Art 122: Drawing and Composition II

Monday and Wednesday, Time: 12:00 – 2:45 PM


Spring 2016

Section 0264

Monica Aissa Martinez, Instructor
Phone: Art Dept. (602) 285-7284, leave message.
email: or

Office Hours: by appointment (after class 2:45- 3:15 W)

Web site:

FINAL EXAM: Wemeet for final critique on 05/09/2016.

Teaching Philosophy: We both have a responsibility in this class. My goal is to teach you how to draw via a structured and organic method. Because you have signed up for my class, I assume you want to learn how to draw. I’ll do my part and you do yours. A lot of challenge and a bit of fun are par for the course.

*This syllabus is subject to additions, deletions, and changes dependent upon student and course needs, which may vary from semester to semester


This course is designed for students who have worked with me before. Through intensive in-class and out-of -class exercises you will continue to learn basic technical and perceptual skills to accurately represent what is seen. You will work with a variety of drawing mediums, some of your choosing. If you have not worked with me, the course will be altered to some degree. You will follow same assignments (your own subject matter). We will discuss appropriate mediums for you.


1.Define form within a two-dimensional format by employing the use of line, value, texture, and compositional theory.

2. Describe the elements of composition, and explain how forms are balanced and unified within the picture plane.

3. Explain the concepts of proportion, scale, and perspective.

4. Use a variety of media.

5. Analyze historical examples of drawing.

Plan to attend and work during every class.

Course Materials

Pocket Folder for handouts

Portfolio (cardboard or plastic)

Masonite Drawing Board 24”x36” (I will supply this)

18” or 24” Ruler with cork backing

2-3 metal (Bulldog) clips for holding paper onto boards

Strathmore 18”x24” drawing paper (not sketch)

Sharpie, Water proof black marking pens (2 broad tip, 2 medium line, 2 fine line, 2 ultra fine line- variety)

8 ½” x 11” sketch book, spiral or bound

Drafting tape

Exacto knife and blades (#11)

Container for supplies

Newsprint 18”x24”

1 box Alpha charcoal sticks

Charcoal pencil (HB, 2B, 6B)

Kneaded eraser

Pink Pearl eraser White eraser)

Pink pearl eraser pencil (White eraser)

Several sizes of blending stomp

1” or 1 ½” flat brush for blending

Pencil sharpener

Sand paper

Soft cotton rag

Color Pastel, Colore Conti or Pencil, Scratchboard, Arches or BFK paper - to be discussed


  1. Attendance and participation in class are important. Class time

cannot be made up. You are allowed 3 absences, more than that will affect your progress and will affect your grade.

Missed assignments due to excused absences must be completed

within 2 weeks; however some class assignments cannot be made

up. Student must take initiative in getting the assignment.

2. If you are late or leave early, or are not prepared with materials you

will be considered absent.

3. Complete all in-class and out-of-class assignments.

4. Presentation and craftsmanship- very important.

5. Participation in critiques-important.

6. You are expected to clean up your area at end of each class

period. You may want to bring an apron to protect your clothing,

especially when you begin working with charcoal.

7. Attitude and respect towards each other, the instructor, and your

work are expected.

8. Cell phones will be shut off in the classroom at all times.

Disability Support Services

Location: Learning Center Building

Telephone: (602) 285-7477 V/TDD

It is a college policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental, or learning disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center office, Learning Center (LC) Building, 602-285-7477. All discussions will remain confidential.

Grading Policies


1. Based on qualitative completion of all student responsibilities.

2. Specific project evaluation based on specific objectives of stated problems.

  1. General project evaluation based on technical competency,

Completeness, composition, and presentation.

GRADING * Rubric handout

TOTAL GRADE is determined by:

1. Attendance and participation.

2. Completion of in-class assignments.

3. Completion of out-of-class assignments.

4. Assignments turned in on time.

5. Commitment, attitude, participation in critiques, and craftsmanship in work

6. Progress

7. Portfolio Grade

90 – 100% = 5 =A

80 – 89% =4= B

70 – 79% =3= C

65 – 69 %=2 = D

Below 65% = 1=F

Course Schedule/Calendar: 1/18/16 through 05/13/16

*Materials and subject matter to be discussed prior to start date for each assignment.

1/18 Martin Luther King Birthday (no class)

1/20 Introductions/overview of course.

1/25 #1 Drawing of still life using material of your choice
(emphasis: contour line study)

HW: contour drawing in drawing notebook

1/27 continue drawing

2/01#2 Pen drawing of natural complex single object of your choice: Subject matter of your choice. Charcoal.

HW: Out-of-class drawing #1
2/03 continue drawing
2/08 continue and complete drawing

2/10 Critique

2/15 President’s Day (no class)

2/17 #3 Pen drawing using positive and negative drawing of complex


materials of your choice. You can use class still life or draw

outdoors, or both.

HW: Out-of-class drawing

2/22 continue and complete drawing

2/24 Critique

2/29 #4 Pen drawing using line and contour of several objects.

subject matter and scratchboard

HW: Out-of-class drawing

3/02 continue

3/27 complete drawing

3/07 Critique

3/09 #5 Pen drawing using line, contour and texture of still life / landscape

(weather permiting) this will be anoutdoor study, materials of your


3/14/16 Spring Break

3/21 complete drawing

3/23 critique

3/28 Value Scale of materials you want to use in final still life/Pastels
(Hand out/discussion for Old Master’s for future assignment)

3/30 #7 Value and Color study of still life using pastels or material of your


4/04 continues

4/06 complete drawing

4/06 Phoenix Art Museum 7:00pm. Artist Lecture. Extra credit for event attendance. Brief (1paragraph) written summary. Hand in 4/11.

4/11 Critique

4/13 #8 Master’s Study

4/18 continues

4/20 continues

4/17 complete drawing

4/25 Critique

4/27 Continue Master’s Study (if complete work on Perspective

assignment using charcoal.

5/02 continues

5/04 complete drawing

5/11 Final Critique

Extra Credit Policies/OpportunitiesYou may re-do any assignment during the course of the semester for extra credit.Attend Eric Fishl Gallery openings and Phoenix Art Museum functions, hand in a paragraph about the event and your experience.

Grading Criteria/Rubrics A separate handout.

Guidelines & Strategies for Student Success

Come to class prepared.

If you don’t have something, please speak up.
If you don’t understand something let me know.
Connect with your classmates.

Stay in communication with me about your assingments and all late arrivals and abscences.


Take some material risks, it’s an advanced ART class!