
This book contains no formal extended Bibliography. To the best of the author's knowledge, his Thesis of Self-Other Existential Relativity is unique; likewise is its application to the restructuring of Mathematical Logic and its initiating new approaches to themes in Philosophy, Theology and the Social Sciences. The following books, among the very many the author has personally read, have been studied in depth and much encouragement derived therefrom.

Aseity is treated at length in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

Karen Armstrong: A History of God.

Willis Barnstone: The Other Bible.

Joseph Campbell: Primitive Mythology.

Oriental Mythology.

Occidental Mythology.

Creative Mythology.

Fritjof Capra: The Tao of Physics.

Uncommon Wisdom.

The Turning Point.

The Web of Life.

Marcus Chown: Quantum Theory cannot hurt you.

Thomas Cleary and Twilight Goddess.

Sartaz Aziz:

Elizabeth Gould Davis: The First Sex.

Clifford Douglas: Social Credit Publications.

Riane Eisler: Sacred Pleasure.

Julius Evola: Eros and the Mysteries of Love.

Helen Fisher: The First Sex.

Benjamin Gal-or: Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy.

Robert Graves: The White Goddess.

Bede Griffiths: The Marriage of East and West.

A New Vision of Reality.

Grignion de Montfort: Treatise on True Devotion to B.V.M.

Rosemary Guiley: Encyclopedia of Mystical and

Paranormal Experience.

James Hewitt: The Complete Yoga Book.

William Johnston: Silent Music.

Christian Zen.

Carl Gustav Jung: Psychology and Alchemy.

Psychology and Religion.

Four Archetypes.

Robert Kanigel: The Man Who Knew Infinity.

(Srinivasa Ramanujan)

Holger Kersten: Jesus lived in India.

Holger Kersten and The Jesus Conspiracy.

Elmar Gruber:

Carolyne Larrington: The Feminist Companion to


Pierre Lecomte du Noüy: Human Destiny.

Jean-Yves Leloup: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

James Lovelock: Gaia. A new look at life on Earth.

The Ages of Gaia.

Healing Gaia.

Macquarie Dictionary:

Caitlin Matthews: Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom.

Ajit Mookerjee: Kundalini.

Ajit Mookerjee and The Tantric Way.

Madhu Khama:

Naomi Ozaniec: Daughter of the Goddess.

Elaine Pagels: The Gnostic Gospels.

Frank Sheed: Theology and Sanity.

Charles Singer: Short History of Scientific Ideas.

Indra Sinha: Tantra.

Frederick Soddy: Wealth, Virtual Wealth And Debt.

Charlene Spretnak: Lost Goddesses of Early Greece.

Margaret Starbird: Magdalene’s Lost Legacy.

Merlin Stone: When God was a Woman.

Michael Talbot The Holographic Universe.

Margaret Wertheim: Pythagoras’ Trousers.

Ken Wilber: The Holographic Paradigm.

Richard Wilhelm and The Secret of the Golden Flower.

Carl Jung:

Ian Wilson: The Blood and the Shroud.

The Turin Shroud.