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Monday 30th July 2012 6.30 – 7.30 pm.

(Syngenta) Canal Side Huddersfield


Graham Phipps Chair CATS LEAD

John Wright, Secretary

Andrew Lomas, CES LEAD


Stephen Allott. PEARS LEAD

Stella Griffiths observer contractor

ITEM 1) Minutes of the last meeting 18 June 2012 were approved with a correction page 3. Meeting was a Broad Lea House not Bradford PCT.

ITEM 2) Matters arising from the minutes, None

ITEM 3) Apologies for absence Received from


Russell Ramsden, Vice GRR OHT LEAD

Richard Hurdley, CATS LEAD

Anna Giraud Hon. Treasurer

ITEM 4) Declarations of interest. .. no change

G Phipps none

S Dando GRR CRR,

J Wright GRR CRR,

S Allott GRR, WREC,


R Hurdley GRR DRS


ITEM 5) Treasurers report

Balance reported as £29,477, balance for this year + £4189.18, Locsu cheques to sign & send.

ITEM 6) Last Action Points

GP contact DR re children’s Eyecare. Ongoing GP & AL to meet DR again.

SD fix web site Ongoing

JW respond to safeguarding letter. Done, reply circulated.

Leads to attend launch evenings & participate appropriately (no fee) Ongoing.

item7) PCT Contract Compliance Review Request, Dawn Roberts. GP to respond with concerns about self inspection safety, future visits not being timely and lack of clinical record audit.

ITEM 8) Safeguarding training letter Kirklees & response. JW to remind PCT that this training is NOT MANDATORY for optometric practices with attachment of relevant Optical Federation advice.

JW to contact all contractors & performers by email with same advice. Apology received from Safeguarding team! SG thanked the LOC for resisting non mandatory responsibilities such as this issue.

ITEM 9) Performance Concerns Policy (This applies to NHS Calderdale, NHS Kirklees and NHS Wakefield District), Sent to LOCSU for opinion. Ongoing.

ITEM 10) Clinical Leads reports on enhanced services Cats, Pears, G & OHT. The leads who were present had no concerns or about the schemes (except for flow chart cat pathway which is being addressed), developments and launch. GP to ask SR how many practices signed up and pass on new email addresses harvested at launch meetings. JW to send out details of WOPEC training and code availability for PEARS. Deadline extended for end Feb 2013 with recommendation that the study is completed soon as pos to be signed off when appropriate for each individual. SD to administer & distribute codes.

ITEM 11) Clinical leads reports on Children’s eye care & low vision. Low Vision in North Kirklees. Patients are being referred to Rayners Wakefield for Mid Yorks. assessment and provision.

ITEM 12) GHCCG Procurement Policy and Strategy, Response . JW to contact LOCSU for opinion and then respond to GHCCG. Concerns were raised about the complexity of tendering. JW to respond based on LOCSU reply & advice.

ITEM 13) Spare

ITEM 14) Any other business. Care Quality Commission was discussed and it was noted that this organization has no remit regarding GOS practice or GOC jurisdiction. SD reports Dentistry suffering from more onerous CQC demands.

SD asked why AT still engaged with commissioners re LES. JW responded that Dr Cleasby & SR had asked for AT’s input due to his previous heavy involvement in Calderdale Cats pathway development. PEARS detail was discussed regarding appointment availability, onward referral to other practices. PVD referral discussed at length. Non conversion of PEARS to GOS & vice-versa discussed.

SD & GP to meet with SR prior to Kirklees launch meeting.

Some concerns about the LES paperwork were raised inc post cat forms. “What to do with the paperwork” guide update required. ?? to action.

ITEM 15) Reserved Matters. None

ITEM 16) Action points.

GP reply to DR re contractors self inspecting QIO contract compliance

GP Find sign up numbers for LES and new email addresses from SR

JW. PEARS / WOPEC info out to all contractors & performers.

JW Send GHCCG policy to LOCSU for comment

SD reply to SR

GP & SD to meet SR prior to Kirklees LES launch.

ITEM 17) Dates and location of future LOC Meetings. Venue discussed, JW reported last meeting cost about £70. To stay at Canalside for now. Next meeting booked for 17th September Canalside 6.30