Assessment of Living Learning (ALL Survey)
December 2010
EMR Hall
Response rate
The ALL survey was administered over e-mail and the web using Prezza Checkbox. The survey was sent to all 6997 on-campus students. 1539 residents completed the survey (22%), a 20% increase in the response rate from the previous year. 66.5% of the respondents were first-year students. 33.5% were upper class students. 69% of the respondents were female. 31% were male. 86% of the respondents were white/Caucasian. 14% were American Indian/Native American, Black/African American, Asian American,/Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino/a, or other.
Invited / Completed / %All Campus / 6997 / 1539 / 22.0
EMR Hall / 324 / 133 / 41.0
Questions about staff
This information is useful to the department as a whole (implications for training and supervision) and for current staff members (implications on current perceptions and performance). Obviously, this data has implications for the staff as a group (unless there is only one academic adviser or head of hall in the building). It is not possible to break the RA data (or multiple adviser) data down to individuals. This data should be combined with the fall evaluations and other means of staff assessment to derive implications.
For the academic adviser questions, FY students were asked to respond regarding their in-hall academic adviser. Upper class students were asked to respond based on their academic adviser in their major department or division.
My Current Resident Assistant:
Agree or Strongly Agree / All % / FY % / UC % / EMR %...available to me and has a presence in my community. / 75.0 / 78.8 / 67.6 / 75.2
...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. / 76.8 / 82.3 / 66.3 / 78.2
...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. / 71.8 / 76.7 / 63.0 / 69.2
...a strong community builder in my community. / 65.5 / 70.7 / 56.3 / 65.4
...a good facilitator of educational opportunities in my community. / 65.8 / 71.5 / 56.5 / 63.6 effective at helping my community develop, revise and adhere to community standards or community agreements. / 68.8 / 76.3 / 60.6 / 72.9
My First Year Adviser/Assistant First Year Adviser (first year halls) or Resident Director (upper class halls) is:
Strongly agree or agree / All % / FY % / UC % / EMR %...available to me and has a presence in my residence hall. / 67.4 / 72.2 / 58.3 / 68.9
...a good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami. / 66.8 / 72.5 / 55.6 / 71.2
...a good listener and helps when I have a problem. / 58.3 / 64.0 / 49.8 / 58.1
Frequency of meaningful discussions with other students about…
Meaningful discussions about race / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010not at all / 33 / 34.2 / 30.8 / 27.0 / 33.1 / 34.3 / 23.3
very little / 24 / 25.1 / 27.3 / 30.0 / 27.3 / 25.5 / 32.3
some / 30 / 27.8 / 28.7 / 31.0 / 29.5 / 28.7 / 29.3
quite a lot / 10 / 8.6 / 8.5 / 8.9 / 7.0 / 8.6 / 11.3
a great deal / 4 / 3.9 / 4.8 / 3.1 / 3.0 / 2.5 / 3.8
Meaningful discussions about gender / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 33 / 31.0 / 31.3 / 25.9 / 31.6 / 33.1 / 24.1
very little / 23 / 24.6 / 26.5 / 28.9 / 25.5 / 23.5 / 26.3
Some / 29 / 27.9 / 25.9 / 31.0 / 27.9 / 29.0 / 30.8
quite a lot / 11 / 11.3 / 11.1 / 10.7 / 11.4 / 11.1 / 15.0
a great deal / 5 / 5.3 / 5.2 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.3 / 3.8
Meaningful discussions about sexual orientation / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 33 / 32.5 / 33.4 / 27.6 / 32.7 / 35.7 / 26.3
very little / 23 / 25.1 / 26.2 / 31.2 / 30.1 / 26.7 / 31.6
Some / 29 / 27.3 / 25.6 / 28.1 / 26.9 / 25.8 / 30.8
quite a lot / 11 / 9.5 / 9.2 / 9.6 / 7.3 / 8.8 / 9.8
a great deal / 5 / 5.6 / 5.6 / 3.6 / 3.0 / 3.0 / 1.5
Meaningful discussions about politics / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 25 / 23.4 / 23.3 / 12.2 / 26.8 / 29.4 / 21.1
very little / 20 / 21.3 / 20.2 / 13.4 / 25.4 / 26.4 / 29.3
Some / 30 / 31.9 / 31.3 / 37.9 / 31.2 / 29.4 / 33.1
quite a lot / 16 / 15.1 / 14.8 / 25.9 / 11.7 / 10.8 / 13.5
a great deal / 8 / 8.3 / 10.5 / 10.6 / 4.9 / 4.0 / 3.0
Meaningful discussions about class material / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 14 / 9.1 / 12.5 / 9.1 / 9.3 / 9.7 / 4.5
very little / 8 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 6.5 / 8.8 / 6.7 / 6.8
Some / 21 / 25.0 / 20.5 / 24.4 / 23.6 / 23.7 / 15.8
quite a lot / 32 / 34.5 / 37.8 / 36.5 / 36.5 / 35.1 / 35.3
a great deal / 24 / 25.0 / 22.2 / 23.6 / 21.9 / 25.9 / 37.6
Meaningful discussions about career issues / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 19 / 15.1 / 17.1 / 10.9 / 13.1 / 12.7 / 9.0
very little / 12 / 13.1 / 12.3 / 13.2 / 13.7 / 12.0 / 6.8
Some / 27 / 31.5 / 27.3 / 33.9 / 33.3 / 32.1 / 27.1
quite a lot / 28 / 27.5 / 28.2 / 30.3 / 28.1 / 28.9 / 37.6
a great deal / 13 / 12.7 / 15.1 / 11.6 / 11.9 / 14.4 / 19.6
Meaningful discussions about religion or spirituality / % all respondents April 2006 / % all respondents December 2006 / % all respondents April 2008 / % all respondents December 2008 / % all respondents December 2009 / % all respondents December 2010 / % EMR December 2010
not at all / 25 / 20.0 / 25.1 / 20.7 / 23.1 / 24.2 / 12.0
very little / 20 / 23.0 / 19.7 / 28.5 / 24.9 / 23.1 / 16.6
Some / 29 / 31.9 / 26.4 / 31.7 / 32.7 / 31.3 / 33.8
quite a lot / 17 / 16.6 / 16.0 / 13.1 / 12.5 / 15.1 / 27.1
a great deal / 9 / 8.7 / 12.8 / 6.0 / 6.8 / 6.3 / 10.5
Community Standards/Agreements
When someone in my corriELT is violating a policy (noise, trash, alcohol for example) to the degree that it bothers me, the first thing I do is… / % All respondents April 2008* / % All respondents Dec 2008 / % All respondents Dec 2009 / % All respondents Dec 2010 / % EMRDec 2010
…go directly to the resident to express my concern / 28.0 / 30.0 / 27.4 / 29.3 / 36.8
…talk with other residents on the corriELT / 25.0 / 24.0 / 24.9 / 26.8 / 27.8
…do nothing / 29.0 / 27.0 / 27.6 / 25.2 / 17.3
…talk to my RA or adviser / 12.0 / 13.0 / 14.7 / 14.1 / 10.5
…other / 7.0 / 6.0 / 5.1 / 4.7 / 7.5
*prior to implementation of Community Standards/Agreements
Percentage who strongly agree or agree: / All respondents April 2008* / All respondents December 2008 / All respondents December 2009 / % All respondents Dec 2010 / EMR Dec 2010I play a role in setting policies and standards on my corriELT and in my hall. / 28.5 / 53.8 / 51.1 / 51.7 / 54.9
I play a role in holding other residents of my corriELT and hall accountable to the policies and standards. / 32.2 / 43.4 / 42.8 / 46.2 / 51.1
I have a say in setting the living conditions in my room with my roommate(s). / 65.7 / 81.6 / 80.5 / 78.4 / 87.1
My roommate(s) and I completed and revised our Roommate Agreement Form. / --- / 77.4 / 80.9 / 77.6 / 84.8
The roommate agreement process at the beginning of the year was effective. / 38.2 / 57.1 / 60.0 / 58.8 / 66.7
*prior to implementation of Community Standards/Agreements
My academic adviser…
Percentage who answered “strongly agree” or “agree” / All % / FY % / UC % / EMR %My academic adviser was available to schedule to meet with me about academic matters. / 67.2 / 69.5 / 62.9 / 74.2
My academic adviser asked me questions about my academic goals and major. / 64.7 / 70.7 / 52.9 / 65.4
My academic adviser helped me understand resources for academic decision making (DARS, Bulletin, Miami Plan, other administrative offices or advisers on campus, etc.) / 66.2 / 71.3 / 56.3 / 68.9
My academic adviser effectively answered my questions about academic matters. / 64.3 / 66.4 / 60.2 / 68.4
My academic adviser took a personal interest in my academic success. / 56.3 / 61.2 / 50.6 / 60.3
Community Council
The role of community council is…(students were able to check more than one response – percentage of the respondents who checked that item are shown) / All Dec 2008 % / All
Dec 2009 % / % All respondents Dec 2010 / EMR 2010 %
…to plan and implement social events / 76.0 / 77.0 / 77.4 / 93.2
…to plan and implement educational events / 50.0 / 48.5 / 50.1 / 57.9
…to represent student opinions and voices in our community / 68.0 / 66.1 / 65.0 / 72.9
…to help set and help residents adhere to policies and standards in the community / 43.0 / 43.9 / 45.9 / 42.9
…to provide leadership opportunities for residents in the community / 59.0 / 57.4 / 60.7 / 69.2
…I didn’t even know we had a community council / 15.0 / 13.2 / 15.4 / 5.3
…other / 5.0 / 4.6 / 3.3 / 1.5
How important are the following types of programs and events to students:
Percentage who answered “high” importance / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY 2010 % / UC 2010 % / EMR 2010 %…recreational / 37.6 / 36.7 / 36.1 / 38.4 / 30.4 / 30.8
…social / 50.4 / 48.0 / 48.2 / 52.5 / 38.2 / 42.9
…educational / 37.8 / 40.7 / 41.1 / 43.3 / 35.5 / 32.3
…diversity related / 16.1 / 13.5 / 15.9 / 14.7 / 17.8 / 11.3
I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of the following types of programs and events in my residence hall:
Percentage who strongly agree or agree / All Dec 2006 % / All Apr 2008 % / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY Dec 2010 % / UC Dec 2010 % / EMR Dec 2010 %…recreational / 49.4 / 42.5 / 53.6 / 55.7 / 57.0 / 59.0 / 51.2 / 62.3
…social / 62.7 / 52.2 / 59.4 / 60.2 / 62.0 / 64.9 / 54.3 / 71.5
…educational / 47.4 / 37.9 / 52.5 / 52.5 / 54.0 / 56.4 / 47.5 / 53.8
…diversity related / 33.1 / 30.7 / 37.0 / 35.4 / 38.5 / 40.3 / 33.7 / 41.5
Percentage who answered “high” importance / All Dec 2010 % / EMR Dec 2010 %
I hang out with students in my community on the weekends. / 48.9 / 51.9
I know almost everybody who lives in my corriELT. / 39.3 / 43.6
If I am studying and someone is being loud, I feel comfortable asking him/her to be quiet. / 44.4 / 49.6
Other students on my corriELT care about my well-being. / 44.3 / 52.6
I feel comfortable “being myself” around other people on my corriELT. / 64.4 / 71.4
I am able to study and sleep where I live. / 74.6 / 78.2
Percentage of those who responded Strongly Agree or Agree: / All April 2008 % / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / EMR Dec 2010 %
I hang out with students in my community on the weekends. / --- / 65.4 / 63.5 / 66.4 / 78.0
I know almost everybody who lives in my corriELT. / 49.2 / 53.1 / 49.1 / 52.2 / 68.9
If I am studying and someone is being loud, I feel comfortable asking him/her to be quiet. / 45.9 / 51.5 / 49.0 / 51.9 / 58.3
Other students on my corriELT care about my well-being. / 54.8 / 56.4 / 53.1 / 57.1 / 68.2
I feel comfortable “being myself” around other people on my corriELT. / 73.8 / 70.0 / 71.9 / 75.0 / 78.6
I am able to study and sleep where I live. / --- / 70.3 (16 neutral) / 71.0 (16 neutral) / 72.5 (14.7 neutral) / 79.4
One-on-one conversations with RA
Did you have a one on one conversation with your RA? / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY Dec 2010 % / UC Dec 2010 % / EMR Dec 2010 %Yes / 78.8 / 65.2 / 68.2 / 73.5 / 57.6 / 54.1
No / 21.2 / 34.8 / 31.8 / 26.5 / 42.4 / 45.9
Of those who DID have a one-on-one discussion with an RA: My one-on-one meeting with my RA was…
(percentage who responded Strongly Agree or Agree) / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY 2010 % / UC 2010 % / EMR 2010 %
…a good opportunity for my RA to get to know me / 84.1 / 83.6 / 83.9 / 84.4 / 82.7 / 91.4
…a good opportunity for me to get to know my RA / 81.4 / 83.6 / 83.8 / 84.6 / 82.0 / 91.4
…a good use of my time / 61.1 / 71.3 / 72.0 / 73.2 / 70.5 / 81.4
…a time when my RA asked me interesting questions about my experiences at Miami / 72.5 / 73.0 / 73.6 / 76.4 / 66.8 / 77.1
…helpful to me / 58.3% / 69.7 / 70.6 / 74.1 / 62.5 / 85.7
Of those who DID NOT have a one-on-one discussion with an RA: Why didn’t you have a one-on-one meeting with your RA? / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY Dec 2010 % / UC Dec 2010 % / EMR Dec 2010 %
I did not want to meet with my RA. / 17.0 / 13.7 / 12.5 / 15.4 / 8.8 / 8.5
We tried but could not get a meeting scheduled. / 26.0 / 16.2 / 11.8 / 14.2 / 8.8 / 11.9
My RA did not attempt to meet with me. / 28.0 / 48.5 / 59.3 / 55.4 / 64.2 / 66.1
Other / 29.0 / 21.6 / 16.4 / 15.0 / 18.1 / 13.6
Other proficiencies from the Residential Curriculum
(percentage who responded “Strongly Agree” or “Agree”) / All Dec 2008 % / All Dec 2009 % / All Dec 2010 % / FY 2010 % / UC 2010 % / EMR 2010 %