ASPAH SYMPOSIUM 2018: Abstract Submissions

ASPAH Paper/Workshop/Poster Presentation - Abstract Submission Form

Please indicate:

  1. Presentation Stream: Voice, Theatre Music, Dance, Research Methods or Other. If your presentation fits into more than one theme, please indicate the theme your presentation most identifies with.


2. Please follow the below format for abstract submissions.

[Title of Presentation]

[1st Author 1]1, [2nd Author 2]2 and [3rd Author 3]3

1 [Qualifications], [Affiliations], [Country]

2Example 1: BA, Faculty of Arts, University of Queensland, Australia.

3Example 2: B.Physio, Optimum Health, NSW, Australia.

Background: include information that provides context and purpose of the presentation

Methods: how the study was performed and statistical tests used or the body of literature that the presentation is based upon

Results or Main Contribution (please select one): the main findings/discussion points

Conclusions: brief summary and potential implications

Trial Registration:if your presentation reports the results of a controlled health care intervention, please list your trial registry, along with the unique identifying number (e.g. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ANZCTR73824458)

Please provide one short statement to address each of the following:

What new insights into performing arts healthcare will this presentation/workshop bring?


What new clinical and/or research implications will this presentation/workshop have for attendees?



Insert 3 – 6 keywords representing the main content of the article [these are usually words not already in your title]

Address for correspondence

Include details of the corresponding author, physical address and email address.


Include a biography of the presenting author of no more than 200 words.

* For the purposes of clarity pleaseclearly define and avoid using abbreviations.

  1. Career Development Awards

ASPAH fosters performing arts medicine research by supporting postgraduate research students undertaking studies in an Australian University to present at the conference. Each year, a limited number of Career Development Awards (valued up to $500) will be granted to the highest calibre abstract submissions. If you are a postgraduate research student and would like to be considered for this award, please indicate your interest by entering your details below:




Student number:

*Please indicate the postgraduate degree you are currently enrolled in here.

All submissions should be in Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) format, due at 5pm, Friday 1st June 2018. Please submit online at

Contact with any questions or queries.