Arthritis Recommendations

Arthritis Recommendations

Arthritis Recommendations

The onset of rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with physical or emotional stress; however, poor nutrition or bacterial infection may also be the cause.

For joint and ligament issues, I would try doubling up on eating cucumbers. Eat the whole thing, skin and all. Make sure you get cucumbers that have not been waxed...Kirbies are best. Make sure you wash and rinse all veggies and fruits that you bring home from the store.
I don't know if you have arthritis or not but rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks healthy joint tissue and even the vital organs. There are over 100 different type of inflammation-based arthritis like fibromyalgia and lupus. Nearly half of all Americans older than 60 develop osteoarthritis and most people older than 80 have it. Currently 21 million people suffer from osteoarthritis and this grows daily.
Some foods exacerbate inflammation and worsen the symptoms of arthritis. Most animal fats, excluding fish oil, contain arachidonic acid, a known inflammation-causing carcinogen. It is recommended to eliminate all red meat and fowl from your diet if you suffer from ANY arthritis. Instead eat salmon and sardines loaded with Omega 3's fatty acids, which are helpful even with OA.

Make sure you have no held bitterness toward anyone. Rheumatoid Arthritis can also have emotional causes primarily – a person attacks themselves in self-hatred so the body conforms to that spiritual dynamic and attacks itself in return. Self hatred, guilt, lack of self-esteem, spirit of infirmity and death. Cure- Tell yourself each day, “Yah loves me and forgives me.” and “I love you, (your name).” Go over the Victory page of confessions of who you are daily. Bind any spirits of infirmity and death and loose life and obedience to the words of life.

The following has been shown to help with arthritis:

  1. Drink 16-32 oz of warm/hot distilled water (with a little lemon or lime juice) each morning on an empty stomach before you eat or drink anything else.
  2. Drink 20 oz. Smoothie that are 75% vegetable each day. Use Ginger & Cilantro.
  3. Drink one or more of the following juices daily.

Carrot (10 oz) and spinach (6 oz), or

Celery (16 oz) or

Carrot (10 oz) and celery with leaves (6 oz) or

Carrot (10 oz), beet (3 oz) and cucumber (3 oz)

  1. Avoid all dairy products, red meat, sugar products, tobacco, salt and members of the “nightshade” family. This includes tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and bell peppers.
  2. Eat pineapple and papaya frequently. Their high enzyme content helps reduce inflammation. The pineapple stem has the most enzymes (so blend it into your smoothie).
  3. Sprinkle turmeric on everything (even take turmeric capsules- 1 capsule 3 x day) they have anti-inflammatory “pain fighting” effects on the body.

7. Eat 2 T. of Kim Chi with every meal for adding to and keeping probiotics in your body. I have a very good recipe for Kim chi under "Salads" in Debi’s Un-Cookbook . An experiment was done whereby 13 chickens with "Bird Flue" were fed Kim chi and 11 of them recovered. Kim chi, eaten on a regular basis will heal 'leaky gut' which is an inflamed and 'permeable' intestinal membrane which allows undigested food particles to enter the blood stream. This ailment often causes Crohn's disease, colitis, IBS, chronic allergies and immune system disorders.

8. Get 20-30 minutes of sun and some form of exercise daily.