Art Class Expectations (Syllabus)
Teacher: Katrina Bullington

Student Responsibilities:1. Bring Pencils/eraser everyday to class (work should not be done in ink.)

2. Have notebook paper each day

3. Keep an art folder—all papers, handouts and graded work should be kept in folder and will be turned in upon request.
4. First, last name and class period on all papers
5. Do self evaluation at end of each class
6. Practice classroom CHAMPS rules
7. Students will know their individual conduct grades at all times conduct sheet is located in front of room.
8. Ask for help before and after school if needed. Supplies can be checked out if needed to complete projects at home.

Your grade will be determined by: Effort, class participation, being prepared, daily self evaluations, cooperation, creativity/originality, skill, neatness, following directions,
turning in work on time, using class time constructively, and clean up and all projects
must be completed to be graded. You will be assessed by observation, hands-on projects,
daily work, and rubrics, etc.
Rules: Come to class prepared, on time, sharpen pencils at beginning of class, raise your
hand and wait to be recognized to speak, share materials and take your turn cleaning up,
keep negative remarks to yourself, keep chairs flat on the floor, no one on floor without
permission. A class conduct sheet will be kept and students can check to see conduct at end of class. Art class conduct is using marks not points. Not following classroom rules will result in an alternative assignment if a hands on project is being conducted.

Description of Class Curriculum

Art 1- Will cover vocabulary, elements and principles of art and have some hands on projects to demonstrate techniques discussed. The final will cover material from the 9 weeks

Art History- Is a cultural study and you will complete some hands on activities, reading assignments, video reviews and final cultural project to demonstrate understanding of
chosen topic.

Architecture- - is an in-depth study of architecture and the artist Frank Lloyd Wright.
Vocabulary and techniques will be the focus with a final architectural project.
Studio Art--Will be a studio art course where students will complete art projects
at their own pace moving from one project to the other following directions and
writing critiques. Students will have a check sheet of the amount of projects they must
complete at the end of the 9 week period in order to receive credit. Any missing assignments will result in a zero. Students also complete weekly sketchbook assignments.

Art 8—Will be an in-depth study of media and process, students will create and learn as they gain knowledge and build their art skills through this semester art course.

Please read and initial the following:

Video Permission Form-- Some of our class videos are educational from KET by signing this
you are giving you child permission to watch. From time to time we may have a reward video that will be rated PG 13 by signing this form you are giving your child permission to watch. Please sign here ______
Students will be videoed and photographed in my class for documentation for State Mandated Program Review and for educational purposes and sometimes for the News Paper if you give your Permission please initialhere______
I do at times enter student work online with first name only at this allows
me to enter work in art contest please initial here if it is alright for me to enter your students work online.______
Parents please sign that you have read the requirements of the class and will assist your student in meeting academic and behavioral guidelines.
______Date: ______
Students please read and sign that you understand your role and
expectations for a successful art class.

Be sure to return to your art class so you will receive your 50 points first grade .
Supply List:
7th Grade Art 1- paper, pencil, and pocket folder
Art History- paper, pencil, pocket folder and full size white poster board
Architecture- paper, pencil, and pocket folder. full size white poster board, eraser, ruler
Studio Art- paper, pencil, 3 prong 2 pocket folder

Art 8- Paper, pencil, pocket folder, and occasionally additionally recycled supplies to enhance your supplies