As part of The Australian Sociological Association’s 50 Year Celebrations,

The UNSW Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is pleased to offer a unique opportunity for HDR Students

Digital Methodologies: The next 50 years of research?

Robert Ackland

Australian National University

Monday, 8July 2013 9-4.30pm

About the master class

This master classhas been designed for Masters or PhD students who are thinking about or doing research drawing upon digitized methodologies, such as web based, social media and social network analysis. The day involves a workshop and feedback session alongside a panel discussion surrounding the ethic issues within the area as a new and emerging area of research. It derives from Robert Ackland's extensive experience of working at the intersection of the computer and social sciences, and his forthcoming book with SAGE titled Web Social Science. The workshop will have a practical focus and is premised on the view that the best way to learn the craft skills of digital research is to apply classroom knowledge about different methodologies to actual data.

Who is eligible?

The opportunity is available to students enrolled in Higher Degree Research including Masters and PhD. Students must be either a TASA Post Graduate member or a UNSW FASS student enrolled in the above programs.

How many spaces are available?

A maximum of 30 places are available: 15 places are dedicated to TASA Post Grads and 15 to UNSW.

What do you need?

Selected students will be required to bring along a laptop that has Mozilla Firefox installed (we will connect to the university-provided Wi-Fi). The laptop also needs to have the (free) NodeXL social network analysis software ( installed. Note that NodeXL requires Excel 2007/2010 running on a Windows operating system (NodeXL doesn't work with Macs).

You are also required to bring along your data collected thus far. If you do not have any data at this stage, you are required to bring along your targeted areas of data collection.

How to apply: Completethe attached form and return by FRIDAY, 3 May to:

UNSW / TASA Post Grads
Dr Karen Soldatic
School of Social Sciences
University of New South Wales
Email: / Sally Daly
Executive Officer
The Australian Sociological Association


  1. Research topic

  1. Brief description of your overall project (150 words)

  1. What kind of data are you gathering?

  1. Please list here the specific questions you would like to explore with Dr Ackland.

  1. Accompanying your application as a separate document, please provide an example of your data if available. (No more than two additional pages)

  1. Are you a Post Graduate Member of TASA? Yes / No
Membership Number:
*If so, are you seeking a TASA scholarship to attend? Yes / No
Pease provide a maximum 2 page statement outlining the benefits of this workshop to your research project.
*TASA scholarships will also take into account costs associated with travel for those residing outside the Sydney metropolitan area to a total value of $500.00 per scholarship