
I Support Behaviouris a service for young people with autism, learning disabilities, and other complex needs. We employ the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis and Positive Behaviour Support to enable children and young people to achieve their goals and live fulfilling sustainable lives.

We aim to support children and young people to reduce and self-manage behaviours that challenge, and increase the quality of their life. I Support Behaviouris underpinned by the science and principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. We design evidenced based programs that are data driven to support young people with autism to achieve their full potential. We work directly with families and schools to provide a consistent approach, and to build a network of support around each young person.

As part of our service we are able to:

  • Carry out initial and ongoing assessments
  • Complete a full Functional Assessment of behaviours that challenge
  • Provide a written report outlining recommendations and guidance
  • Write Behaviour Support Plans based upon Functional Assessment
  • Provide supervision, guidance, feedback and formal training to staff
  • Develop individualised programs of education
  • Host person centered planning meetings
  • Support with transition
  • Plan for withdrawal and discharge upon agreement of all stakeholders

The focus of I Support Behaviour is upon individualised programs that develop communication, social and academic skills, and increase access to local community. Applied Behaviour Analysis and Positive Behavior Support both have a proven record of success with children and young people with autism, learning disabilities, and complex and challenging behavior. Research has demonstrated that progress is further enhanced by family involvement and a consistent approach across services.

At I Support Behaviour we provide a service that is person centered, individualised to meet the needs of each young person, and that is delivered with passion. We believe that the achievements of children and young people with autism are limited only by our imagination.

We are also able to provide a range of subject specific courses for Inset Days and continuing professional development. We can develop bespoke training to meet your needs. Training can be delivered during school hours or Twilight sessions from 3.30pm – 5.00pm.

Training that we are able to deliver includes:

  • Understanding Autism
  • Principles of Positive Behaviour Support
  • Understanding and Supporting Behaviours that Challenge
  • Principles of Reinforcement, Developing Skills, and Teaching Socially Appropriate Behaviour
  • Writing Positive Behaviour Support Plans
  • Creating Autism Friendly Teaching Environments

With over seven years experience of writing, validating, and delivering courses within Higher Education, we are able to provide bespoke training in subjects related to Autism, Positive Behaviour Support, Developmental Disabilities, Developmental and Cognitive Psychology, and Neuropsychology. If you have specific training needs we will be happy to discuss those with you to see if we are able to meet them.

For further information about our services and training please contact ustoday.

Yours Faithfully

David Corcoran

Behaviour Consultant

I Support Behaviour

I Support Behaviour 07957164952

61 Aycliffe


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