Faculty / Division: / Discipline / School: / Building: / Laboratory / Facility Supervisor:
Laboratory Room No: / Inspected By: / Inspection Date:
No. / Item Inspected / Yes 
No  or
N/A / Corrective Actions / Comments / Risk Level / Entered on hazard register
1 / Emergency Requirements
1.1 / Are Emergency Exits clearly signed?
1.2 / Are Emergency Exits clear?
1.3 / Are evacuation procedures clearly displayed?
1.4 / Do experiments or equipment involving hazards left unattended, or continuing after hours have emergency contacts and procedures placarded?
1.5 / Are Emergency Services Numbers displayed?
1.6 / Are the contact numbers identified for senior persons to be notified in the case of accident or emergency?
1.7 / Is an Emergency Shower accessible and tested regularly?
1.8 / Is an Emergency Eye Wash Station accessible, tested regularly if plumbed or “In Date” if pre-packed?
1.9 / If naked flames are used, is a fire blanket accessible?
1.10 / Are fire extinguishers accessible?
1.11 / Are appropriate Spill Kits available, stocked appropriately & accessible?
1.12 / Is the emergency isolation of power and gas supply clearly identified?
1.13 / Are exit corridors and doors clear of obstruction?
2 / Induction and Training
2.1 / Is there proof that new personnel are safety inducted into this area?
2.2 / Are there current training records for specific equipment?
2.3 / Are personnel trained to work with hazards according to RAs & SWMS/SWPs?
3 / Safe Work
3.1 / Does the laboratory have RAs and SWMS/SWPs available for all personnel?
3.2 / Is a current Laboratory Safety Manual available?
3.3 / Are work areas, thoroughfares and storage areas free from obstructions?
4 / First Aid
4.1 / Is a First Aid Kit available within 5 minutes?
4.2 / Are the names and contact information of First Aiders displayed?
5 / Placarding
5.1 / Is there placarding on the entrance to the laboratory showing safety symbols, hazards contained within & PPE requirements?
6 / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
6.1 / Is the correct PPE made available, stored correctly and maintained in good condition?
6.2 / Is there signage of PPE requirements for specific equipment / tasks?
7 / Chemical Management
7.1 / Is a current SDS manifest easily accessible for each chemical?
7.2 / Are paper copies of SDSs less than 5 years old?
7.3 / Does the lab have an up-to-date manifest of all its chemicals?
7.4 / Are chemicals stored according to compatibility?
7.5 / Are hazardous liquids stored in bunding or spill trays and are these adequate to contain a spill?
7.6 / Are flammables, corrosives and oxidizing substances stored in approved cabinets?
7.7 / Are toxics stored in locked cabinets?
7.8 / Are chemical stocks kept to a minimum?
7.9 / Are refrigerators suitably labeled? (e.g. Biohazard label, no food, no drink, no flammables)
7.10 / Are all chemical containers labeled correctly?
7.11 / If flammable liquids are stored in a refrigerator/freezer is it specially designed and built, or suitably modified so as to have all sources of ignition e.g. switching part of thermostat, located outside the compartment? (Refer to AS2243.2 Requirements for storing flammable liquids). / What does intrinsically safe mean?
7.12 / Are appropriate procedures in place for the labelling, storage & disposal of hazardous waste?
7.13 / If you are inspecting a chemical storeroom, is it adequately ventilated?
8 / Waste Management
8.1 / Are the hazardous waste disposal procedures and location of the waste store identified?
8.2 / Is a broken glass bin provided?
8.3 / Is a sharps bin provided?
8.4 / Are the following waste streams available – labelled and segregated appropriately?
  • Cytotoxic
  • Biohazardous waste
  • Radiation
  • Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances (Workplace Substances)
  • Paper / cardboard recycling
  • Recyclable plastics
  • Printer / toner cartridges
9 / Electrical, Plant & Equipment
9.1 / Is electrical equipment tested, tagged and “In date”?
9.2 / Are power leads in a good condition?
9.3 / Are power leads appropriately placed so as to minimize risk?
9.4 / Do freezer & cool rooms have functioning lighting & emergency door releases?
9.5 / Are pressure vessels registered and inspections “In date” e.g. autoclaves?
9.6 / Is a current Equipment Register available?
9.7 / Are RAs & SWMS/SWPs for equipment available?
9.8 / Are power boards compliant? (Fitted with reset button or overload protection mechanism)
9.9 / Double adaptors are not to be used. Does this area comply?
9.10 / Are safety guards in place on mechanical equipment where required?
9.11 / Are Emergency Stops visible & easily accessible?
10 / Fume Hoods / Biosafety Cabinets
10.1 / Have fume-cupboards and biosafety cabinets been tested and are they “In date”?
10.2 / Is the fume cupboard free of waste, clutter and large equipment?
11 / Lasers
11.1 / Is access to the laser facility controlled?
11.2 / Is there appropriate shielding &/or interlocks in place?
11.3 / Are warning signs clearly displayed?
11.4 / Is wavelength specific eye protection readily available for laser operators?
12 / Ultraviolet Radiation
12.1 / Is there appropriate shielding &/or interlocks in place?
12.2 / Are experiments labelled appropriately with UV warnings?
13 / Radiation Safety
13.1 / Are radiation facilities licenced?
13.2 / Are all radiation workers registered with the University WHS unit?
13.3 / Are emergency procedures and contact details displayed?
13.4 / Is sufficient shielding available where required?
13.5 / Where non sealed sources are used, are appropriate spill materials available?
14 / Cryogens
14.1 / Are cryogenic liquids located in well ventilated areas?
14.2 / Are containers used for cryogenic liquids designed for that purpose?
14.3 / Are the wheels of the transporting device in good condition?
14.4 / Are procedures in place for the safe transport of cryogens in lifts?
14.5 / Are cryogenic gloves and a face mask available?
15 / Compressed Gases
15.1 / Is there a purpose built trolley available for transporting cylinders?
15.2 / Are all gas cylinders securely chained?
15.3 / Are the wheels of the transporting device in good condition?
15.4 / Is the regulator compliant for the gas being used?
15.5 / Are procedures in place for the safe transport of compressed gases in lifts?
15.6 / Are Class 2.3 (compressed toxic gases) stored in accordance with AS 4332: The storage and handling of gases in cylinders?
15.7 / If there are more than 10 size G cylinders (or equivalent volume) of gas classes 2.1(flammable gas), 2.2 (non-flammable gas, non-toxic) or 2.2/5.1 (oxidizing gas) stored in one location are they segregated according to the class requirements of AS 4332?
15.8 / Is the storage area adequately ventilated?
15.9 / Are gas lines and fittings free of:
(1) Leaks?
(2) Wear and Tear?
(3) Kinks?
Seek Assistance if Necessary
5.10 / Are plumbed gas lines labelled?
16 / Hygiene - Facilities outside the laboratory
16.1 / Are there clean and separate meal areas provided?
16.2 / Is drinking water readily available?
16.3 / Are there adequate washing and toilet facilities provided?
16.4 / Are amenities kept clean?
17 / Ergonomics
17.1 / Are there adjustable work chairs / stools available where sitting work is performed?
18 / Manual Handling
18.1 / Is there adequate space for all movements involving manual handling tasks?
18.2 / Are frequently used heavy / awkward / hazardous objects stored between knee and shoulder height?
18.3 / Are step ladders or safe steps available to access items stored out of easy reach?
18.4 / Is appropriate manual handling equipment provided?
19 / Biohazard
19.1 / Are appropriate procedures in place to prevent exposure to biohazardous material including aerosols that may be generated?
19.2 / Are biohazardous stocks appropriately labeled including common areas e.g cold rooms?
20 / Other
20.1 / Any there any other hazards applicable to your area that requires inspection? – List and inspect accordingly.
Other Comments :
Next Inspection Due:………………………(Inspections should be conducted every 6 months)…
Inspected by (print name) / Signature / Date


AS: Australian Standard – Access via the Flinders University WHS website.

Ergonomics: Involves fitting the job to the worker and not the worker to the job. It is the science of adapting workstations, tools, equipment and job practices to be compatible with the individual worker and thus reduce the risk of injury due to risk factors.

Manual handling (MH): Any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold, restrain any animate or inanimate object.

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

RA: Risk Assessment

SWP: Safe Work Procedure

SWMS: Safe Work Method Statement

Determining the Risk Level

You only need to do this for items that need attention.

The level of risk is a combination of the Likelihood that the hazard will cause an accident and the probable consequence if it does occur.

Ranking risk factors by likelihood / Ranking risk factors by consequence
Very Likely / Expected to occur in most circumstances / Catastrophic / May cause death or permanent disability, and/or permanent ill health
Likely / Will probably occur in most circumstances / Major / Severe injury or illness
Possible / Might occur occasionally / Minor / Minor (usually reversible) injury or illness resulting in days off work
Unlikely / Could happen at some time / First Aid / First aid level medical treatment
Highly Unlikely / May happen only in exceptional circumstances / Negligible / No treatment required
Control Hierarchy
Elimination / Remove hazard
Substitution / Use a less hazardous alternative
Isolation / Restrict access, use in a closed container
Engineering / Eg: Plant guards
Administration / Eg:Training, Safe Work Procedure
PPEC - Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing / Eg: Gloves, respirator, safety glasses
Consequence / Likelihood
Very likely / Likely / Possible / Unlikely / Highly unlikely
Catastrophic / Extreme / High / High / High / Medium
Major injury / High / High / High / Medium / Medium
Minor injury / High / Medium / Medium / Medium / Medium
First aid / Medium / Medium / Medium / Low / Low
Negligible / Medium / Medium / Low / Low / Low
Prioritising Risks
Risk Level / Priority / Action
Extreme / 1 / •Cease task/activity immediately;
•Implement short term safety controls to make the situation safe;
•Notify supervisor/manager and assess activity; and
•Do not proceed with task/activity until corrective action has been implemented, and reviewed and approved by the relevant Vice-
President and Executive Dean of College or Portfolio Head.
High / 2 / •Implement short term safety controls to make the situation safe;
•Notify supervisor/manager and assess activity;
•Do not proceed with task/activity until corrective action has been implemented, and reviewed and approved by the relevant Vice-
President and Executive Dean of College or Portfolio Head.
Medium / 3 / •Implement short term safety controls.
•Notify supervisor/manager and assess activity.
•Implement corrective action.
Low / 4 / •Notify supervisor/manager and assess activity.
•Implement control measures.

(See also WHS General Work area hazard ID checklist)

Flinders University – Laboratory / Research / Teaching Facility Workplace Inspection Checklist, Version 22 April 2015Page 1 of 6