Arts and Humanities A

Welcome to Arts and Humanities A, the study of the elements, principles, and processes of music, art, dance and drama. In this class, you will learn about and become familiar with the fine arts. You will become an educated observer of the arts, you will learn about the processes of creating art, and will learn to appreciate all art.

The broad goal of this class consists of gaining a better understanding of the fine arts (visual arts, music, dance, drama, and literature). We will also cover the media, process and products associated with the fine arts. The specific goals or objectives of this class are as follows:

-Develop an appreciation and understanding of the fine arts and the creative process of the fine arts

-Improve reading, writing, research and critical thinking skills

-Improve and develop the ability to analyze works of art and gain new insight

Arts and Humanities A Course Description Arts and Humanities A will incorporate the four arts disciplines of dance, drama, music, visual art. Students will not only learn about the elements, principles, and processes of the arts, but they will also learn about and experience art creativity, production, performance, and response to the arts.

Materials: Binder with divided sections and pockets/folders (we will be keeping a notebook/folder as a grade). Writing utensil of choice.

Class rules & procedures: The following is the law of the realm for our class; teacher and students will abide by the following:

1) Be respectful and courteous to everyone in class, to those in the neighboring classes & to anyone that comes our way!

2) Be prepared & be on time!

3) Keep the class a learning environment: no food, drinks, or non-class related items (make-up/grooming equipment, pictures, letters, etc)

4) Avoid at all times the appearance that you could be sleeping or “resting” (remain conscious & coherent)

Some procedures:

1) Bellwork be in your seat and doing it when the bell rings

2) Turn in “stuff” in the top tray in the section for your class

3) Middle tray is for you when you miss- you should find what you need there

Grading Policy: Your grade will be determined by the number of points you earn through assignments, projects, papers, quizzes, tests & journal activities (bellwork, learning logs, etc) . These will vary in value according to length, difficulty, and etc. typically range in value from 20 –200 points. These will go into 3 main categories journal activities(10%), Tests/Assessments(40 %) and Assignments/Projects (40%) Late Work: Can be made up outside of class (tutoring, RTI Period & before/after schools w/me) Must be done within 1 week and yes a 10% deduction for each day late. You also have 100 points of “No grades” you can utilize throughout the class– Yes, you will still have to do the assignment to get the “no grade.”

Arts and Humanities A Course Outline

Unit 1: Dance (3 weeks)

Program of Studies

1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement.

2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view.

2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Topics-Dance Elements, Principles, World Cultures, and Careers

Resources/Activities- Elements of Dance Power Point with notes, DanceSense Enhanced DVD and related handouts, Choreographic Forms Notes, Ballet Basic History Power Point, Basic Modern Dance History Power Point, Basic Jazz Dance History DVD, Basic Tap Dance History DVD, Mad-Hot Ballroom Documentary (Demonstrator2e: Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum), Bell work, Exit Slips, Rubric for Speaking and Listening Standards

Culminating Assessment- Narrative Dance Group Performance (1.15, 2.22) (Demonstrator1d, 3a,c,e: Student Access, Response to Assessment, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.4), Dance Culture Comparison (2.26, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.4), Modern Dance Reading (Reading Standards Rubric, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.3), B.A.S.T.E. Dance Critique (2.23) (Demonstrator1d, 2e, 3d: Student Access, Response to Assessment, Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.4, SL.11-12.6), Dance Career Informative Essay (Informative Writing Standards Rubric WHST.11-12, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2) (2.26), Dance Elements and Principles Test (1.12), Argumentative Essay and discussion over whether or not Grayson County Schools should include Dance in their curriculum (Argumentative Writing Standards Rubric WHST.11-12.1, RH.11-12.8, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1)

Unit 2: Music (3 weeks)

Program of Studies

1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music.

2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view.

2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Topics- Music Elements, Principles, Genres and Careers

Resources/Activities-Music Elements Power Point and notes, Music Listening Exercises (Demonstrator1d: Student Access, KET Arts Toolkit Music DVDs, Rhythm Reading Exercises, Note Reading Exercises, Musical Instrument Identifications, Bell Work, Exit Slips, Rubric for Speaking and Listening Standards

Culminating Assessment- Music Listening Critique (1.14, 2.23) (Demonstrator1d, 2e: Student Access, Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.5, SL.11-12.6), Music Composer Research Project (WHST.11-12, RH.11-12.1, RH.11-12.2, RH.11-12.6, RH.11-12.7, RH.11-12.9, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2) (2.26), Rhythm Writing Assignment (1.14, 2.22) (Demonstrator 1d, 4a: Student Access, Student Performance), Music Elements and Principles Test (1.12)

Unit 3: Visual Art (3 Weeks)

Program of Studies

1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts.

2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Topics- Visual Art Elements, Principles, Processes, Genres and Careers

Resources/Activities- Visual Arts Elements Power Point and notes, Visual Arts Principles Power Point and Notes, Art Critique Exercises (Demonstrator 2c, e: Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum), KET Arts Toolkit Visual Art DVDs, Bell Work, Exit Slips, Rubric for Speaking and Listening Standards

Culminating Assessment- Visual Artist Biography Readings (Reading Standards Rubric RH.11-12.2, RH.11-12.4, RH.11-12.5, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.3), Visual Art Critique Discussion and Essay (Informative Writing Standards Rubric WHST.11-12.2, RH.11-12.3) (2.23, 2.26) (Demonstrator 1d, 2e, 3d: Student Access, Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum, Response to Assessment, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, SL.11-12.2, SL.11-12.6), Visual Art Elements and Principles Test (1.12)

Unit 4: Drama (3 Weeks)

Program of Studies

1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.

2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view.

2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards.

2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes.

Topics- Drama Elements, Principles, Processes, Genres and Careers

Resources/Activities- Drama Elements Power Point and notes, Drama Principles Power Point and notes, Film Power Point and Notes, KET Arts Toolkit DVD’s, Bell Work, Exit Slips, Rubric for Speaking and Listening Standards

Culminating Assessment- Children Story Dramatic Performance (2.22) (Demonstrator1d: Student Access, SL.11-12.6), Kabuki Informational Essay (Informative Writing Standards Rubric WHST.11-12.2, WHST.11-12.9, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2) (2.26), Drama Performance Critique and Discussion (2.23) (Demonstrator2e, 3a: Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum, Instructional Strategies, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, SL.11-12.6), Broadway Analysis and Critique—Looking at Music, Dance, Drama and Art (2.23, 2.26) (Demonstrator2d, e: Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1, SL.11-12.5), Drama Elements and Principles Test (1.12)

KEEP THIS IN YOUR FOLDER- 1st thing I’m looking for each time I take it up!!

Signatures: ______

(student) (Parent/Guardian)