Monday, April 27, 2015
5:30 p.m.
The Ashland Board of Education met in regular session on April 27, 2015, at the board office of 1820 Hickman Street, Ashland, KY 41101. Chairperson Frank DeMartino called the meeting to order.
Present: Frank DeMartino, Charlie Chatfield, Chris Clarke, Carol Jackson
Absent: David Latherow
Also attending: Stephen E. Gilmore, Superintendent; Tim Walters, Treasurer; Amy Wessel,
Board Assistant; Chuck Trimble, Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Maria Gillette,
Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Richard Oppenheimer, Dr. Patsy Lindsey; Jacqui
Thornburg; Cary Williams; Lisa Henson; Linda Calhoun; Steve Salyers; Brad Greene, Rebecca Howell, Jamie Lester; Derek Runyon, Mitch Hall, Jeff Carroll, Chris Whitlock, Harrison Hall, Hannah Carroll, Leah Smith-Mensah, Doug Mollett, Sydni Pierce, Corey Dutton, Taylor Harvey, Katie Creech.
Order # 302 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie
Minutes Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the minutes of the
Regular Meeting of March 23, 2015.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Superintendent Gilmore acknowledged the attendance of the Blazer High School’s Mock Trial Team. Attorney Coach Mitch Hall introduced team members in attendance: Harrison Hall, Hannah Carroll, Leah Smith-Mensah, Doug Mollett, Sydni Pierce, Corey Dutton, Taylor Harvey, and Katie Creech. Members who were unable to attend include Will Carroll, Makayla Hush, and Zhonna Carter.
Chuck Trimble, Murphy Graves Trimble updated the Board on Alumni Gym. Advertisement for bids is in the paper this week, with bids due by next Board Meeting on May 18, 2015. Hager’s Revised BG-1, BG-4, and BG-5 require board approval to close out the project. Murphy Graves Trimble is working on the design development documents for Blazer High School renovation. The design has been submitted to KDE. The Putnam Stadium locker room still has a few items to be finished. The contractor has been given 10 days to finish all items or Murphy Graves Trimble will hire the work finished themselves. Chairman DeMartino asked Mr. Trimble about the parking lots off of 29th street and asked that they be finished by the next Board Meeting on May 18, 2015.
Mr. Oppenheimer, Director of Student Achievement presented the board with information of the achievement requirements and statuses of student performance via interim benchmarking assessments, as well as teacher participation in the state-required TELL survey. Schools utilize a nationally-normed computer-based system to assess students’ performance on skills connected to our state standards. We use the results to determine if students are on track to meet state expectations and provide interventions for those students with deficits. It is the best available measurement when combined with teacher-made assessments in the classroom. In addition, review of TELL survey participation notifies board of district and school-level participation by teachers.
Head Start Director, Jacqui Thornburg, presented the PIR Program Information Report, USDA meal and snacks served, and plans that have been reviewed by staff for any updates and that needed to be included or changes made in procedures in the program. Plans were also presented to Policy Council and approved. The plans are: Emergency Preparedness Plan, Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Plan, Program Design and Management Plan and Health Services (Nutrition) Plan. Early Childhood Development and Health Services were also presented.
Superintendent Gilmore, announced Blazer High School students who were chosen for the Governor’s Scholar Program: Hannah Wade, Jason Zheng, Madison Davis, Lesley Phillips, and John Street.
Order # 303 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
BG-4, BG-5 Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to combine and approve
Revised BG-1 BG-4, BG-5, and Revised BG-1 documents for Hager Elementary.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 304 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Summer Feed Carol Jackson and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve
participation in the Summer Feed Program (SFSP) at a site(s) to be
determined for the period June 1, 2015 through August 7, 2015.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 305 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Community Chris Clarke and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve the election
Eligibility and participation by the Ashland Independent School District (All
schools and Head Start) in the Community Eligibility Program for the
2015-2016 school year.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 306 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Pay Estimate 21 Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve Pay Estimate
21 to Codell/Contractors/Suppliers in the amount of $212,562.11 for
the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 307 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Change Orders Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to table the following
Tabled change orders until the May 18, 2015 board meeting:
· Change Order 18-10: $845.00
· Change Order 22-37: $940.00
· Change Order 22-38: $10,846.57
· Change Order 22-39: $38,528.88
· Change Order 22-40: $3,511.88
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 308 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved to Consent combine and approve the following consent items:
· Bills for April, 2015 as presented by Board Treasurer.
· Head Start bills for April, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer.
· Salaries for April, 2015 in accordance with the 2014-2015 salary schedule.
· Head Start salaries for April, 2015 in accordance with the 2014-2015 salary schedule.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 309 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
New Business Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the following
Head Start documents: Emergency Preparedness Plan, Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Plan, Program Design and Management Plan, Health Services (Nutrition) Plan.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 310 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Assistant Principal Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve changes to the
Job Description certified job description: High School / Middle School Principal &
Assistant Principal.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 311 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Head Start Director Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve changes to
Job Description the certified job description: Director of Head Start.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 312 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
AICC Salaries Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to table the proposed
Tabled adjustments for three classified positions at Ashland Independent Child
Care (AICC) until the next board meeting on May 18, 2015.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 313 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Blazer School Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the position of
Nurse School Nurse at Blazer High School.
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson, DeMartino
Order # 314 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
Consent Chris Clarke and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve Consent
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 to combine and approve Consent items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6:
· Request from Ashland Police Chief Rob Ratliff to set DARE Day for April 30, 2015 at Gattiland.
· Fundraiser requests as listed: Ashland Middle School after school candy sales for Future Problem Solving Team (for trip to Iowa for the International competition), Chain Links after school candy sale and car wash, baseball team pancake breakfast, Zanzi’s pizza sale, coupon books, home run contest (to raise $ for baseball team); Blazer High School baseball team water sale at graduation (to raise $ for baseball team).
· Poage’s 5th & 6th grade field trip to King’s Island for Math & Science Day on May 18, 2015 via Spring Valley Coach with SBDM approval and insurance documentation on file.
· Ashland Middle School’s 8th grade Dream Team and Adventurers field trip to King’s Island on May 20, 2015 via Spring Valley Coach with SBDM approval and insurance documentation on file.
· Recommend the Ashland Board of Education approve surplus equipment listed in accordance with KRS 45.425:
Dell Optiplex GSX260 / 19SFZ11 / 12101 / Hager – 4/16/2015
Discarded/Damaged/Obsolete Books and Materials (88 in total) / N/A / N/A / CRS – 4/30/2015
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, DeMartino, Jackson
Order # 315 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by
CRS Gym Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to deny the use of the
gymnasium at Charles Russell Elementary by Gateway Church every
Sunday evening from 6:00-8:00pm starting 4/26/15 through 6/30/15 (copies of certificate of insurance on file).
Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, DeMartino, Jackson
Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390
Name / Position / Site/School / Effective DateBurgess, Melissa / Substitute Instructional Assistant / District-Wide / 3/31/2015
Denlinger, Mary / Special Education Homebound Inst. / Blazer / 4/20/2015
Dixon, Andrea / Substitute Teacher / District-Wide / 3/24/2015
Hall, Jason / Substitute Teacher / District-Wide / 4/15/2015
Hall, Kimberly / Substitute Food Service Worker / District-Wide / 3/30/2015
Howell, Jeremy / Head Tomcat Basketball Coach / Blazer / 7/1/2015
Kirk, Tonia / Substitute Teacher / District-Wide / 4/9/2015
Laidler, Robert / School Technician / Oakview / 4/16/2015
Mahoney, Daniel / Substitute Food Service & Custodian / District-Wide / 3/30/2015
Nunley, Jessica / Substitute Instructional Assistant / District-Wide / 3/25/2015
Sellars, Jamey / Special Education Homebound Inst. / Blazer / 4/20/2015
Name / Position / School/Site / Effective DateRutman, Kendra / Preschool Teacher / Head Start / 6/30/2015
Troxler, Marie / Assistant Cheer Coach / Blazer / 3/18/2015
Name / Position / School/Site / Effective DateElkins, Cynde / School Technician/STLP Coordinator / CRS / 6/30/2015
Green, Barbara / School Secretary / CRS / 6/30/2015
Platt, Brenda / Teacher / Crabbe / 6/30/2015
Suman, Donna / Teacher / Crabbe / 6/30/2015
Thornburg, Jacqui / Director / Head Start / 6/30/2015
Extra Duty:
Name / Position / School/Site / Effective DateBocook, Kerry / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Campbell, Tonya / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Collins, Christy / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Foster, Jennifer / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Hall, Pam / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Hood, Amanda / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
McDavid, Becki / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Manning, Jason / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Moore, Nichole / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Rowlett, Cheri / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Thomas, Christy / ESS Teacher / CRS / 4/27/2015
Name / Position / School/Site / Effective DateBuckley, Patty / Teacher / Hager / 3/2/2015
Moore, Janice / Teacher / CRS / 4/9/2015
Spicer, Lesa / Teacher / AMS / 3/20/2015
Certified Non-Renewals:
Lori / Baier / Nancy / McHenryMisty / Barnett / Kristy / Minton
Bob / Blankenship / Janice / Moore
Alexandra / Boyd / Kimberly / Moore
Andrew / Brillhart / Matt / Moresea
Cory / Brown / John / Mulvaney
Jamie / Cox / Kim / Murray
Katie / Bryant / Destiny / Myer
Matt / Chapman / Gretchen / Neubeck-Hill
Emily / Cooksey / Kathryn / Norrod
Ben / Davis / Tonia / Parker
Katie / Evans / Amber / Patrick
Melissa / Evans / Stephanie / Phillips
Barry / Forbes / Sarah / Profit
Jennifer / Ford / Joshua / Purtee
Kelsie / Fraley / Braun / Ream
Timothy / Greear / Julie / Roberts
Penny / Grubb / Kim / Roberts
Ray / Hall / Samantha / Royalty
Rebekah / Hall / Paul / Royster
Alison / Hawker / Shelley / Sayles
Oksana / Hebert / Karen / Scalf
Randy / Heaberlin / Tina / Scott
Amanda / Hicks / Noel / Smith
Kari / Hodge / Robin / Stanfield
Jeremy / Howell / Heather / Stout
Rebecca / Howell / Frances / Thorarinsson
Justin / Imel / Heather / Wells
Megan / Jones / Nicklas / Wilburn
Anita / Laney / Marsha / Wireman
Janice / Ledford / Michele / Witt
Eliza / Lee / Alicia / Zornes
Hannah / Lewis
Tara / Lewis
Alicia / Lowe
Whitney / Martin
Nancy / McDowell
ESS / RTI / Reduction in Time:
Vanessa / Akers / Vicki / Kelly / Deona / PlummerSidney / Alcorn / Krisi / Kramer / Kathy / Powell
Marian / Baldock / Shannon / Lewis / Della / Preston
Alicia / Barker / Whitney / Lewis / Elaine / Preston
Kerry / Bocook / Jason / Manning / Curtis / Rice
Lisa / Busch / Stacey / May / Hillary / Rice
Tonya / Campbell / Diana / McClanahan / Cheri / Rowlett
Christy / Collins / Becki / McDavid / Shelley / Sayles
Silesia / Damron / Richard / McGowan / Jamey / Sellars
Mary / Denlinger / Nancy / McHenry / Maebelle / Shepherd
Darris / Duncan / Amanda / Moore / Patricia / Sloan
Melissa / Evans / Nichole / Moore / Lesa / Spicer
Sharon / Faulkner / Jeff / Mullins / Robin / Stanfield
Barry / Forbes / Kim / Murray / Christy / Thomas
Jennifer / Foster / Stacey / Murrey / Megan / Toplis
Dan / Foutch / Pam / Nelson / Susan / Vance
Alexandra / Gibson / Gretchen / Neubeck-Hill / Linda / Webster
Jacqueline / Gibson / Kathi / Norrod / Keri / Wheeler
Pam / Hall / Robin / Osborne / Nick / Wilburn
Celeste / Halleck / Jhonda / Page / Barbara / Zimmerman
Janaya / Hammonds / Brett / Parsons
Amanda / Hood / Amber / Patrick
Classified Non-Renewals
Rachel / Adkins / Bernice / Henry / John / StamboughKimberly / Allen / Mary / Hill / James / Swinford
Amy / Alley / Kaylon / Hummer / Lisa / Talamantez
Stacy / Amos / Mellody / Johnson / Julie / Thacker
James / Barker / Dallas / Kazee / Christina / Thomas
Maria / Bavtista / Erin / Kohut / Denise / Wamsley
Donald / Bolt / Krisi / Kramer / Debbie / Weiher
Ryan / Bonner / LaDonna / LaRue / Missy / White
Elisa / Bradley / Alicia / Latour / Teresa / Whitehead
Nancy / Burke / Stephanie / Lester / Allison / Wilcox
Phillip / Cameron / Rebecca / Martin / Geri / Willis
Jana / Carr / Diana / McClanahan / Phyllis / Woods
Angela / Childers / Richard / McGowan
Nikie / Clark / Michele / Miller
Adrienne / Clarke / Tessa / Miller
Jessie / Cook / Andrew / Moore
Tabitha / Crank / Jennifer / Moore
Brianna / Crump / Paula / Oppenheimer
Tessa / Delong / Robin / Osborne
Jane / Dixon / Jhonda / Page
Brenda / Edmonds / Bridget / Palmer
Amanda / Elliott / Brett / Parsons
Tasha / Farrow / Melissa / Pennington
Katlyn / Fetty / Shelbi / Porter
Melissa / Foutch / Jennifer / Potter
Jamie / Fraley / Josh / Reliford
JoAnn / Fugett / Ashley / Riggs
Toni / Gabbert / Brandie / Salyers
Rosemary / Gehringer / Carrie / Samons
Madison / Gould / Barbara / Shivel
Keisha / Hall / Chris / Slone
Cassie / Hamm / Jacqueline / Slone
Janaya / Hammonds / Jeannie / Stafford
Magean / Harris / Rose-Linda / Stafford
Sarah / Helms / Johnda / Stambaugh
Order # 316 There being no further action to bring before the Board, it was moved by