GMB RMA National Committee Meeting

GMB RMA National Committee Meeting

GMB RMA National Conference

23 10 14 Brittania Hotel Manchester

Wales & South West Region RMA National Committee Members

Roger Balsdon & Ann Leader

1)Chairs Welcome: Mary Turner MBE GMB National President was not able to attend due to personal reasons, so Chair of the RMA National Committee Derrick Baker gave the welcoming address to Conference.

2)Apologies: There were two apologies

3)Obituary: The Chair called upon Conference to stand for one minute silence for those Members no longer here.

4)Standing Orders Report: There was none to give as it had been covered by National Committee Meeting the night before.

5)Paul Kenny GMB General Secretary Address to Conference: The General Secretary gave a short address as Conference had a presentation to be made and a lot of Motions to get through, his address covered a wide range of subject and difficult issues facing people today and how the GMB was fairing and still increasing its Membership. The GMB is fighting on a huge range of problems that effect our Members and the Public with this Government, Employers and even the Labour Party on some of their Policies, he spoke about the increase in the Life Membership Fee to £40 which caused a debate at Congress this year and stated that on refection this is being look at again to be fairer to all.

6)Presentation of Gold Badge Award from the Paul Kenny GMB General Secretary to Billy Hughes, who went onto address Conference with a rousing speech about how Proud he was to be a Memberof the GMB Union and what it had achived in his life time throuhout the Country.

7)RMA National Secretary Monica Smith Report: Read from a written report which had was included in Conference Papers

8)RMA National Co-ordernator Jerry Nelson Report: Outline on the RMA National Committee meetings and work that they had been carrying out since the last RMA National Conference, and how Regions in getting RMA Regional Conferences organised helps get the wider points of our Members back to the RMA National Committee. The RMA National Treasurer Brian Adams was unable to attend Conference so the Treasurer Report was given by Jerry Nelson, and a written report was given out to Conference.

9)RMA National Conference Motions 1 - 23:

Motion 1: Liverpool Care Pathway – Formally Seconded -Scotland Region

Motion 2: Adult Social Care – Seconded - Northern Region

Motion 3: Dementia – Formally Seconded - Midlands & East Coast Region

Motion 4: Its Your Choice – Tea or Pea – Seconded - Northwest & Irish Region

Motion 5: Restriction of Medication – Formally Seconded - Birmingham & West Midlands Region

Motion 6: TTIP – Seconded - Midlands & East Coast Region

Motion 7:RMA National Committee Meetings – Support with a Statement – Referrred back to RMA National Committee – Yorkshire & North Derbyshire

Motion 8: Justice – Seconded – Northern Region Page 1 of 2

GMB RMA National Conference

23 10 14 Brittania Hotel Manchester

Wales & South West Region RMA National Committee Members

Roger Balsdon & Ann Leader

Motion 9: General Elections & Bye Elections - Seconded - London Region

Motion 10: TUC Pensioners Committee – Seconded - Southern Region

Motion 11: Exempting sale of homes to Pay for Residential Accommodation – Seconded - Scotland Region

Motion 13: Adult Education – Seconded - Northern Region

Motion 14: BBC TV (against becoming Subscription Provider) – Formally Seconded - Birmingham & West Midlands Region

Motion 15: Solar Panels New Build – Seconded - London Region

Motion 16: Reverse the Flow – Seconded - Northwest & Irish Region

Motion 18: Public Transport – Seconded - Southern Region

Motion 19: Free Bus Pass – Seconded - Wales & South West Region

Motion 21: Basic State Pension – Seconded - Scotland Region

Motion 22: Pensions – Formally Seconded - Birmingham & West Midlands Region

Motion 23: Living Pension – Seconded - Wales & South West Region

All the above Motions were Seconded and Supported Unanimously by Conference.

Motion 12: RMA Stall – Withdrawn – London Region

Motion 17: Petrol Prices – Withdrawn- Yorkshire & North Derbyshire Region

Motion 20: National Insurance – Withdrawn Congress Business – Midland & East Coast Region

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