
Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013

Contract title: Works for enhancing the operability and functionality of systems interconnection

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova intends to award six work contracts within one tender for „Works for enhancing the operability and functionality of systems interconnection”in the Republic of Moldova with financial assistance from the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013. Interconnection gas pipeline between the Natural Gas Transmission System of Romania and the Natural Gas Transmission System of the Republic of Moldova on the Iaşi (Romania) – Ungheni (Moldova) direction, Grant Contract no. MIS-ETC Code 993, programme of the European Union.

Lots/ Contracts titles:

1. Works for design, supply and installation of Low flow metering line equipment with meters and correctors identical to those installed on the Gas Metering Station

2. Works for design, supply and installation of Gas control, filtration and metering node with automated and remote control system for the Platform C

3. Works for design and installation of Electricity supply of the Platform B „Valves node” river Prut and Platform C „Valves node” Todiresti, Ungheni district

4. Works for design, supply and installation of Automation, control, acquisition and pipeline supervision center on Platforms B and C and on Gas Metering Station, the surveillance preventing intrusion

5. Works for design and construction of the access road to the Platform C „Valves node” Todiresti, Ungheni district

6. Works for design, supply and installation of Monitoring system via sensitive fiber optic cable on the GMS pipeline segment – Platform C „Valves node” Todiresti, Ungheni district (for the remote control).

The tender dossier is available for inspection at MEPIU premises, address: 1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1, Floor 16th, office 163, MD-2068, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova /published on the websites of the Ministry of Economy (www.mec.gov.md) and MEPIU (www.mepiu.md).

WORKS CONTRACT NOTICE could be downloaded here.

The deadline for submission of tender is July 21, 2015 at 11:00.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the websites of the Ministry of Economy (www.mec.gov.md) and MEPIU (www.mepiu.md).E-mail:, tel/fax: +373 22 49 67 90



Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013

Contract title:Supply of Reference-standard measuring equipment for testing GMS working facilities (Ungheni)

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova intends to award a contract within the tender for „Supply of Reference-standard measuring equipment for testing GMS working facilities (Ungheni)”(Interconnection gas pipeline between the Natural Gas Transmission System of Romania and the Natural Gas Transmission System of the Republic of Moldova on the Iaşi (Romania) – Ungheni (Moldova) direction, Grant Contract no. MIS-ETC Code 993, programme of the European Union.)

The tender dossier shall be made available to the interested firms. Your expressions of interest can be sent (for elaboration of the short-list of eventual participants in the competitive negotiated procedure) to the implementing agency (MEPIU) to the e-mail addressby June 1, 2015or

delivered to the MEPIU premises:1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1, Floor 16th, office 163, MD-2068, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova by the same date.

E-mail:, tel/fax: +373 22 49 67 90



Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013

Contract title:Services covering visibility actions for the Project “Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental European Power System

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova intends to award a contract within the tender forServices covering visibility actions for the Project(Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental European Power System), Grant Contract no. MIS-ETC Code 2739, programme of the European Union.

The tender dossier shall be made available to the interested firms. Your expressions of interest can be sent (for elaboration of the short-list of eventual participants in the competitive negotiated procedure) to the implementing agency (MEPIU) to the e-mail address:by June 15, 2015or

delivered to the MEPIU premises:1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1, Floor 16th, office 163, MD-2068, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova by the same date.

E-mail:, tel/fax: +373 22 49 67 90


22.05.15*NEW. The deadline for submission of Bids was pospoined tillJune 11, 2015, 11:00.

Issuing date:27 March 2015

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

Moldova District Heating Efficiency Improvements Project (DHEIP)

Contract Reference:8451-C1.3
IFB Title:Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, and Installation

Reconnection of public institutions/objects to the District System of Chisinau, including new Individual Heating Substations and associated Pipes

Bids must be delivered to the address below at orbefore 11:00 hours on 27 May 2015...moredetailed

*The deadline for submission of Bids is June 11, 2015, 11:00.
