Academic year: 2010/2011
Academic teacher: / dr Dagmara Woźniakowska-Fajst
Specialization: / legal-criminological
Semester: / summer / winter
Course ID: / Code Erasmus –
Type of course: / seminar
Course level: / advanced
Year of study,
semester: / 3rd year
Mode of delivery: / lecture, workshops, discussions, students’ presentations
Language of instruction: / Polish
Amount of hours: / 60 / Mode of studies: / ‮full-time studies / part-time studies
General assumptions and aims of the course / The purpose of this seminar is to prepare students to write their bachelor’s thesis. It will be accomplished through showing them how to pin-point and put down into words research questions, formulating research hypotheses, how to logically and efficiently collect data and sources, make use of statistics and present conclusions in a logical way.
Course prerequisites / Completed courses on criminology and sociology of crime in Poland
The main topic of this seminar is THE VICTIM OF A CRIME; bachelor’s theses written during this course should relate to the field of victimology. During the course many various aspects of this issue will be covered – the bachelor’s theses can deal with e.g. characteristics of victims of given crimes, the consequences of victimization, criminal policy taking into consideration victims’ rights, programs offering support to crime victims, informal ways of helping crime victims, non-governmental organizations’ activities in favour of crime victims.
The course will include classes focused on theoretical aspects of victimology, research conducted on the victim’s role in crime etiology, consequences of victimization (including secondary victimization) and possibilities of helping crime victims.
Moreover, the course includes classes devoted to academic writing (and in particular to writing a bachelor’s thesis). The purpose and outline of the thesis will be discussed, as well as methods of seeking sources and referencing, techniques of working in a library and with sources (where and how to look for information), thesis’ general structure and the process of writing itself. Aesthetical aspects of the thesis – text formatting, editing and binding.
Obligatory reading:
Bieńkowska E. / Ofiara przestępstwa w systemie wymiaru sprawiedliwości : jak zapewnić należytą realizację praw ofiar nie pogarszając sytuacji sprawców przestępstw? / PTW, TNPK, 1993
Bieńkowska E. / Wiktymologia / Ossolineum, 1992
Bieńkowska E. / Wiktymologia- zarys wykładu / Wyd. Zrzeszenia Prawników Polskich 2000
Błachut J, Gaberle A., Krajewski K. / Kryminologia / Gdańsk 2000
Falandysz L. / Alkohol a zagadnienia wiktymologii / Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, Warszawa 1978
Falandysz L. / Wiktymologia / Wiedza Powszechna 1979
Niełaczna M / Kompensata dla ofiar przestępstw. Prawo a praktyka / Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej, 2007
Additional reading:
Amin S.M. / Ofiara przestępstwa we współczesnych systemach prawnokarnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jurysprudencji Islamu. / UMK, 1995
Czarnecka-Dzialuk B., Wójcik D. (red.) / Mediacja. Nieletni przestępcy i ich ofiary / IWS, 1999
Expected learning outcomes:
Writing a bachelor’s thesis.

Assessment methods:

Na zaliczenie przedmiotu składa się:
1)active participation in classes,
3)preparing and presenting the topic of the bachelor’s thesis
4)writing bachelor’s thesis

ECTS credits

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Course leader’s signature

[Tłumaczenie: Natalia Charitonow]