We, the students of MiraCosta College (MCC), in order to establish an effective student government to represent students’ interests, practice the democratic process, promote personal and civic growth, and to recognize the inherent rights and responsibilities of self-government, do hereby establish this Constitution of the Associated Student Government of MiraCosta College as provided for by the State Legislature through the California Education Code and Title 5 of California’s State Code, and as delegated by the Board of Trustees of the MiraCosta Community College District.

Article I. Title of Organization and Framework

Section A. Title

The organization established herein shall be known as the Associated Student Government of MiraCosta College, hereafter referred to as ASG.

Section B. Purpose

The purpose of the organization shall exist to serve the collective needs of the students at MCC. Furthermore, the ASG shall endeavor to achieve these goals with excellence, and impart that standard to future ASG members.

Section C. Authority

The decision-making authority of the ASG shall be vested in the Student Senate.

Section D. Composition

The Student Senate shall consist of five elected officers: the President, the Executive Vice President, the Vice President of the San Elijo Campus (SEC), the Vice President of the Community Learning Center (CLC), Student Trustee, as well as all appointed executive officers and Senators.

1.  Senators shall be distributed in the following manner:

1.  One (1) Senator representing the Oceanside Campus for every one-thousand (1,000) students enrolled by the first census date in the Fall.

2.  One (1) Senator representing the San Elijo Campus for every one-thousand (1,000) students enrolled by the first census date in the Fall.

3.  Two (2) Senators representing the Community Learning Center, hereafter referred to as the “CLC.”

4.  Two (2) Senators representing the Inter-Club Council, hereafter referred to as the “ICC.”

2.  The Student Senate seats may be redistributed by a proposal from the Executive Council based on student needs.

1.  Redistribution of the Student Senate seats requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Student Senate.

2.  No more than three (3) Student Senate seats may be redistributed during any Student Senate term.

3.  The constituency groups of the ASG will be the Oceanside Campus, the San Elijo Campus, the Community Learning Center, and the Inter-Club Council.

Article II. Membership & Eligibility

SECTION A. Members

All registered students at MCC shall be members of the ASG and shall be subject to this Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics.

1.  Privileges:

a.  The right to seek and hold office if all other qualifications are met as set forth in this document, and in the ASG Election Bylaws.

b.  The right to vote in all elections held under the authority of the ASG.

c.  The right to seek an appointment from the ASG Senate to serve on Shared Governance, Standing, and Ad Hoc Committees.

d.  Additional rights and privileges are determined by the ASG Senate.

SECTION B. Officer Eligibility

Officers include ASG Senate positions.

1.  Officer Eligibility:

As a prerequisite to entering office, all elected or appointed officers shall:

a.  Maintain a cumulative 2.0 minimum G.P.A. and 5 units (except Summer semester).

b.  Be free of all official college academic and disciplinary restrictions.

Article III. The Senate

SECTION A. Paraphrase

The ASG Senate may be referred to as the Senate within this document.

SECTION B. Composition

The Senate shall consist of all elected and appointed officers. For specific duties of the Senate see the ASG Bylaws.

1.  President:

a.  Role:

i.  Shall serve as the official representative of the students of MCC, and therefore represents the student body and the ASG on appropriate occasions.

ii.  Be responsible for all executive functions of the Senate, and be responsible for carrying out legislation, resolutions, and sanctions as effectively as possible.

iii.  Be responsible for filling vacant ASG and committee positions as stipulated in the ASG Constitution.

b.  The constituency group of the President is the student body in its entirety.

2.  Executive Vice President:

a.  Role:

i.  Shall, in the temporary absence of the President, assume all the responsibilities and powers of the President’s office.

ii.  Preside over ad hoc committees formed by the Senate dealing with the Constitution and Bylaws.

iii.  Oversee and ensure Senate members’ compliance with Article V of the ASG Bylaws, in consultation with the Executive Council.

iv.  Serve as a liaison between the college administration, faculty and the ASG and ensure students play a role in participatory governance.

v.  Be responsible for the internal operations of the ASG as stated in Article V of the ASG Bylaws.

vi.  Facilitate and ensure officer transition between the outgoing ASG officers and the incoming ASG officers.

1)  This includes, but is not limited to, the period after the ASG General Elections and/or as vacancies arise and are subsequently filled.

b.  The constituency group of the Executive Vice President is the student body in its entirety.

3.  Vice President of Finance:

a.  Role:

i.  Provide general supervision and management of all ASG finances.

ii.  Preside over meetings of the Finance Committee.

iii.  Shall have primary responsibility for the preparation and development of the fiscal year budget.

iv.  Shall be an authorized signatory on all financial processes and procedures related to ASG Finances.

b.  The constituency group of the Vice President of Finance is the student body in its entirety.

4.  Vice President of Legislative Affairs:

a.  Role:

i.  Assist the Senate in coordinating advocacy efforts on behalf of student interests and represent the ASG to off-campus entities as delegated by the President or the Senate.

ii.  Serve as the ASG representative to the Statewide Student Senate and Region X.

5.  Vice President of the San Elijo Campus (SEC):

a.  Role:

i.  Identify the SEC student body needs and interests.

ii.  Delineate SEC student needs and interests to the Executive Council.

iii.  Preside over the SEC Committee Meeting.

1)  Meet as needed (at least once per month) with all appointed officers whose constituency group is the SEC.

iv.  Preside as vice-chair over meetings of the Inter-Club Council.

v.  Oversee and ensure SEC Inter-Club Council members and SEC senators comply with the ASG Constitution and Bylaws.

vi.  Review purchase requests pertinent to the SEC for compliance with the ASG budget.

b.  The constituency group of the Vice President of the San Elijo Campus is the San Elijo Campus.

6.  Vice President of the Community Learning Center (CLC):

a.  Role:

i.  Identify the CLC student body needs and interests.

ii.  Delineate CLC student needs and interests to the Executive Council.

iii.  Oversee and ensure CLC Inter-Club Council members and CLC Campus senators comply with the ASG Constitution and Bylaws.

iv.  Review purchase requests pertinent to the CLC for compliance with the ASG budget.

v.  Meet as needed (at least once per month) with all appointed officers whose constituency group is the CLC.

b.  The constituency group of the Vice President of the Community Learning Center is the Community Learning Center.

7.  Vice President of Programming – Oceanside Campus (OC):

a.  Role:

i.  Plan and coordinate the activities at the OC in accordance with Article II of the ASG Bylaws.

ii.  Evaluate the quality and variety of programs in relation to selected student demographics.

iii.  Train senators, whose constituency group is the OC, in the task of organizing events.

iv.  Maintain an accurate account of the OC Programming budget.

8.  Vice President of Programming – San Elijo (SEC):

a.  Role:

i.  Plan and coordinate the activities at the SEC in accordance with Article II of the ASG Bylaws.

ii.  Evaluate the quality and variety of programs in relation to selected student demographics.

iii.  Train senators, whose constituency group is the SEC, in the task of chairing events.

iv.  Maintain an accurate account of the SEC Programming budget.

9.  Vice President of Public Relations:

a.  Role:

i.  Create and implement a strategic marketing plan that will promote the ASG, its programs and services.

ii.  Maintain a positive public image for the ASG, nurture good will and mutual understanding with MCC and the MiraCosta Community College District (MCCCD) community.

iii.  Preside over meetings of the Public Relations Committee (PRC).

iv.  Evaluate the quality and variety of programs in relation to selected student demographics.

v.  Train senators in public relations.

10.  Chair of the Inter Club Council (ICC):

a.  Role:

i.  Serve as a liaison between the Senate and all registered student organizations at MCC and provide assistance and guidance to those organizations.

ii.  Serve as the Chair of the ICC and facilitate programs and services that would benefit all registered student organizations.

iii.  Have primary responsibility for the preparation and development of the fiscal year budget for the ICC.

iv.  Shall be an authorized signatory on all financial processes and procedures related to the ICC finances.

11.  Senators:

a.  Role:

i.  Represent the student body’s needs and concerns.

ii.  Fulfill duties and obligations as directed by the Senate, committee leaders, standing committees, and ad hoc committees.

iii.  Encourage faculty, staff, and student participation in all Senate activities.

iv.  Be a member of a standing committee based on constituency.

v.  Be a member of a district committee as assigned by the Executive Vice President.

vi.  Carry out and provide follow-up for Senate action as requested.

12.  Students-at-Large:

a.  Role:

i.  To support campus constituent groups and efforts as assigned by the President.

ii.  Specific duties shall be assigned by either the President, Vice President of the San Elijo Campus or the Vice President of the Community Learning Center.

iii.  Shall have no voting privileges in the Senate or the Executive Council.

13.  Student Trustee:

a.  Role:

i.  Serve as a liaison to MCCCD Board of Trustees and provide the student perspective.

ii.  The role is further defined in MCCCD Board Policy 2015 and Administrative Procedure 2015.

b.  The Student Trustee shall be considered an executive officer and ex-officio member of the Student Senate.

SECTION C. Legislative Authority

The Senate shall have the legislative authority to:

1.  Create and amend the ASG Bylaws as necessary.

2.  Create and amend the ASG Bylaws as necessary.

3.  Create and act upon motions, proposals, and resolutions.

4.  The Senate may establish whatever standing committees, ad hoc committees, task forces or working groups it deems necessary to achieve its goals and objectives.

5.  Develop policies and procedures that are not delegated or otherwise prohibited by this document or the current laws, and to change these policies and procedures as determined necessary by the Senate.

6.  Fix and collect membership fees for the ASG.

7.  Determine and approve the annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year.

8.  Authorize expenditures as specified in the ASG Bylaws and to develop new sources of income for the ASG.

9.  Sponsor, plan, and/or implement activities on behalf of the ASG.

10.  Hold the Senate and any appointed officer within the Senate accountable to uphold all federal, state, college, and ASG policies and procedures.

11.  Approve all appointments made to the Senate in accordance with the process outlined in the ASG Bylaws.

12.  Stay informed of MCC issues and policies by attending meetings, performing research, contacting members of the MCC community, and any other means that are necessary to carry out this responsibility.

13.  Take a position on pending local, state, and federal legislation on behalf of the students enrolled at MCC.

14.  Perform all other duties that may be assigned by the ASG Constitution or Bylaws.

15.  The ASG is created with the approval of, and is subject to the control and regulation of, the Board of Trustees of the MiraCosta Community College District and the California Education Code. The Senate shall not violate any rules or regulations of these entities/documents or any other laws of the State of California and/or the laws of the United States of America. All laws, regulations, codes, policies, and procedures shall be followed from the highest to the lowest level of authority.

16.  The Senate shall keep a record of all meetings and decisions.

SECTION D. Appointments

Only those individuals appointed by the Senate to fill vacant elected positions, as provided for in the ASG Bylaws, shall be considered appointed officers.


Each voting member of the Senate shall have one (1) vote with the exception of the President who may only vote to break a tie or in personnel matters.

1. No proxy voting will be permitted.

SECTION F. Responsibilities

The Senate shall have the responsibility for conducting the day-to-day business of the ASG.

SECTION G. Distribution of Powers

All legislative, financial, and executive powers of the ASG shall be vested in the Senate, with the guidance of the Advisor.

SECTION H. Representation

The Senate shall be the sole representative and decision-making unit of the students enrolled at MCC to all on and off campus entities.

SECTION I. Committees

The Student Senate may form standing or ad hoc committees as necessary to achieve its goals and objectives.

1.  Standing Committees shall be formed for specific purposes in order to best represent the interests of the student body.

a.  Standing committees shall consist of at least three (3) officers, including an executive officer as the chair, senators based on their constituency group, and any students-at-large.

b.  Standing committees shall be active as long as deemed necessary, but no less than the fall and spring semesters.

c.  Standing committees shall be formed or disbanded by a majority vote of the Senate.

d.  The chair of a standing committee will determine the final meeting dates and times of his/her respective committee.

2.  Ad Hoc Committees may be formed when necessary to perform the majority of Senate business, as well as for activity planning and coordination.

a.  Ad hoc committees shall be formed by a majority vote of the Senate.

b.  Ad hoc committees shall consist of at least three (3) officers including an executive officer as the chair, or a qualified individual with the recommendation of the Executive Council.