(816) 392-4125

116 Bridge Street

Smithville MO 64089

1 | PageAIMDC Student Handbook


Artistry In Motion Dance Company

Instagram: #AIMDC

1 | PageAIMDC Student Handbook


Artistry In Motion… When you dance with your feet, your heart will follow!

This handbook was created for our dancers and parents, to provide information aboutstudio policies in detail. I hope it answers all your questions.

Tuition: Tuition rates are based on a monthly and per class rate(August-May). Payments can be made monthly or in full. Tuition is due the 10th of each month and remains the sameregardless of holidays or lessons missed. All students are consideredenrolled until AIMDC receives a drop form handed to the studio owner. A $25 per child annual registration fee ($40 per family) is due at the time of enrollment. A $15 late fee will be added if tuition is not paid by the 10th of eachmonth. There is a $30 returned check fee. No refunds are given for missed or droppedclasses. Payments may be made at the reception desk and are payable by check, cash,or money order and placed in an envelope with child's name in the memo line. Place all payments in the studio mailbox. Receipts will be given upon request. If tuition is 30 days overdue, the studentwill not be allowed to dance until the balance is paid in full.

Tuition Schedule:Discounts:

$45.00 First 1 hour classMulti Child Discount: 15% for each additional child

$30.00 for every additional classFamily Maximum Tuition: $200.00

$20 for every additional 30 min class

Payment Schedules

Monthly Plan: Tuition may be split into payments over the eleven months of August through June. The amount paid is the same each month no matter the amount oflessons in a month. The first payment is due at registration.

Annual Plan: Annual tuition may be paid in August for the entire dance season. Thisplan allows a 10% discount off the monthly plan. The first payment is due at the first class.

Class Attendance: Good attendance habits must be maintained to keep up with theclasses. This is done for the benefit of both the student and the group. Attendance will be taken in eachclass daily. Students will be expected to be at 80% of classes. Students should neverhave more than two consecutive absences without the prior approval of the instructor.Students may make upexcused absences by attending another class. No tuition refunds can be given onmissed classes.

Punctuality: AIMDC understands that being late is sometimes unavoidable. A student who misses the first few exercises runs the risk ofbeing injured by not being properly “warmed-up”.

Missed Classes: AIMDC does not give refunds or credit for absences. Ifyou are unable to attend a class you can arrange to take a make-up class. Make-up lessons have to be taken within fourweeks and are valid only while you are registered in the school. To avoid over-crowdingclasses, call to confirm when you will be taking your make-up lesson.

Social Media:

Use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogging and other social media outlets is commonplace.This policy is intended to provideAIMDC parents and students guidelines for the use of social media.You do not have permission to reveal any information that compromisesAIMDC. By that AIMDC means the sharing of personal information about the director, staff, students and/or their families or any proprietary and/or confidential information is strictly prohibited. Students and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf ofAIMDC. Use close discretion when posting pictures, including those of other students atAIMDC. Obey copyright laws. Never post anything that could compromise self-esteem of students attendingAIMDC. If you post videos of classes, rehearsals or competition performances, don’t post any choreography in it’s entirety. AIMDC owns the copyright to all choreography presented at the school.Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright and fair use.Parents and students should never post negative comments about other schools, teachers, or events, including competitions, conventions and performances.Any inappropriate or slanderous remarks about AIMDC students or it’s staff members on any social media site (not limited to, but including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) will be cause for immediate dismissal from the studio. You will be responsible for any and all outstanding fees due.

Withdrawing A Student: You may withdraw from any or all classes at any time by givinga written notice to the studio no later than 30 days in advance. If written notice is notreceived then you are responsible for the next month’s tuition payment. No refunds aregiven for tuition and/or recital payments.

Private/Semi Private Lessons: Private lessons are available at an extra charge of $60.00 per four 30 minute sessions. Semi private lessons are available at an extra charge of $60.00 per eight 30 minute sessions. Private lessons arescheduled based on a first come first served basis and teacher availability.

Studio Rights: AIMDC has a zero tolerance policy when it comes tobehavior. All students and their parents/guardians are required to maintain properbehavior while in the studio or at outside functions. Failure to maintain proper good behavior will result in immediate termination from our program without any refunds for tuition orcostumes.

Communication Policy: Throughout the dance year, there will be several importantdates, activities and information. There will be FIVE modes of communication:

  1. Email
  2. Website
  3. Facebook (Artistry In Motion Dance Company)
  4. Studio Bulletin Board
  5. Handouts(on important items only)

AIMDC will not be responsible for updating members individually with information. All deadlines must still be met regardless of how often you check it.

  • ALL notes and reminders are emailed to the address AIMDChas on file.

Snow or Bad Weather: The studio will announce snow closing via email, Facebook, and the website. Most of the time the roads are much better once the afternoon has arrived. So just because the school let out for a snow day does not mean that AIMDC is closed. Classes missed due to a called snow day can be made up but they will not be rescheduled unless a class misses morethan 2 regularly scheduled classes.


No classes will be held on the following days:

1 | PageAIMDC Student Handbook

Labor Day September 7

Thanksgiving November 22-28

Winter Break December 20-January 2

Spring Break March 21-25

Memorial Day May 30

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Dance Dress Code: All students are to be properly attired for their class. See dress code checklist for specifics. Street shoes, sandals,sneakers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans or skirts will not be permitted in class at any time. There will be no gum chewing, eating or drinking in dance rooms. No jewelry is to beworn, as AIMDC will not be responsible for its damage or loss.

Dance Shoes: Students are required to wear specific shoes to ensure safety and easeof motion. Please see dress code checklist for specific shoe class list. Dance shoes are not to be worn outside of the studio.

Class Placement: The teaching staff of AIMDC will place a student where AIMDC feels theyare best suited. Students are placed in levels according to age and ability. Students donot move up to the next level according to the amount of years they have studied dance or what grade level they may be in an educational school.

Picture Day: Pictures will be scheduled in May depending on the availabilityof the photographer. Group and individual photos will be taken over a period of one totwo days. No classes are scheduled during pictures. While all students must be in their class picture, there isno obligation to purchase pictures.

Annual Recital: The purpose of the annual recital is to give our students theopportunity to perform for family and friends. All students are encouraged to participatein the performance. A performance fee will becharged separate from the monthly tuition. The fee will be divided into two payments andwill help cover the cost of the performance facility, props, tights and costumes. All recitalpayments are non-refundable.

A Recital fee deposit will be due with your November tuition in order forcostumes to arrive in May. The deposit will be as follows: (you will receive 1 pair of tights with your costume)

1 | PageAIMDC Student Handbook

3-4yr old/Kind Combo - $60.00

Combo Lv. 1-2 - $60.00

Combo Lv. 3-5 - $70.00

Mini and Jr Hip Hop - $60.00

Teen and Sr. Hip Hop - $70.00

Jr. Contemporary - $50.00

Sr.Contemporary - $70.00

Pointe - $70.00

Tumbling - $50.00

Ballet Lv. 1-2 - $50.00

Ballet Lv. 3-5 - $60.00

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  • A recital fee balance of $65 per family will be due with your February tuition. This will help cover the cost of the annual recital in June. Cost for admission will be free to all audience members. Students will not be limited to the number of guests that attend.
  • Costumes will be distributed during costume week in May. Students will have theopportunity to try on his/her costume and practice the routine(s) in the costume.
  • Costumes will not be released if there are any outstanding account balances.

Substitutes: The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor if theregularly scheduled instructor is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes.

Photo Release: The studio is granted permission to take photos of students to use inbrochures, studio website, advertisements or other promotional materials.

Liability: Parents must sign a contract with the studio understanding that danceis a physical activity and there is an element of physical risk involved. All students arerequired to be covered by their own insurance, and if an injury occurs, it is understoodthat the student and their family are responsible for any medical cost.The release from liability contract is available at the front desk and on the registrationform. Students will not be able to dance unless this waiver is signed and on file in theoffice.

Contacting Us: If you would like to call during the day, pleaseleave a message and Stephanie will return calls before and after classes each day. Thebest way to reach the studio is by calling (816) 392-4125. You may also email the owner/director .


Parents are responsible for their children until they enter the dance room with theirteacher and once again when their teacher dismisses them from class. There is noadmittance into the dance rooms when there is no teacher present. AIMDC assumes no responsibility for children entering the dance rooms without authorization from theteacher.

  • Non-students are not to be left at the studio unaccompanied by an adult.
  • All children are required to be walked inside the building for drop off and picked up inside the building for pick up. Due to our non-visibility to the parking lot, this is a safety precaution for our students.

Absolutely No Street Shoes are permitted in the Dance Rooms. This includesparents, siblings and visitors.

Good conduct is expected from all our students in the dance room as well as in thewaiting and dressing rooms.

Food and drink are only allowed in the lobby area. Dancers are encouraged to bring waterbottles so they may get drinks during breaks or when changing shoes.AIMDC is not responsible for personal property on studio premises or during publicperformances. Please keep activity and noise levels in the lobby toa minimum during class time. AIMDC was designed to give a complete dance education to children and young adults.With a Highly Qualified and committed Professional Faculty, AIMDC is here to provide dance curriculum and to inspire a passion for dance in young adults.

AIMDC reserves the right to cancel any class if the enrollment of a class is less than 6students. Those students that do not fulfill the minimum requirement may be subject to a move into a different class

Artistry In Motion… When you dance with your feet, your heart will follow!

Thank you in advance for your cooperation,

Stephanie Redd

Owner of AIMDC

and the staff of Artistry In Motion Dance Company

1 | PageAIMDC Student Handbook