ArrowCreek Country Club Men’s Club Board Minutes
Date: February 10, 2009
Location: ArrowCreek Country Club
Present: Joe Cartlidge, Dan Britt, Dave Cross, Gary Mistlin, Don Parsons,
Glenn Libbrecht, Joe Wong, Joe Uhlan, John Siren.
Absent: Hak-Sun-Bak, Rich Birnbaum, Peter Brunt
Meeting was called to order by Joe Cartlidge at 5:35 PM
The January minutes had corrections. Joe Cartlidge will send his changes to Joe Uhlan for distribution with a draft of this meeting. The final minutes along with the February minutes will be approved at the March meeting.
Membership update for 2009:
Joe Cartlidge and Peter Brunt met with the new owners. The membership for the 2009 Men’s Club will be solicited in the same fashion and for the same dates and prices as in 2008. The new club owners have indicated a willingness to consider a club-wide tournament fee, but not for the current year.
Gary Mistlin drafted a proposed flyer to recruit members for 2009. Gary will e-mail to board members for comments. Joe Cartlidge reported that the 2009 application was developed and was mailed to all ArrowCreek CC members with their January statements.
Financial Report:
With Peter Brunt’s absence there was no financial report.
Players of the year 2008/2009:
Joe Cartlidge reported that Nick Thomas was the player of the year for 2008. Nick will be presented with an Arrow plaque at the Member Appreciation tournament party in April.
The board decided to add a permanentboard/plaque with individual name plates to a place in the hallway between the locker rooms and Redfields Bar.This is the area where other plaques of this nature are displayed. Each year winners of player of the year will have their names inscribed on the plates. The men’s club has the materials on hand. Past winners will have individual name plates added retroactively for as far back as we have statistics.
Gary Mistlin has been working on the criteria for the 2009 player of the year. The
“Grand Prix” method will be continued with an adjustment that awards all competitors a set number of points for participating in tournaments. This will encourage all members to try to play in all tournaments. The number of points for entry was established at 30.
Handling of “ties” in tournaments for 2009:
“cardoffs” or “playoffs” was discussed.
The board decided on the following method:
In “Arrow” events,players tying for first place only will compete in a play off for first place. Subsequent places may result in a tie.
In non-“Arrow” events, the winnings will be split among those that tied. For example 2nd and 3rd place will have the winnings combined and divided by two thus splitting the prize money equally. Pope of Slope or Knuth points will be awarded in the same fashion.
Annual Awards Banquet:
October 17, 2009 was the date selected for this end of year event. The dining room is already reserved for the event.
Food & Beverage:
Joe Wong and Rich Birnbaum will meet with the club food and beverage staff and propose what we can do within budget for 2009. It was decided that a BBQ is preferred for the first tournament of the year, the Member Appreciation.
Tournament Results: Grand Prix Player of the Year compilation.
Gary Mistlin and John Siren will update and post all results in 2009 so members can track their points for Player of the Year. The results will be posted to the Golf Fusion website under Tournament Results.
Over the hill: John Siren
This event is scheduled for March 7&8.
John Siren passed out a chart of proposed courses and fees. It was decided that the Courses will be Catta Verdera for Saturday and The Ridge for Sunday.
John Siren will contact the Rocklin Inn for room rates and include the information in an announcement to be e-mailed to members.
Tournament budgets:This will be taken up when Peter Brunt returns.
Tournaments: General discussion
Member Appreciation-Blind Draw to be maintained. Within each flight, the players will be divided into equal groups by handicap. The Draw will consist of one player from higher handicap group and one from lower handicap group.
Stroke play/Senior stroke play- Discuss with golf shop whether the use of both courses and dual tee times can be accommodated.
Match play- Same as in previous years- competitors schedule their matches within overall time frames.
Classic- The board will design new flags. These will be used to recognize flight winners. Because this tournament is the largest event it has its own committee that will propose any changes in future meetings. The 2009 format will be the same as prior years. The possibility of new a new format for 2010 was discussed but before any changes are made the board will poll members to determine if a new format is desired.
The rest of the tournaments will be discussed further in future meetings.
Advisory board update:
The new owners are keeping all costs to members the same as 2008. They will have their new membership policy sometime in March.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Uhlan