Art 4 – Independent Project Goals (worksheet) Mrs. Rogers
In order to grade your independent projects fairly, I have developed a set of standard requirements for the planning of your independent projects. Please complete and submit the following for yourproject/media study.
Art 4 - Independent Project Requirements:
- Learning Goals (what do you want to learn or develop knowledge aboutduring your creative process?)
- Objectives(please write objectives as a step by step plan, so I understand your thought process and can make necessary suggestions)
- This plan will be 20% of you project grade
- you must submit a plan before beginning your project
- You can use Microsoft word or hand-write your plan neatly.
Example Plan
Name/Start Date
Project/Medium: Linoleum Block Print
Project Objective: Create a linoleum block, which incorporates creative use of negative and positive space, pattern, and depth. Linoleum block will be printed as a black and white edition and acolor edition (using an uncut lino block as a background)
Learning Goals:
- Develop skills in relief block printing (perhaps you could tell me about you previous experiences here)
- Gain understanding about using positive and negative space as a major component in composition.
- Gain understanding about using pattern and texture to enhance composition.
- Learn the proper way to print an edition (series of prints)
- Experiment and gain skills with printing methods – color backgrounds/texture backgrounds.
Goals/Objectives (step by step plan):
- Make several thumbnail plans, which explorethe idea of negative and positive space and use of depth – check with Mrs. Rogers for input.
- Choose the best design and add patterns/textures to enhance composition.
- Enlarge final design as a template for transfer to a linoleum block.
- Make the transfer permanent by using marker or black acrylic paint on the linoleum.
- Discuss best cutting method for design with Mrs. Rogers.
- Cut block and make a proof print.
- Cut – make adjustments from proof (continue steps 5&6 until satisfied)
- Print an edition in black and white (titled and numbered properly)
- Experiment with printing background colors and textures as a multiple block prints.
- Choose a color composition, which enhances the print.
- Print an additional edition with color (titled and numbered properly)
The following are additional goals you mightfind useful– these are just ideas please reword them to fit your project plans.
- Accurate portrayal of objects (realism)
- Observation (learning to attend to visual contexts more closely than ordinary “looking” requires seeing things that otherwise might not be seen)
- Development of craft (furthering your skills with a particular medium)
- Perseverance with art tasks (learning to embrace problems with focus – seeing the project through)
- Stretch, explore and take risks (practice reaching beyond ones own limits, explore playfully with mediums and ideas, embrace creative opportunity by learning to appreciate mistakes or “happy accidents”)
- Expression (learning to create works that convey an idea, feeling, or personal meaning)
- Using metaphor or symbolic meaning through artworks
- Story telling or narrative through visual and/or written methods
- Critique/Reflection (learning to think and talk with others about an aspect of ones work or working process)