Ms. M. Davis

ArtSyllabus 6th grade

Florence Middle School

1st Semester/ 2nd Semester (different groups): Studio work may change as per teacher/class interest and ability

All Studio work will have a Grading Scale so that students will know what will be expected of them for each Grade of A-F.

Open to Grades 6

Course Description

Beginning Art /Art Appreciation: Exploration of Visual Ideas & Media is a semester course that introduces students to a variety of media. Students will explore many diverse art techniques and approaches as ways of communicating their ideas. Development of technical skills and vocabulary will include all the elements and principles of art; formalism, realism, and abstraction; aesthetics and color theory. Projects will include drawing, some painting, collage, and mixed media, with emphasis on critical thinking, craftsmanship, and presentation of artwork. Students are also required to keep a personal sketchbook and study specific artists, cultures, and art historical movements. Creativity, craftsmanship, personal effort, critical thinking, sketchbooks, and monthly homework assignments are all included in the grading process. in order to succeed in this class, students must meet the required criteria given for all the assignments, be prepared to question and critique their own work as well as the work of other artists and approach each art process with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Art Grading Policy

  1. Effort = 20%
  2. Creativity/ appearance = 20%
  3. Followed Art Lab rules/ procedures = 20%
  4. Clean up procedures = 20%
  5. Time Management/ met deadline = 20%

Students will complete a “Critique Our Own Work” sheet upon finishing each project. This must be turned in to teacher to receive final grade. Self-reflection/critique is important to the student’s personal growth as an artist

Unit 1: ART

Chapter 1: Exploring Art


  • 1CP, CA (a, b, c, d, e)
  • 7HC
  • 9A
  • Identify the purposes of Art
  • Compare and Contrast sources to which artists turn for inspiration
  • Create visual solutions using direct observation and imagination
  • Compare and contrast the use of the elements of art in artworks


Introduction To Art 1

  • Review Art procedures/ lab rules
  • Introduction to Art Elements: Emphasis on LINE(for the first 2 weeks). (Formative)
  • Grid Drawing worksheets: TSW complete 2 grid drawing by number assignments
  • Sketchbook assignments
  • Line Graph worksheet (improve hand/eye coordination)
  • Drawing test

In depth study of LINE begins (August and Sept.)

  • Project : Black/ White LINE Drawing: TTW introduce the different line styles in a project guide and will model how to create each. TSW create a black and white ink drawing using all of the different styles of line. (formative during pencil drawing stage and summative with finished project showing mastery of line concept).

Line Continued

  • Complete Project 2 from prior week (Black/White Line art).
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.
  • Project : LINE Styles in Color: TSW will create a LINE drawing to be completed in color. TTW introduce Pattern into this project. (scaffolding: use line styles learned in the first 2 weeks).
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.

Unit 2: Study of Art History


  • 2CP, A(a, c, d)
  • 4CA, CP(a, b, c)
  • 5CA(a, b, c)
  • 7HC (e)
  • 9A(a)
  • Compare and contrast the art of artists from different eras in art history.
  • Study, in depth, the Italian Renaissance, Pop Art, Modern art movements.
  • Create a Pop art project.
  • Bob Ross DVD Intro to Painting
  • Analyze the expressive qualities or meanings works of art.


Line Continued

  • Art History slides on Pop Art with worksheet
  • Finish the line design
  • Art Criticism/ History
  • Study of the Italian Renaissance using the Ninja Turtles (Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo)
  • Bell ringer vocabulary and thoughts for the day. Include class discussions.(Summative)
  • Sketchbook practice for homework.
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.
  • End of 9 weeks assessment on Line. (Summative)
  • Halloween short story/book cover design
  • Bell ringer Assignments
  • Art History: Dale Chihuly
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.

Shape, Form and Space (October to December)


  • Compare and Contrast the use of form and space in artworks
  • Create two-and three-dimensional works of art using direct observation and imagination
  • Interpret artistic decisions about using shapes, forms, and space in personal artworks


Shape, Form and Space:

  • Making shapes into forms (guided practice)
  • Artist Criticism/ History: Mondrian, Cezanne, Wyeth
  • Project : Value Scale (formative)
  • Project :abstract shape design (scaffolding). (summative)
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.


  • Introduce: Picasso
  • Create a painting in the style of Picasso’s Blue Period.
  • TTW explain Positive and Negative drawing cut out (formative)
  • Project : Name Creature Design: TSW create a creature design by using their names. TSW color their work.
  • Optical Illusion Art Study : TTW introduce and explain the art of optical illusion and how to achieve this method. TSW sketch and formulate small scale optical illusion studies in their sketchbooks. (formative)
  • In depth study of Jasper Johns/ Art History project
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.
  • Art History Assignment: Kathy Kolowitz
  • Sketchbook
  • Student Self Critique: At the end of every major project, TSW complete a self-critique questionnaire (Constructivism) in which they assess the quality, effort and outcome of their finished project.

Unit 4: Color


  • 1CP,CA(c)
  • 2CP,A(a,c,d)
  • 3CP,CA(a)
  • 4CA, CP(a, b, c)
  • 8 A(b)
  • Introduce the color wheel, Color Theory and color mixing.
  • Comprehensive exam from all semester.