The House on Mango Street

“The House on Mango Street”


Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1.  The narrator’s family moves frequently. Where did she live before she and her family moved to Mango Street?

2.  How many members of the family moved to Mango Street? Who were they?

3.  What were her hopes for her new home?

4.  Did the new home meet her expectations? Why or why not?

5.  Describe the narrator’s “dream house.”

6.  How long does the narrator’s family plan to be in the house on Mango Street?


Explain the significance of the following quote.

1.  I knew then I had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to. But this isn’t it. The house on Mango Street isn’t it. For the time being, Mama says. Temporary, says Papa. But I know how those things go.


A major theme of the novel is introduced in this chapter. What do you think that theme is? Why? What textual proof is there to support your idea?


Cisneros has a poetic style. She incorporates both vivid imagery and spare prose. She uses both to create a picture of the narrator’s world.

1.  What words does the narrator use to describe the house on Mango Street?

2.  How do these words create a vivid visual of the house?

3.  How does the description of the real house contrast with the description of the dream house?

4.  What lines in this chapter create the sense of doubt and shame that the narrator feels?

Personal Response

Have you ever had a dream that came partially true? Were you satisfied with the half-dream? Was having the partial dream worse than not having the dream at all? How do you think the narrator will respond to this partial dream? Why do you think this?