Capturing Youth:

An Introduction to Drawing Children, Toddlers and Babies

With Instructor and Artist Anne Cavanagh

Tuesday, 1 – 4 pm

10 weeks

@ The Art School of Peterborough

“Artists are just children who refuse to

put down their crayons”

~ Al Hirschfeld

Introduction to Drawing is designed for the individual who looking to learn the basic skills of illustration. This course addresses a variety of topics of interest to the beginner/ intermediate artist:

·  Drawing skills and techniques

·  Basic techniques on how to view the world with artistic observation

·  Personalized goals (Anne discusses individual goals with each student);


Week 1

·  Goals and preferences

·  The “Rules” of Drawing

·  Drawing from a photo (vs. drawing from life)

·  Choosing a photo

·  Candid vs. posed

·  Discussion on Anne’s method of teaching

·  Materials discussed

·  Review: Value, Proportion, the grid

·  Structure and proportion of facial features

Week 2

·  Structure and Proportion of facial features continued

·  Grid drawing #1 (same size)

·  Critique of photos

Week 3

·  Skin (discussion, demo, small exercise on drawing texture)

·  Group discussion on drawing #1

·  Critique of photos

·  Con’t working on drawing #1 (with individual assistance)

Week 4

·  Hair (discussion, demo, small exercise on drawing texture)

·  Review: Composition; Positive form and negative space

·  Group discussion on drawing #1

Week 5

·  Review: Shadows and light reflection, Shape vs. form

·  Angles and edges (or the lack there of!)

·  Discussion/ critique of works in progress

·  Start drawing #2 (optional: enlarging)

Week 6

·  Drawing Children’s eyes

·  Discussion/ critique of works in progress

·  Review: Line (contour, variation, cross-hatching)

·  Continue working on drawing #2

Week 7

·  Discussion/ critique of works in progress

·  Review: Creating the illusion of texture

·  Creating the illusion of depth in a portrait

·  Continue working on drawing #2

Week 8

·  Details: teeth, nose, dimples, etc.

·  Discussion/ critique of works in progress

Week 9

·  Less is more

·  An introduction to expression, emotion and portraying a mood

·  Exaggeration, simplification, abstraction

·  Lighting

·  Discussion/ critique of works in progress

Week 10

·  This is only the beginning J …

·  Drawing from life

Art Materials

** Note: We will be talking about materials during class #1, so please do not worry about purchasing materials for the first day of class.**

graphite pencils – variety (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, H, 2H)

Prisma Colour Ebony pencil(s)

kneaded eraser

white plastic eraser

Papermate Tuff Stuff Eraser Stick

sketchbook (approx. 8 x 10 in, white)

illustration board (Peterboro #27 or Canson)

q-tips and/ or rubbing stomps (3 or more)

chamois or soft clothe



inexpensive portfolio (minimum size of 16 x 20 inches)

tackle box (to hold materials)

binder or folder to hold handouts

extra fine point sharpie

brush to remove eraser shavings


graphite sticks

woodless pencils

drawing board or masonite

graphite powder

aerosol fixative


steel metre stick

mechanical pencil


exactor knife

magnify glass