The Graduated response- Overdale CP School
Assess, Plan, Do, Review
From September 2014, a New Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs will be in place. The legislation aims to improve outcomes for children who have additional needs.
The new code recommends a graduated approach to identifying children who have learning differences. Parental involvement is central to these changes.
Stage 1
Universal provision (high quality teaching)
All children are entitled to high quality teaching within the classroom. Most children make good progress through this provision. All teachers differentiate the learning according to the ability and needs of the child. Progress is monitored at termly Pupil Progress Meetings. Parents/Carers are invited to discuss progress each term.
Stage 2(intervention)
There may be occasions when the class teacher, or other adults working in school, may identify children who need further support in order to help them learn. This support could include a ‘catch up’ programme taught in small groups or a specific 1:1 intervention. These interventions are designed to accelerate progress for the child. Close liaison between the adult delivering the intervention and the class teacher will ensure strategies are followed up in class. Progress is monitored at the start and end of the programme. Parents will be informed at all points and will have the opportunity to discuss progress at Parent’s consultation meetings.
Stage 3(SEND support)
If the interventions in Stage 2 have had limited impact and the child is achieving significantly below the levels expected, parents/carers will be invited to discuss further actions. After discussions between parents/carers, the class teacher and the SENCo, a decision will be made as to whether it is necessary to place the child on the SEND register. The SENCo will create an inclusion passport for the child. At this stage a referral may be made to an outside agency to request additional advice and support. Parents/carers will be consulted and permission requested for this support. These agencies like to meet with Parents/carers to discuss the work they have been doing. The class teacher, with the support of the SENCo, will identify specific targets for the child which will be recorded on an Individual provision Map and shared with the child if appropriate.These will be reviewed termly and new targets set. Parents/Carers will be invited to a termly meeting with the class teacher and SENCo to discuss progress and the next steps.
Stage 4
Some children need resources greater than those allocated to mainstream schools. For those children an Education, Health and Care Plan may be needed. These plans will involve multi-agency teams, parents/carers and the young person working together to ensure positive outcomes for children and young people.
Education Health Care Plans will gradually replace the Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Through all stages parents/carers will be encouraged to be part of the process and to support their child at home.
If Parents/Carers would like further information or support they are welcome to contact the class teacher or SENCo via the school office.