To assist you in completing our application form please read these guidance notes thoroughly before submitting your proposal

1. Support to complete your application

If you have any queries about the application form, or wish to attend a group workshop for further support on completing successful applications, please contact the Positive Activities helpdesk on 020 8314 9585(workshop sessions are not compulsory but highly recommended).


Training workshops will take place on the days/dates listed below:

Date / Session / Time / Venue
21st Nov 2011 / Evening Session / 18.00 – 19:30 / Platform 1
23rd Nov 2011 / Daytime
Session / 14:00 – 15:30 / Laurence House
26th Nov 2011 / Weekend Session / 11:00 – 12:30 / Platform 1

2. Background information:

The use of the Early Intervention Grant to fund Positive Activities (PAf) aims to target young people aged 8-19 who are identified as being at risk of committing crime, anti-social behaviour, truancy and social-exclusion with the aim of increasing the numbers of young people achieving positive outcomes by providing developmental opportunities. Positive Activities will provide developmental opportunities for young people. The total funding available for 1st April 2012 – 31st March is 2013 is £442,000.00.

There is alsoa special PAF Olympic/Paralympics ring fenced fund of £25,000 in recognition of Lewisham's position as a gateway to the Games and the capital. Projects will be able to apply for a maximum of £1,250 to deliver cultural, creative and sports activities and events from Monday 23rd July2012 to Sunday 2nd September 2012that encapsulate the Olympic and Paralympics Values:


Respect Courage

Excellence Equality


Please indicate on the front of the application form if you wish to apply for this fund

3. Deadline for applications/decisions about grants:

The deadline for receipt of funding applications is5pm,MondayDecember 5th2011 via email only. No application will be accepted after the deadline has passed. Successful applicants will be informed Wednesday 22 February 2012subject to Scrutiny Panel decisions

4. Who may apply for a grant?

The PAfis open to one or more of the following:

  • Organisations based in and outside of Lewisham, however priority will be given to borough based groups.
  • Organisations working in partnership with one or more not-for-profit organisation(s)to deliverprojects that will take place in the London Borough of Lewisham.

The PAFis not open to:

  • Political parties, activities that promote religion(more clarification will be given at the non-compulsory workshops), any group which promotes or perpetuates discrimination on grounds of race, gender, age, disability, sexuality, religion, employment status or responsibility for dependants.
  • Organisations that do not have anorganisation/company bank account (Note: grants cannot be paid into an individual’s personal bank account).
  • You may submit multiple applications for funding as long as it is clear which organisation you are.

5. What we will / will not fund:

PAfis available for Revenue funding only

The PAfwillcommissionactivities that take place after 1st April 2012 and before the 31stMarch 2013.

The PAf will not support:

  • Study fees of any kind, whether for full or part-time courses, or fees to attend conferences.
  • Activities that take place before the 1st April 2012.
  • Projects running outside of the borough of Lewisham

6. Match funding:

  • We actively encourage match funding. Match funding may take the form of a grant from another public funding body, trust or foundation; sponsorship; own/partner contributions or earned income.
  • ‘In kind’ support could include free offers of materials, free use of equipment, work or rehearsal space, transport related to the proposal, professional time given to the proposal (both artistic and administrative). In this case the expenditure budget should show the value of such ‘in kind’ support.
  • We will require evidence of any agreed match funding listed to support your application
  • The actual amount applied for should be the total cost of the project minus the match funding amount and should not exceed the amount of funding available for the Priority number identified.

7. Criteria:

We are looking to fund as wide a range of activities as possible , e.g. sports, arts, media & IT, and life skills, activities.

We are particularly interested in funding projects that will support young people within the following under-represented groups:

  • Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEET)
  • Looked after children (LAC)
  • Young people leaving care (LC)
  • Learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD)
  • Teenage parents, pregnant teenagers and young people identified at risk of becoming pregnant
  • White males
  • Females
  • Young offenders and those at risk of offending
  • Substance misuse

8.Conditions of funding:

  • Young people will be assessing these bids alongside professional funding assessors. All funding assessors will undergo some training on how to mark the applications inadvance of commencing this task. Should you wish to put forward any young person to take part in this valuable work please contact the PA Helpdesk on 020 8314 9585. Funding assessors will not be able to assess those bids that directly relate to any organisation they have any interest in. Young people have developed criteria for assessing bids that should be taken into account when completing your application form. (Please refer to the PAf Evaluation Form)
  • The support of Lewisham Council must be acknowledged in all publicity, promotional material, programmes and catalogues which relate to the project which is being funded. Copies of all publicity material relating to the project must be submitted to the fund manager for approval.
  • The organisation must deliver the programme outlined on the application form. Any changes to the planned activities or venue for delivery must be discussed & agreed in advance with the fund manager. Funding may be withdrawn if this is not adhered to.
  • You must complete an evaluation report, supported by appropriate evidence, when requested to do so. You are required to record name, ethnicity, age, gender and the addresses including postcodes of all participants. Up to date attendance registers and referral forms should be submitted alongside monitoring reports when requested.
  • If successful, you will be asked to provide evidence of any partnership(s) stated in Section A such as an agreement or contract.
  • Failure to comply with the any of the above conditions may render your organisation ineligible to apply for any future funding, or funding may be withdrawn without further notice.

9. Commissioning process:

9.1)The commissioning process commences in November 2011. We are commissioning a 12 month programme to run from 1st April 2012 until 31st March 2013. Term times indicated coincide with the Lewisham school calendar.

9.2)Following the 5th December 2011 deadline, applications will be processed in the first instance via the Council’s Positive Activities Team, and if not completed correctly e.g. clearly missing vital assessment criteria or deemed unsuitable, will be removed from the process and will not progress to the next stage. We will also be taking into consideration part performance if an organisation has previously received PAf funding.

9.3)A group of young commissioners assisting in the decision making process, will be identified and trained with regard to the Lewisham context and equality of opportunities. These fully trainedyoung people will work alongside professional Funding Assessors (FA’s) to score the applications.

9.4)The top scoring applications will be presented to a professional panel for agreement. Once agreed, the applications will be presented to the Mayor by the young commissioners for ratification by Mayor & Cabinet in February 2012. Within 14 days, this will be followed by consideration at the Scrutiny & Overview panel, after which all applicants are notified of the outcomes of the process.

9.5)Potential applicants are encouraged to attend a workshop informing them of the funding commissioning process as detailed in section 8 before submitting an application.

9.6)Please submit completed forms via email to: later than 5.00pm, Monday 5th December 2011

10. Funding amount applied for: Please tell us how much funding you want to apply for.See note at point 2 re: PAF Olympic/Paralympics ring fenced fund of £25,000(This relates to section A of the application)

10.1)Project name: Please put the name of your project that you plan to run.

10.2)Project Description: give a brief description of the project including the delivery period, the type of activities you intend to run, age range of the young people you propose to work with and the numbers of young people you plan to work with.(50 words max per project).

10.3)Details of your organisation: The lead organisation is the organisation making the application

10.4)Lead Organisation address: You need to put the address where your organisation is based; this is where all correspondence relating to your funding bid will be sent.

10.5)Name of applicant: This is the person to whom we will address all correspondence and discuss any queries we may have around the application.

10.6)Phone/ fax, e-mail & website addresses: All contact numbers and e-mail addresses should be the for the stated contact person. The website address should relate to the lead organisation.

10.7)Address where the group/organisation’s activities will take place: The addresswhere you will run your activity must to be included.Completing your application with as much information as possible will assist us when we produce our activity programme for each term.
Please include the following information:
We will contact you before the start of each project to confirm the above.


(This relates to section B of the application)

11.1)You need to identify in which ward(s) you intend to run your project– see previous note at point 6
Delivery periodtype of activity: Lead organisations can apply for funding for multiple projects in one application as long as the type of activity is the same. i.e. 3x Sports Projects. It is not possible to apply on the same application if you wish to run projects under different activity headings. There is a maximum fund available per project, please refer to the table below for funding amounts you may apply for.

Please see completed example table below:

Type of activity
All activities should be designed to encourage NEET reduction. / Project name / Delivery Period
After School,(AS)
Summer (S) / Delivery term/holiday period
Easter Break, Summer Weekend,
Summer term etc. / No. of days / Amount applied for / No. of Y/P you
will work with / Accredited
Y/N ?
Arts, Media, IT / BB’S drama club / AS / Summer 2012 / 40 / 5,500 / 40 / Y
Arts, Media, IT / BB’S drama club / H / Xmas 2012 / 8 / 2,000 / 18 / Y
Arts, Media, IT / BB’S
drama club / DT / Spring 2013 / 40 / 5,500 / 40 / Y
Delivery Period / Minimum No. of Children & Young People you will work with / Maximum funding Available per project.
Holiday Projects
Easter Break 2012 / 18 / £2600
May Half Term 2012 / 15 / £2300
Summer holiday 2012 / 30 / £2000 (per week of delivery)*
October Half Term 2012 / 15 / £2300
Xmas Break 2012 / 15 / £1975
February Half Term 2013 / 15 / £2300
Weekend Projects
Summer term 2012 / 30 / £4000
Autumn term 2012 / 30 / £4000
Spring term 2013 / 30 / £4000
Daytime Projects
Summer Term 2012 / 20 / £5500
Autumn Term 2012 / 20 / £5500
Spring Term 2013 / 20 / £5500
After School Projects
Summer Term 2012 / 40 / £6000
Autumn Term 2012 / 40 / £6000
Spring Term 2013 / 40 / £6000

* Only Summer Holiday projects are able to apply for £2000 per week

Definitions for type of activity listed below

Sports - Programmes of multi sports activities for children and young people that are fun based but also introduce young people to a variety of sporting activities and healthy living options. These activities should include constructive learning opportunities that may lead to nationally recognised accreditation with on-going support.

Arts, Media & IT - A programme of activities for young people to that may include dance, drama, musical workshops, acting and theatre skills and production with opportunities for group performances. Incorporate the use of IT to produce quality film and sound recordings to capture the event whilst engaging young people in the use of this resource and/or the availability of computers for young people to enhance their IT skills. These activities should include constructive learning opportunities that may lead to nationally recognised accreditation with on-going support.

Life Skills - A uniquely designed programme of activities designed to be flexible and interactive for young people using a range of tools. The workshops should include personal and social development skills to enable them to re-engage in education, employment or training activities and should include constructive learning opportunities leading to nationally recognised accreditation with on-going support.

11.3)Delivery Periods are defined as follows:
After School:
Following on after the school day during term time for school age young people and/or NEET young people.
Activities specifically designed for NEET young people that run during the day, term time (16 – 19+)
Activities that run during the school holidays, i.e. half terms, Christmas & Easter breaks
Friday & Saturday evenings and Sunday daytime
Summer:(8 – 19+)
Activities that take place during the Summer school break – July – September. Projects will be funded at £2000.00 per week for a maximum of 3 three weeks

11.4)You will need to specify how many days you intend to work with young people.

11.5)The type of activities you intend to run, age range of the young people you propose to work with and the numbers of young people you plan to work must be included in your description of your project in Section A

11.6)Please state whether the activity you are running will give the young person an accreditation. We will request further information re: the accreditation awarding bodies, i.e. OCN, ASDAN or AQA and evidence of all accreditations awarded.

  1. Assessment criteria

This relates to section C of your application

We will look at the following areas when assessing your application:

12.1)Project Plan and Delivery: Your organisation must be constituted with clearly stated aims, objectives and policy framework. You should clearly demonstrate the ability to effectively manage the proposed programme of work this information will be used to assess the quality of the application. Include any accreditation that your organisation has achieved. You should include details of quality standards achieved by individuals and / or your organisation in this section and clearly demonstrate what systems and processes are in place to monitor inclusion and participation in your proposal. Your project must have an appropriate lead timeand you will need to explain how your project will meet each of the outcomes that you identify in Section 5. Further information can be obtained by visiting If you are applying for Olympic/Paralympic funding, please clearly describe how your project will meet the stated values(this will be assessed by your answer to Questions 1a,b,c, and d in Section C)

12.2)Young People’s involvement:The consultation you have undertaken with your target group will be considered to assess need for the project. Participation of young people underpins the ethos of PAf. (This will be assessed by your answer to Question 2 in Section C.) When answering Question 2, Section C, please make reference to the following:
- how your organisation involves or intends to involve young people in its governance, session planning, monitoring and evaluation.
- Explain how the voice of young people influences the delivery of future services.
- How your project will be marketed to your target cohort

12.3)Working in partnership: You must clearly outline how you will work in partnership with other organisations to deliver your project and how this will benefit the y/p involved in the short and long term.Partnership working can be defined for example as in-kind assistance – loan of premises or equipment and/ or any other organisation that works with you to deliver the project. You will also need to outline your process for accepting referrals, other than those received from PAf (this will be assessed by your answer to Question3a and b in Section C)

12.4)Benefits to Lewisham residents and targeted groups: The project must take place within the London Borough of Lewisham and principally benefit Borough residents. Please tick to identify the specific target groups you will be working with should your bid be successful, and clearly describe how you will ensure these groups are actively engaged in your project(this will be assessed by your answer to Question 4a and b in Section C)

12.5)Outcomes from your project: Pleasetick the most appropriate outcomes for your project linked to the Every Child Matters Outcomes Framework below:
Be healthy

Stay safe

Enjoy and achieve

Make a positive contribution

Achieve economic well being
(this will be assessed by your answer to Question 1 in Section C)

12.6)Financial Sustainability: Your application should demonstrate good value for money and the organisation must have clear financial management procedures to ensure effective use of resources.

Please complete the Expenditure and Income tables as detailed and broken down into delivery periods.Payments will be made on this basis. (this will be assessed by your answer to Question 6 in Section C)

In accordance with the borough's Employee Code of Conduct, Council employees must not engage in any other business or take up any other additional appointment for financial gain without the agreement in advance of their Executive Director. Therefore should your organisation wish to employ a council employee to deliver any aspect of the project, permission must be sought by the council member of staff via their LineManager.

You will need to clearly account for the cost of employing Council staff under the staffing heading in the Expenditure table. The Council will retain this element of the funding to pay the member of staff, who will be required to complete a separate pay claim.

The hourly rates (including on-costs) for Council staff are as follows:

Grade / Rate inc. on-costs per LBL Payroll/HR, 28.1% (p/hour)
Support Worker / £12.01
Youth Worker in Charge / £18.29

12.7)End of project: You will need to demonstrate how you intend to continue this activity once the funding expires by demonstrating what systems you will be putting into place for future delivery. (this will be assessed by your answer to Question 7 in Section C)