York St John University
APL / APEL Assessment Implications
1TheUniversity has arrangements for the import of credit on the basis of both prior accredited learning and accredited prior experiential learning. In respect of assessment the following points should be noted.
2The extent of the import of such credit is restricted within the scope of the University regulatory framework. The import of credit will normally be confined to level 4 in undergraduate programmes unless a specific articulation arrangement has been approved. It will not normally be the York St John’s policy that Level 6 credit can be imported. Within a master’s programme, a dissertation will not be remitted. Imported credit will normally be agreed at the commencement of a programme of study.
3While recognising imported credit, it is not in general the University’s policy to include marks attached to such credit in degree classification. Specific arrangements are set up to deal with the import of marks and grades from partner exchange organisations that make use of published ‘translation tables’ to facilitate the calibration of marks as necessary.
4If a subject area believes that a piece of accredited or non accredited external learning might be given credit within the Universitysystem on a routine basis for a number of applicants, the subject area may make a case to the Quality andStandards Committee. This would usefully be supported by a view from the external examiner for the programme that they agreed with the credit rating proposed.
5Where the University is asked to accredit prior experiential learning (APEL), a candidate will produce a portfolio of evidence which must be matched against the learning outcomes for a module or part programme. This will be done by a Subject Director and the recommendation should be approved by an independent Subject Director and the Head of School. If the credit from which remission is requested is at level 5, the external examiner for the programme should be consulted, especially if a mark is to be determined for the portfolio. The evidence produced for the purposes of APEL should be comparable in scope with the assessment requirements of the credit for which remission is sought,and should:
- demonstrate the match between the experience and the learning outcomes and reflect on the experience
- set the learning in the appropriate academic and theoretical context and demonstrate understanding
6At the time at which it is agreed that credit is to be imported, the Subject Director is asked to specify the consequences for the other modules to be taken and for examination. It has been agreed that where a candidate is allowed to import credit within the 120 credits of a level of a degree programme, it will be normal to ask that all other modules attempted within the level under University regulations should be passed. The imported credit would satisfy progression requirements overall but would not be allowed to offset other failure.
Scope: Academic Staff / Effective date: October 2004 / Responsible dept: Assessment, Registry / Last update by: Registry, Feb 2017Next review date: July 2017 / Associated links and web pages: no / QA reference; ASS8