As a general rule, consignors will want to price their items from 1/2 to 1/3 of their original price. If your item is a name brand or boutique, you can price closer to 1/2 of its original price. The most important question that you can ask yourself while pricing is “What would I pay for this?”

The consignors who earn the most money have clothing items priced in the ranges of $1.00 - $15.00 and generally bring a lot of items to sell. A few high quality items will really add up quickly!Boutique brands start at $10 and go up from there. Maternity clothes, crib bedding, and baby clothes up to 12 months, need to be very competitively priced due to the high supply of these items.

Shirts: $2-$5
Pants: $3-$8
Shorts: $2-$5
Dresses: $3-$15
Swimsuits: $3-$7
Pajamas: $3-$7
Coats: $3-$15
Overalls: $3-$6
Holiday: $5-$15
Boutique Brand: $10 and higher (depending on brand and condition)

Stroller/Umbrella: $5-$10
Stroller/Lightweight $15-$45
Stroller/Single: $10-$65 (depending upon brand)
Stroller/Double: $15-$85
Stroller/Jog: $35-150 (depending on brand / single or double)
Stroller/High End Brand (Peg Perego) 1/3 to ½ of original price / condition
Exersaucers: $15-$45 (depending upon activities / condition)
Pack-n-Play $25-$65 (depending upon attachments)
Changing Table: $25-$75
Swings: $15-$45
Bouncy Seats: $15-$35(depending upon equipment)
Breast Pumps: $35 - $150 (depending upon equipment and brand)
Outdoor equipment is always in high demand, please check
Power Wheel Toys, please check

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