Connecticut APSE would like to thank you for the time and effort you are committing to the employment advancement for people with disabilities!

Committee Chair/Co-Chair

As an APSE State Chapter Co-Chair you can expect to be responsible for the following:

-Assisting committee identify goals and keeping goals updated

-Tracking goals and ensuring that members are following through

-Taking minutes and sending out in timely fashion (48-72 hours). Minutes must include who is going to do what task by when

-preparing a report for Chapter Board meetings of what was accomplished

Chapter President/Vice President

As an APSE State Chapter President you can expect to be responsible for the following:

-Ensuring the financial reporting has been submitted (to National and the IRS)

-Ensuring By-Law compliance-By Law V (attach the by-laws for details)


-Connecting with your membership: (ideas)

-Holding virtual membership meetings (gotomeeting or anymeeting now)

-Separating your state into regions and assigning board members to reach out via phone to members to ensure member’s needs are being met

-Personal email when a new member or business member joins

-Social Media/website (is there a board member who feels comfortable with this and could be responsible?)

-utilizing your APSE Delegate and/Chapter Liaison

-Running effective board meetings

-Ensuring board members are following through on their duties

-Keeping National APSE up to date on change in board members and/or board member contact information

Chapter Treasurer

As an APSE state Treasurer you can expect to be responsible for the following:

-Ensuring By-Law Compliance-By-Law V (attach the by-laws for details)

-It’s in the best interest of the chapter to have a Treasurer who has some sort of background/knowledge in finance and accounting

-Work with president on all financial related matters

-supervise disbursement of all chapter funds

-Keeping pristine financial records

-Preparing financial reports for every Chapter Board meeting or as decided by the board

-Ensuring there are at least 2 people on the Chapter Account

- Submit the Financial Report to National APSE 2x/year & Submit the 990 report to IRS 1x/year

-serve as chairperson of finance committee if one is established

-Chair a committee

Chapter Secretary

As an APSE state Treasurer you can expect to be responsible for the following:

-Ensuring By-Law Compliance –By-Law V (attach by-laws for details)

-Keeping meeting minutes at all board meetings and sending out to Board within 48-72 hours

-Keep a running history of the Chapter

-Chair a committee

Chapter Board Member

As an APSE State Chapter Board member you can expect to be responsible for the following:

-Serve on at least one committee

-Actively participate and attend meetings

-Be a liaison between the general membership and the State Chapter Board

-Chair/Co-Chair a committee