Annual Celebration of the Achievement of Women

Of the Laurentian University Community


The aim of the Annual Awards Celebrationof the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW) is to celebrate the achievement of women associated with Laurentian University. We are therefore looking to honour women who stand out because of their ability, their determination and their courage.

The celebration will be held onFriday, March 6, 2015. The recipient or recipients will be honoured at a reception, their names will be inscribed on a plaque and a celebratory certificate will be awarded to them by the President of the University.

Laurentian is a bilingual university with a tri-cultural mandate to support Aboriginal students. Its diverse community includes:

Students- full-time, part-time, distance and graduate

Faculty - full-time, part-time, research, retirees, alumni

Staff- full-time, part-time, union and non-union, retirees

Board Members

Nominees should reflect the diverse composition of the University community in their North Eastern Ontario residency, their ethnic and/or language affiliation, their success in non-traditional areas and their willingness to accept publicity.

Nominations for the PACSW award are currently being accepted. If you know of a deserving nominee, within our diverse community, who meets the criteria as defined in the attached form, we invite you to submit their name, in confidence to:

The Presidential Advisory Committee on the Status of Women


No later than February 17, 2015

P.S. Please demonstrate how your nominee meets all of the criteria outlined in the attached document and elaborate on why she should be selected as a recipient.

Thank You!

*Please note that the nominee must be able to attend the ceremony to receive an award, should she be selected for one.



Awards for Exceptional Women/ Prix pour femme exceptionelles

Previous winners / Récipiendaires:

1991 / 1997 / 2003 / 2009
Karen Blackford
Marian Croft
Elaine Dupuis
Wendy Jerome
Barbara Riley / Marie–Luce Garceau
Joyce Garnett
Ann Matte
Marge Reitsma–Street
Sue Vanstone
Pat Rogerson / Helen Francis
Mercedes Steedman
Patricia Tobin / Diane Daigle
France Jodoin
Marj Kelly
Mandy Lamarch
1992 / 1998 / 2004 / 2010
Monica Collins
Evelyn Ham
Lori Kirwin
Monique Landry–Sabourin
Dorothy Zaborski / Tricia Burke
Jennifer Keck
Joscelyne Meilleur–Seguin
Mary Powell
Kelly Wharton / Gisèle Chretien
Diane Iuele-Colilli
Lyne Rivet
Alison Godwin / Gail Charbonneau
Barbara Hein
Colette Prevost
1993 / 1999 / 2005 / 2011
Dyane Adams
Linda Delwo
Helen Joly
Debra MacLennan
Terry MacMillian
GisèlePageau / Christiane Bernier
Barb Garon
Louise Picard
Dorothy Pitzel
Dominic Vidmar / Kathryn Irwin-Séguin
Melissa Keeping
Sandy Knox
Claudette Larcher
Pat Pickard / Sharon Murdock
Tammy Eger
Therese Wilson
Natalie McLean
1994 / 2000 / 2006 / 2012
Jean Baxter
Patricia Hennessy
Siobhan Kari
Gertrud Lewis
Rachelle Prud’homme / Linda Ambrose
Mary Ann Corbière
Joanne Nother
Mara Waern / Diane Massicotte
Joy Rudd
Laura Young / N/A
1995 / 2001 / 2007 / 2013
Holliday Tyson
Margaret Kechnie
Lynda Nicholson
Molly Hancock / Darlene Naponse
Bernadette Schell
Gabrielle Lavigne
Donna Mese
Maureen Lacroix / Marg Barry
Ginette Michel
Shannon Hengen / N/A
1996 / 2002 / 2008 / 2014
Gail Emmerson
Tricia Leduc
Carole Suschnigg
Yvonne Roy
Irene Caufield-Cook / JohanneRioux
Joan Mount
Mary Recollet
Carol Stos
Samantha Espley-Boudreau / Kristin Hall
Freda Recollet
Sylvia Carscadden
Deborah Robertson / N/A

Nomination Form for the Annual Status of Women Awards

The following nomination information is required:

Name of person nominated:

Department (if applicable):



Nominated by:

Department (if applicable):


Nomination Criteria to be met and required documentation:

This award is in recognition of those women who contribute to the advancement of women’s issues through personal activities, their involvement in committees, social causes, issues related to women, etc.

Nomination Criteria Questions: (Please answer the following questions using the form below)

  1. How does your nominee demonstrate her commitment to and advocacy for improving the lives of women and/or girls? (400 words maximum) 25 points
  1. Why is your nominee recognized as a “Door Opener” and/or “Role Model”? A Door Opener helps women to achieve greater independence and success in traditional and non-traditional careers; a Role Model leads by example, mentoring and educating. (150 words maximum) 20 points
  2. What impact has the leadership of your nominee had on other women and/or girls? (150 words maximum) 20 points
  3. How has your nominee broken new ground or old barriers? How has she been an agent for change in a particular environment or has she made an impact in her chosen field of endeavour? (150 words maximum) 20 points
  1. How is the nominee associated with Laurentian University (give examples)?

6. Give a short bio of the nominee along (250 words maximum).

7. Current contact information of the nominee. Contact information will be kept confidential and will be destroyed after the Awards Celebration.