Unit 3 Study Guide: You need to know the following:

The characteristics of the 3 colonial regions (New England, Middle, Southern) in terms of economy, religious climate, and geography.

The differences of Georgia as a royal colony vs. a trustee colony

Georgia’s first governor/government as a royal colony, first state constitution, and when Georgia became a royal colony

French-Indian War: Causes of the war

Washington’s role in the war

End result of the war (territorial gains from the Treaty of Paris)

The British Tax Acts: Know the laws, impact, and colonial reaction to the following (use the chart you have made with your notes)

- Sugar Act

- Stamp Act

- Townshend Act

- Tea Act

- Intolerable Acts

The purpose of the Committees of Safety

Author of the Declaration of Independence

The Proclamation of 1763

First Constitution of the United States

Liberty Boys/Sons of Liberty

Final Battle of the Revolutionary War

The roles of the following people:

- Button Gwinett

- James Wright

- Lyman Hall

- George Walton

- Nancy Hart

- Elijah Clarke

Short Answer: Why was Georgia hesitant to join with the side of the patriots?

OL: List 5 causes of the Revolution (hint: think about the tax acts…)

AC only: Essay: What were the causes of the American Revolution (be sure to include the conclusion of the French-Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, British Tax Acts, Boston Tea Party, and Boston Massacre)