Module Description




/ Assessment in School Nursing 2
Code / NAM66
Level / 7
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Normally course pre-requisites apply OR
Hold a current and appropriate (1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 or 15) registration with the NMC
Have 24 months post qualifying community experience
Currently work in relevant community practice for a minimum of 15 hours per week
Have management support and approval to undertake the module
Demonstrate evidence of appropriate, recent and successful completion of study at degree level (120 level 6 credits)
Type of module / Extensive run over one semester
Aims / To enable students to build on their previous knowledge and skills of assessment in school nursing and develop their practice accordingly, enhancing health outcomes for children, adolescents and their families.
Learning outcomes/objectives / The students will be able to:
  1. Build on prior knowledge and skills of assessment in the context of the principles and practice of school nursing.
  2. Demonstrate synthesis of the theories of lifespan development in their application to school nursing practice
  3. Analyse critically methods and types of assessment, and interpret epidemiological data, in order to plan, implement and evaluate enhanced health strategies
  4. Assess risk and vulnerability in the family, applying theory to advanced level of practice
  5. Evaluate critically the need for sensitive interpersonal and communication skills appropriate for the diverse client group
  6. Assess needs and work in partnership with clients and other professionals, enabling development of enhanced health strategies
  7. Recognise the relationship between individual/family need and the wider community and advance practice accordingly
  8. Develop school nursing practice and take lead in innovation

Content / This module will develop advanced specialist practice. The principles of assessment will be revisited with emphasis on the school nurse’s role within the public health agenda.
Subjects to be studied include:
Principles of school nursing, epidemiology, needs led assessment and assessment tools, lifespan development, risk assessment, vulnerability, child protection, advocacy, targeting and the Hall Reports, communication skills (verbal, written and IT), working in partnership and inter-professional collaboration, legal, ethical, and policy issues
Teaching and learning strategies / The principles of enquiry-based learning are central to this module and active student participation is vital in all aspects of the module. Lecture, discussion, debate, case study, group work, guided study, seminar, reflection, Studentcentral discussion and bulletin boards will all be used. Appropriate participation from community practitioners will be facilitated.
Teaching hours will normally be allocated as follows:
Direct taught hours 48
Student directed study 104
Practice activities 48
Total hours 200
Learning support / Bagnall, P and Dalloway, M 1996. In a different light – school nurses and their role in meeting the needs of school-age children, London, QNI
Bee, H 2003) The developing child, London, Harper Collins
Blackie, C (ed) 1998. Community Health Care Nursing, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston
CPHVA 1998. The principles of school nursing, London, CPHVA
Cowley, S 2002. Public health in policy and practice, London, Balliere Tindall
DOH 2001. The HV and SN development programme, SN practice development pack, London, HMSO
DOH 2003. Tackling health inequalities: a programme for action, London, DOH
Hall, D and Elliman, D 2003. Health for all children, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Madge, N and Franklin, A 2003. Change, challenge and school nursing, London, NCB
Robinson,J and Elkan,R 1996. Health needs assessment, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston

British Journal of Community Nursing
Community Practitioner
British Medical Journal
Assessment tasks / Students will undertake three assessment tasks as follows:
Assignment of 3000 words.
An academic essay of 3000 words: Analyse critically the process of the above assessment. This will include theory and analysis relating to all aspects of the process
Practice assessment .
Undertake three assessments of need with a child/young person – two will be formatively assessed and one will be summatively assessed. (This includes strategy of assessment & reflection on performance)
Practice Portfolio
Pass in remaining practice outcomes
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / The module builds on previous assessment skills in identifying the health needs of the school age child and family, exploring relevant theory and school nursing practice. The student will be able to work in partnership with clients and to prioritise need and risk.
Area examination board to which module relates / Community Specialist Practice Course
Module team/authors/co-ordinator / Kris Fernandes (Module Leader)
Penny Lindley
Community Team
Visiting Lecturers
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1
Site where delivered / T/W
Date of first approval
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / June 2004
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / PGDip Community Specialist Practice - SN (Mandatory)
GPHSS (Optional)
School home / INAM
External examiner / Pauline Lilley


Assessment in School Nursing 2

QAA / NMC / QAA Key Skills / PH comp / KSF
Build on prior knowledge and skills of assessment in the context of the principles and practice of school nursing. / i / 13.1 / 1a
Demonstrate synthesis of the theories of lifespan development in their application to school nursing practice / iv / 30.2 / 1a
Analyse critically methods and types of assessment, and interpret epidemiological data, in order to plan, implement and evaluate enhanced health strategies / a, b / 13.2, 30.1, 30.9,30.10 / 1a, 1b, 1c, 4a, 4b, 4c
Assess risk and vulnerability in the family, applying theory to advanced level of practice / i / 14.9,4.10,30.130.3,30.8 / 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2e, 2f
Evaluate critically the need for sensitive interpersonal and communication skills appropriate for the diverse client group / d / 14.12,14.18
30.6 / 3a
Assess needs and work in partnership with clients and other professionals, enabling development of enhanced health strategies / a / 13.4, 13.6, 13.14,13.16,
30.1,30.4,30.5 / 1d, 1e, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2g, 3b
Recognise the relationship between individual/family need and the wider community and advance practice accordingly / d / 13.12, 3.13, / 1f, 3c
Develop school nursing practice and take lead in innovation / i, ii, iii, iv, a, b, c, d / 13.8, 13.11,
13.26, 14.9, 14.18 / 2a, 2d, 3a, 5a

Assessment in School Nursing 2

NSF Child / IT / Every child matters / Valuing people / Liberating the Talents
Build on prior knowledge and skills of assessment in the context of the principles and practice of school nursing.
Demonstrate synthesis of the theories of lifespan development in their application to school nursing practice
Analyse critically methods and types of assessment, and interpret epidemiological data, in order to plan, implement and evaluate enhanced health strategies
Assess risk and vulnerability in the family, applying theory to advanced level of practice
Evaluate critically the need for sensitive interpersonal and communication skills appropriate for the diverse client group
Assess needs and work in partnership with clients and other professionals, enabling development of enhanced health strategies
Recognise the relationship between individual/family need and the wider community and advance practice accordingly
Develop school nursing practice and take lead in innovation