Assessing TEE -2015 Trainee Teachers’ Microteaching Rubrics, Format - 5
- The aim of following document is to assesstrainee teacher’s Level of competence in Pedagogy, Conduct and use of English language(PCE) during microteaching.
- The document intends to serve as an understanding of one’s strengths and weakness.
- This will be marked by
- Self –assessment by trainee teacher
- Comments/suggestions by the peers –During discussions at SelaQui
- Observations by the Principal
- Observations by TeacherSITY Mentors.
- Any diversity in viewpoints will be openly discussed for betterment of a professional.
Rating Scale: 3–Exceed Expectations, / 2–Meet Expectations / 1- Need Improvement
- Name of the Aashi Rastogi
- School
- Class
- Subject
- Date
- Start time------End time ------
- Lesson plan details ( Lesson Plan attached)
Topic ------
Objective ------
PEDAGOGYSr. No. / Manifestation in the classroom / 1 Need Improvement / 2
Meet Expectations / 3
Exceeds Expectations / Remarks
1 / Connecting with previous knowledge / 2
2 / Clarity of learning objective / 3
3 / Introduction / 1
4 / The spirit of theme/concept / 2
5 / Active participation of students /collaboration / 3
6 / Handling class room diversity / 1
7 / Elaboration and explanation / 2
8 / Evaluation. Assessment of learning / 3
9 / Assignment/supportive reading documents / 2
10 / Use of technology /Teaching aids /creativity. / 1
11. / Asking open ended questions / 3
12 / Aligning content to intended curriculum / 2
13 / Redirecting questions / 3
14 / Clarity of thought and idea / 2
15 / Check for understanding / 2
Total Score (MM 45) / 3 / 14 / 15
Sr.No. / Manifestation In The Classroom / 1Needs improvement / 2
Meet expectations / 3
Exceed expectations / Remarks
1 / Clarity of voice, modulation, intonation ,stress / 3
2 / Eye contact / 2
3 / Physical movement / 1
4 / Deportment / 2
5 / Posture / 3
6 / Facial expression / 1
7 / Handling digressions / 2
8 / Appropriateness of language / 3
9 / Adding humor and fun / 1
10 / Using words of praise and encouragement / 3
Total Score (MM30) / 3 / 6 / 12
Use of English Language / Its manifestation in the classroom / 1Need Improvement / 2
Meet Expectations / 3
Expectations / Remarks
1 / Appropriateness of words / 2
2 / Contextual sentences / 3
3 / Grammar / 1
4 / Indianisms /translation/use of other language / 2
5 / Dialectal influence / 3
Total Score (MM15) / 1 / 4 / 6
PSE: Score card
3Exceed Expectations
Above 90 % / 2
Meet Expectations
Between 60 % - 89 % / 1
Needs improvement
Below 59 %
Score Obtained
Pedagogy P ( MM -45) / > = 40.5
Session conduct S (MM 30) / > =27
English E (MM 15) / > = 13.5
Overall Performance – Example : P3 S3E3
Observer’s Name
Feed Forward:
Plan of action