Art Scholarships and Fellowship
The National Greeley Art Exhibition (NGAE) offers scholarships and fellowships to encourage the arts in Weld County and to promote artists in the enhancement of their individual skills and artistic aspirations. All applications for Scholarships and Fellowships must be completed and submitted to the National Greeley Art Exhibition, P.O. Box 1972, Greeley, CO. 80632, no later than Friday, March 30, 2018.
In 2018, several scholarships/fellowship(s)of a minimum $1000 each will be available.
The scholarships are for college-enrolled/college-bound residents of Weld County under the age of twenty-five who are studying the visual arts and seeking help in financing their education. The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis, chosen by a three-person panel appointed by the Chairperson of the NGAE from members of the NGAE Committee. Applicants must complete the NGAE Application form, submit a portfolio of 3 to 6 photos of examples of their work, and provide a statement identifying where and how the money will be spent.
The fellowship(s) will be granted to a working artist who is seeking to enhance his or her art career. The fellowship provides funds for specific projects, materials, supplies and/or support services that will help develop the artist'sgrowth in their field. All artists who have not received NGAE scholarships/fellowships within the last three years are eligible to apply. The Fellowship will be awarded on a competitive basis, chosen by a three-person panel appointed by the Chairperson of the NGAE from members of the NGAE Committee. Applicants must complete the NGAE Application form, submit an electronic portfolio of 3 to 6 photos of examples of their work, and provide a statement identifying where and how the money will be spent. See checklist below for details.
All recipients of NGAE Scholarships must provide verification of enrollment in an art program and that their award was used as described in their application. Fellowship recipients must submit evidence within one year that their award was used as described in their application.
For additional information, contact us at
Visit us at
Art Scholarship and Fellowship Application Form
Scholarship? Fellowship?
First Name ______Last Name______
Street Address______
City______County______State_____ Zip______
If currently in High School or College, where: ______
Please write or attach a 300-500 word description of your intended use of this award (attach additional pages as needed).
Checklist for 2018 Art Scholarship/Fellowship Application:
Completed application form
Weld County resident
Electronic Portfolio of 3 - 6 image files of your work, clearly marked with your name, title of work, media and size. The image files should be sized at approximately 8” on the short side at 200 dpi, at a jpeg setting of 10.
Email the application and image files no later than Friday March 30, 2018 to: .
Any questions? Please contact Linda Cox, NGAE Board Member at 970-785-2255or