydiverse
  4. Don’tknow
  1. The wealthiest 20% of people in the U.S. own approximately what percent of the nation’s privately held wealth?
  1. 20%
  2. 35%
  3. 50%
  4. 85%
  5. Don'tknow
  1. Over the past 3 decades, what has happened to the difference between the wealth of the richest and poorest Americans?
  1. Thedifferencehasincreased
  2. Thedifferencehasstayedaboutthesame
  3. Thedifferencehasdecreased
  4. Don’tknow
  1. Higher levels of education generally lead to...
  1. Lowerlevelsofvoterturnout
  2. Greaterannualearnings
  3. Largerfamilysize
  4. Higherselfesteem
  5. Don’tknow
  1. Many economists argue that electricity prices in the U.S. are too low because…
  2. Theydonotreflectthecostsofpollutionfromgeneratingtheelectricity
  3. Toomanysuppliersgooutofbusiness
  4. Electriccompanieshaveamonopolyintheirservicearea
  5. Consumersspendonlyasmallpartoftheirincomeonenergy
  6. Don’tknow
  1. Which of the following countries has now passed the U.S. as the biggest emitter of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide?
  2. China
  3. Sweden
  4. Brazil
  5. Japan
  6. Don’tknow
  1. Which of the following is a leading cause of the depletion of fish stocks in the Atlantic Ocean?
  2. Fishermenseekingtomaximizetheircatch
  3. Reducedfishfertilityduetogenetichybridization
  4. Oceanpollution
  5. Globalclimatechange
  6. Don’tknow
  1. Which of the following is the most commonly used definition of economic sustainability?
  2. Maximizingthesharepriceofacompany'sstock
  3. Longtermprofitability
  4. Whencostsequalrevenue
  5. Continuallyexpandingmarketshare
  6. Don’tknow
  1. Which of the following is the primary reason that gasoline prices have risen over the last several decades in the U.S.?
  2. Growingpercentageofgasstationsownedbylargecorporations
  3. Increasingoildiscoveriesoverseas
  4. Higherratesofstateandfederalgasolinetax
  5. Increasingglobaldemandforoil
  6. Don’tknow
  1. What are the potential effects of global climate change?
  2. Loss of habitats
  3. Less severe weather
  4. Loss of ozone layer
  5. Decrease in sea level
  6. Don’t know
  1. Living in Maryland, we see signs about entering the Chesapeake Bay Watershed or about “Saving the Bay.” Which of the following is the greatest pressure leading to the degradation of the Bay’s ecosystem? [Adapt this question to a local water system]
  2. Dredging for sand
  3. Litter that flows from streams and rivers into the Lake
  4. Application of fertilizer on lawns and farms
  5. Gas-powered boats
  6. Don’t know
  1. Imagine you are one of the many fishermen who rely on the fish you catch from Lake Eerie as your main source of income. The Fisherman Council determined that each fisherman must limit his/her catch to 5 tons per year to maintain the fishery. You decide to catch 6 tons of fish this year.

What could be the results of your decision?

A. You make more money this year than you would have if you caught 5 tons of fish

B. You make less money this year than you would have if you caught 5 tons of fish

C. The total number of fish that are available to catch each year could decrease

D. Fishermen, including you, could go out of business

  1. B, C, and D, but not A
  2. B and C, but not A or D
  3. A and C, but not B or D
  4. A, C, and D, but not B
  5. Don't know
  1. The most significant driver in the loss of species and ecosystems around the world is...
  2. Overhunting/overharvesting
  3. Conversion of natural spaces into human developments (farmland, cities, etc.)
  4. Acid rain
  5. Breeding of animals in zoos
  6. Don’t know
  1. Which of the following is the best example of environmental justice?
  2. Urban citizens win a bill to have toxic wastes taken to rural communities
  3. The government dams a river, flooding Native American tribal lands to create hydro-power for large cities
  4. All stakeholders from an indigenous community are involved in setting a quota for the amount of wood they can take form a protected forest next to their village
  5. Multi-national corporations build factories in developing countries where environmental laws are less strict.
  6. Don’t know
  1. Of the following, which would be considered living in the most environmentally sustainable way?
  2. Recycling all recyclable packaging
  3. Reducing consumption of all products
  4. Buying products labeled "eco" or "green"
  5. Buying the newest products available
  6. Don't know
  1. What factors influence the human population's impact on Earth?

A. Size of the population

B. Amount of materials used per person

C. Use of technology that lessens our impact

  1. A, B, and C
  2. A and B, but not C
  3. B and C, but not A
  4. A, but not B or C
  5. Don't know
  1. Using resources, like fossil fuels, can create economic growth. However, future generations may be disadvantaged if the current generation overuses these resources. Which of the following principles can we follow if we do not want to disadvantage the next generation?
  2. Renewable resources such as fish, soil, and groundwater must be used no faster than the rate at which they regenerate.
  3. Nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels must be used up quickly to encourage the development of renewable substitutes.
  4. Pollution must be emitted at current levels so that natural systems can maintain the ability to absorb them, recycle them, or render them harmless
  5. None of the above are true
  6. Don’t know
  1. The best way to support a local economy, such as the economy of Columbus, is to buy goods (groceries, clothing, toiletries, etc)…[Adapt this question to your town/city]
  2. At large chain stores that may employ workers from the local community
  3. Online from discount retailers
  4. From stores that sell locally-produced goods
  5. From second-hand/thrift stores
  6. Don’t know
  1. Which of the following statements about water is true?
  2. Globally, water for personal use such as washing dishes, doing laundry, and bathing is the major user of water resources.
  3. Globally, freshwater reserves (aquifers) are used faster than they are replenished.
  4. Floods and severe weather will increase the availability of clean drinking water.
  5. Because water is a free and abundant resource, it is not a major concern for most countries.
  6. Don’t know
  1. Imagine that we had to pay for all the costs associated with the goods we use every day.

What would go into calculating the true costs of a product?

  1. The cost of raw materials to make the product
  2. The cost of environmental damage caused by production
  3. The coast of health care for employees who manufacture the product
  4. All of the above
  5. Don’t know
  1. Put the following list in order of the activities with the largest environmental impact to those with the smallest environmental impact:

A. Keeping a cell phone charger plugged into an electrical outlet for 12 hours

B. Producing one McDonald's quarter-pound hamburger

C. Producing one McDonald's chicken sandwich

D. Flying in a commercial airplane from Washington D.C. to China

  1. A, C, B, D
  2. D, A, B, C
  3. D, C, B, A
  4. D, B, C, A
  5. Don’t know
  1. Workers around the world face a variety of social injustices, including low wages, poor working conditions, and lack of access to education. To help improve conditions for these workers you can:
  2. Support corporations that do not allow workers to join labor unions
  3. Buy the newest products to keep factories around the world open
  4. Purchase products from companies that conduct business in a socially responsible manner
  5. Support large corporations because they generally have more money to pay their workers
  6. Don’t know

The Ohio State University A.S.K. University of Maryland