American Subcontractors Association, Inc.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Fact Sheet
Immigration researchers from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Pew Hispanic Center and Bear Stearns Asset Management estimate that between 9 million and 20 million unauthorized immigrants currently reside in the United States, with approximately 500,000 entering each year. These individuals enter for a variety of reasons, including better-paying jobs, political strife, overcrowding in home countries, and family ties.
Despite strong efforts in recent years, stakeholders and legislators have not been able to reach agreement on comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Leaders in both chambers, as well as President Barack Obama, have committed to address immigration reform during the 111th Congress. Federal executive and legislative branch officials have begun to bring stakeholders together to discuss the tough issues, but competing issues have slowed the progress beyond conceptual drafts.
The delay on federal comprehensive reform has led to a complicated immigration policy landscape. Numerous state and local governments have implemented a patchwork of confusing, arbitrary and sometimes draconian laws. On the federal level, agencies have adopted a piecemeal approach to reform through programs and regulations tackling only a single issue at a time. These competing forces have clouded U.S. immigration law, reinforcing the need for a national, comprehensive solution.
ASA’s Position
ASA supports clear, sensible reform of the immigration system that:
· Addresses future economic needs for workers through the creation of a guest worker program.
· Practically addresses undocumented workers already in the United States.
· Functions efficiently for employers and workers, including an accurate, reliable and effective system to verify employment eligibility.
· Can be efficiently and vigorously enforced by government agencies.
· Allows hard working, tax paying undocumented workers to earn legal status.
· Ensures that U.S. workers are not displaced by foreign workers.
· Ensures that all workers enjoy the same labor law protections.
· Strengthens national security by providing for the screening of foreign workers and creating a disincentive for illegal immigration.
About ASA
Founded in 1966, ASA amplifies the voice of, and leads, trade contractors to improve the business environment for the construction industry and to serve as a steward for the community. ASA’s vision is to be the united voice dedicated to improving the business environment in the construction industry. The ideals and beliefs of ASA are ethical and equitable business practices, quality construction, a safe and healthy work environment, and integrity and membership diversity.
Contact: ASA Manager of Government Relations Emily Yunker at (703) 684-3450, Ext.1333, or
American Subcontractors Association, Inc.
1004 Duke Street ∙ Alexandria, VA 22314 ∙
May 2010