Saturday 7th December 2013


Event organized by the South west Branch of The Australian Stock Horse Society.

Horses do not have to be registered Australian stock Horses, they may be any breed. Participants do not need to be members of the ASHS however if they are not, they will need to pay a Day Membership Fee before riding. Youth (less than 8yrs) is $15 and adult is $40.

Guest Judge: Brett Welsh

6:30 to 7:45am All riders register at the office in the clubhouse. Non ASHS members pay day membership and complete forms. A programme will be available to all riders upon registration.

EventPatternEntry fee

Start 8.00 am Sharp! (In Sand arena in the front of the Clubhouse)

Event1.YOUTH JUDGING Coaching and information session. Competition runsafter Time Trial and before Cattle section, before lunch.(Age 8 to under 21 years) Entry Fee $free


Event 2.YOUNG Horse Challenge Entry Fee $40

(Horses 4 years or under only.. Riders may enter the Young Horse Challenge on a young horse and then the Open Challenge on a different horse. The horse may not enter both.)


(ii)Working Stock HorseW1

(iii)Time TrialTT3

(iv)Cattle Section

Event 3. ENCOURAGEMENT ChallengeEntry Fee $40

(For beginning Challenge riders, who wish to have-a-go at a challenge. Use your discretion. Entries accepted also at the discretion of the committee. Competitors may not enter any other challenge.)


(ii)Working Stock HorseW1

(iii)Time TrialTT3

(iv)Cattle Section-

Event 3. YOUTH Challenge (Age: 8yrs to under 18 years. Competitors may not enter any other challenge.) Entry Fee $30


(ii)Working Sock HorseW1

(iii)Time TrialTT3

(iv)Cattle Section-

Event 4.OPEN Challenge(Competitors may not enter any other challenge other than Young HorseChallenge.) Entry fee $40


(ii)Working Stock HorseW3

(iii)Time TrialTT3


Note: Points are totalled from the parts of the Challenge with the Time Trial time deducted to give a total.


Youth Judging Competition (Age: 8 to under 21 Years) $Free


CATTLE (In Campdraft arena)

-Open Challenge Cattle

-Youth Challenge Cattle

-Encouragement Cattle

-Young Horse Cattle

STATION HORSE(Run concurrently with campdraft Section of Challenge. This is not a part of the Challenge.)

Event 6. Junior Station Horse(Age 8 to under 13yrs) Entry Fee $8

Event 7. Juvenile Station Horse(Age 13 to under 18 yrs)Entry Fee $8

Event 8. Senior Station Horse(Age 18yrs and over)Entry Fee $8

CONCLUSION and PRESENTATIONS(at the clubhouse)


6:30 to 7:45 All riders register at the Clubhouse Office.

-8:00am start

1st Youth Judging –Coaching and information

2ndYoung Horse Challenge riders start Challenge with Hack and then flow on to Working Stock Horse, then time trial, one after the other. Competitor order is in the order of the programme.

3rdEncouragement Challenge riders start Challenge with Hack and then flow onto Working Stock Horse, then Time Trial, one after the other. Competitor order is in the order of the programme.

4thYouth Challenge riders start Challenge with Hack and then flow onto Working Stock Horse, then Time Trial, one after the other. Competitor order is in the order of the programme.

5thOpen Challenge riders start Challenge with Hack and then flow onto Working Stock Horse, then Time Trial, one after the other. Competitor order is in the order of the programme.

6th Youth Judging Competition

7th <Lunch >

=8thStation Horse to be run concurrently with Cattle section of the Challenge. No particular competitor order.

=8th Young Horse Challenge Cattle Section

9thEncouragement Challenge Cattle Section

10thYouth Challenge Cattle Section

11th Open Challenge Cattle Section

Conclusion and Presentations(in clubhouse)>