ASA East Midland Region

Management Board Minutes

2nd February 2013


/ Regional Management Board


/ SportPark, Loughborough

Time and Date

/ 9.30am Saturday 2nd February 2013
Present: / Mrs L Topliss (Chair) / Mr D Hendel
Mrs U Beck / Mr S Penrice / Mrs C Everest
Mrs A Clark / Mr J Hidle / Mr K Davidson
Mr B Collis / Mrs W Coles / Miss A Scott
In Attendance: / Mrs C Berzins / Miss Laura Campbell



Agenda Item





12/01.00 / Minutes of 8th December2012 / The minutes were approved.
12/02.04 / PSDO Presentation / Laura Campbell gave a presentation explaining PSDO’s roles, successes and challenges.
It was decided that County Development Plans need to link in with regional development plan.
Each county to bring a draft of development plan to next RMB on 6th April, reports to be with RO by end of March for distribution.
Swim21 to be discussed after 6th April, so added to 1st June agenda.
Distribution of LC’s presentation /
County Reps
12/03.00 / Finance Update / All PSDO’s contributions from CSP’s and County associations are now in for all.
Online Business Banking is now up and running, once all data is entered and linked from Sage, will be a massive time and effort saving way to pay clients.
Charlotte has passed her first accountancy exam, so her knowledge of finance is becoming wider already.
All funding which has come in/out of the region has now been broken down into pots, which makes it possible to find the a light through the smoke and mirrors.
Once this has been finalised, a copy will be sent round to all board members to peruse.
We have received further money in from British Swimming in regard to Olympic/ Paralympic tickets, which means we achieved our anticipated income rather than the shortfall we first expected.
It has been discussed that as we now have Regional Management Board Meetings every 6 weeks, it seems unnecessary to produce a finance report for each one. Every other meeting seems more viable, the board agreed this.
/ ASA Board Report / Obviously it was difficult putting together a report which contained over 10 pages of notes so the RMB discussed the areas Anne thought would be the best giving the proviso that some areas could not be discussed.
12/05.03 / Water Polo Business Plan
/ A plan has been introduced which is bringing a structure to the discipline.
The Water Polo committee needs to be reviewed and discussed how it was/ is formed, open recruitment to all WP committees requesting volunteers for the committee would be a good start.
Would like a WP representative (preferably Chairman) to attend the RMB meeting being held on 3rd August 2013 to discuss how far they have come against the Development Plan.
There was an issue with equipment being purchased without consent; this will be paid for by the board this once.
12/06.01 / Matters Arising from Counties/ Discipline
/ Level 1 and 2 Open Water Course to be held 14th & 20th April
Synchro to hold basic judges course & national scorers course, also hoping to do L2 Team Managers Synchro course.
12/07.07 / Any Other Business / Minutes to be typed up within one week of meetings.
ACM to take place on 8th September 2013
Grant Robe (National Aquaforce winner) has been accepted as a volunteer for the region until May 2013, to be over seen by CB to make sure his time with us is productive.
Rent that the region pay is to be discussed between CB and SP to make sure we are paying for 1 desk not 5.
Retford SC to be denied Open Meet License.
Club Admin – Need to start again with constitutions, clubs will need advance warning as 3 months before swim21 panel isn’t enough time.
Swim21 to be on next agenda to discuss.
As of next year, the regional handbook is to go online to save printing costs. / CB
12/08.00 / Meeting Dates / 6th April 2013
1st June 2013
3rd August 2013
8th September 2013
15th October 2013
7th December 2013
 /
Distribution of LC’s presentation
 /
Each county to bring a draft of development plan to next RMB on 6th April, reports to be with RO by end of March for distribution.
/ County Reps
 / Minutes to be typed up within one week of meetings. / 12/07.00 / CB
 / Rent that the region pay is to be discussed between CB and SP to make sure we are paying for 1 desk not 5. / 12/07.03 / CB/ SP


RMB Saturday 6th April 2013 09.30hrs, SportPark, Loughborough

Minutes prepared by / Date
Charlotte Berzins / 11/02/13