As you prepare Your heart to worship God, please turn your

ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO vibrate. This will allow others to worship

uninterrupted. Thank you!

Gift of Togetherness


Highland’s Ministry and Mission


Chiming of the Hour

Prelude Raise the Songs of Harvest The Adult Handbell Choir

In these quiet moments, please pray for all those who have worshipped where

you now sit; pray for those who are sitting beside you; and pray for everyone God

wants you to invite to worship.

*Call to Worship

Leader: By the tender mercy of God,

dawn is breaking, light has come.

People: Blessed be God.

Leader: By the gracious care of our Shepherd,

the scattered are gathered, the lost are found.

People: Holy is our God.

Leader: By the loving reign of the Prince of Peace,

the weak are strengthened, the destroyer flees,

People: Gentle is our King.

*Hymn 8:30 am Victory In Jesus

11:00 am Crown Him with Many Crowns UMH 327

Children’s Time

(Children will enjoy Kids Konnection, ages 3 through grade 2)

Gift of Giving


Anthem Thanksgiving Canticle Sanctuary Choir

Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 94

Generous giving always results in God’s blessing.

“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food

will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and

increase the harvest of your righteousness” (2 Cor. 9:10).

Gift of Learning

Scripture Luke 23: 33-43 NT 884

Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God. Amen.

Message The Last Sermon

Rev. Dr. Dorothy McNeer O’Quinn

Gift of Praying

*Hymn 8:30 am Rock of Ages

11:00 am How Great Thou Art UMH 77

Silent Prayer

Prayer of Confession

Good Shepherd, the sheep of Your pasture

long to hear Your voice;

the sheep of Your fold

yearn to feel Your gentle touch.

Other shepherds have scattered us;

we have willingly followed their call.

Other voices have led us astray;

we have eagerly heeded their false promises.

Strengthen us in our weakness

with Your glorious power,

and gather us in through Your mercy and grace,

that we may be guided in the way of peace,

through the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Pastor: In the name of Jesus Christ, You are forgiven.

People: In the name of Jesus Christ, You are forgiven.

Glory to God. Amen.

*Passing of the Peace

Morning Prayer

Prayers of the People

Leader: Jesus in Your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer UMH 896

Sending Forth

*Hymn 8:30 am Somebody Touched Me

11:00 am To God Be the Glory UMH 98


Pastor: The King of the Jews give you strength to endure all mocking.

The King of the Jews give you the Will to walk to the cross.

The King of the Jews have mercy on you, and remember you


People: Jesus our King, send us to bless those who curse us, and

those who don’t care. Jesus our King, send us to places too

dangerous for others to go. Jesus our King, challenge and

forgive our hesitation. And by Your Spirit in us, may the

compassion and strength of God be known. Amen.


*Those able, please stand

Prayer Concerns: Eleanor Avery, home; Joyce Westfall, Chippenham.

Sympathy: We express our condolences to the family of Sarah Curtis,

who passed away November 8th . Also, to the family of

Leonard Franklin Gunn, who passed away November 14,


May God grant their families and friends comfort and


Calendar for this Week

November 20 - 26, 2016

Sunday 10:15 am Children’s Choir practice – Basement near Elevator)

4:00 pm Adult Bells will practice.

Monday: Deadline for submitting articles for the December newsletter.

1:00 pm Staff Meeting.

2:00 pm Filling Backpacks at Colonial Heights Food Pantry.

6:00 pm Prayer Service at Linda Coleman’s, 231 Bear Chase

Court, Colonial Heights.

6:30 pm Scouts will meet.

7:00 pm The Way at Dante’s Restaurant, Mike Tolbert,


7:00 pm Bible Study at Napoli Restaurant, Chester, VA, led

by Dorothy Vincent.

Tuesday: 1:00 pm Bible Study, led by Pastor Dorothy.

7:00 pm Community Thanksgiving Service at Woodlawn

Baptist Church, Guest Speaker: Rev. Mike Cherry. 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir rehearsal. Note date change.

Wednesday: 11:30 am The Stand School Fellowship Hall.

5:30 pm Church and Community Supper. Scouts and

America Heritage Girls preparing and serving

Thursday – Friday: Church office closed.

You may purchase a poinsettia in memory, or in honor of someone. Also, you have the option to donate to the Colonial Heights Food Pantry in lieu of giving flowers.

Deadline for ordering is November 27th. Make check payable to Highland United Methodist Church, earmark “Poinsettia Project.” You may mail or give your order to Louise Frenier, 502 Chestnut Avenue, Colonial Heights, VA 23834.

Poinsettias will be place in the Sanctuary December 18th, and 25th. Please leave your flower after the service on December 24th. Thank you.

The Poinsettia Project

Donor: ______

I will purchase ______Poinsettia at the cost of $14.00 per plant; Amount enclosed $______.

I will help the Poinsettia Project (Food Pantry), with my gift of $______Separate from the plant order.

In Memory of______

In Honor of______

Date: Sunday, December 4th

Time: 10:00 am to 10:30 am

Place: Open Door Library (Sunday School Class Room)

Coffee, juice and treats will be served.

Rada Cutlery Sale

**It’s not just knives! Check out:

Kitchen utensils/accessories,

gift sets, cookbooks, stoneware, and much more!!**

Stock your kitchen or give as gifts!

Now through November 27, The Agape Circle will be taking orders.

Place your order at the Sunday School desk, (the Welcome Center), or see any circle member.

Thank you!!

Jackie Breidenbach, Debi Carper, Donna Goulder, Kathy Heretick, Cindy Lorentz, Sharon Murdock, or Debbie Marshall

All proceeds go toward local Christmas missions.

Thanksgiving arrangement was created by Emily Walker and Eloise



Rev. Dr. Dorothy McNeer O’Quinn, Senior Pastor


Rev. Mike Tolbert, Associate Pastor


Rev. Linwood Daniel, Visitation Pastor



Susanna Carson Tolbert, Music Director


Linda Morris, Handbell Conductor


Matt Via, Praise Leader


Linda Kibler, Children’s Music Director


Highland United Methodist Church
Loving God; Loving Neighbor
Christ the King Sunday
November 20. 2016
11:00 am Worship in the Fellowship Hall

125 East Westover Avenue

Colonial Heights, VA 23834


Phone 804-526-3870

Fax 804-526-7470